"Hello, mom. I'm going back now from the southern city. But I'm going straight to Ed's house" Ji contacted Gina on her way to the house in the south to pick up her belongings

"What about Leo and Vio's problems?" Ask Gina to her daughter

"Mom there's no need to worry. There's no problem that I can't solve. I've solved the big problem. Let Leo learn to handle the rest himself." Answer Ji casually

"Okay then. Be careful on your way and say hi to Ed's parents"

"Okay mom. I'll get it to uncle Erik and aunt Maria" Ji and Gina ended the call between the two of them.

Ji finally arrived at the south house, she immediately walked to the room to get his things. Then call Aunt Sani

"Aunt Sani!"

"Yes miss. Is there anything I can help you with?" Aunt Sani quickly got in front of Ji