On a remote island in country A. Ed begins to swim to the shore after adrift for several hours in the blue sea with a petrified suitcase adrift.

"Help! Help! "

His voice was so low, almost inaudible, Ed barely had any strength, his body was limp, his throat was dry. His voice seemed to be missing from his throat. Finally, he lost consciousness again

"Look at that, there's someone lying on the beach! " Shouted a fisherman who saw Ed was unconscious on the sand, his body was soaking wet and wounds all over his body.

"Right, we'll see if he's still alive or not? "

Several fishermen immediately ran to Ed who was unconscious. They turned Ed's body to look at him

"Do any of you know this man?" Asked the fisherman who first found Ed, his name was Paul. The fishermen looked at each other than shook their heads

"I don't know him, but I think I've seen his face before. It's just that I forgot where I've seen it" replied one of the fishermen with a face that seemed to think

" Good. Let's take him to my house first for treatment. Also call the doctor to check it " Paul asked the other fishermen.

"Okay, let me just call the doctor! "A fisherman ran to call the doctor. Paul and several others picked up Ed and carried him to Paul's house, whose house was not too far from the beach

They laid Ed slowly on a bed made of bamboo.

"Looks like he's not from this area. From his appearance too, he doesn't seem like an ordinary person"

"That's right, he's white and tall. The clothes and watches he wears also look expensive."

"The doctor has arrived here" said the fisherman who had called the doctor

"Excuse me, let me check first"

A beautiful girl walks through a crowd of fishermen wearing Snell and carrying the medical suitcase she needs for treatment. Her name is Doctor Mitha

"How's it going doc? "Ask Paul to Doctor Mitha

"Looks like he's been in the water too long and the wound on his head also made him lose enough blood to make him weak. But now his condition is better. It's just that we don't know when he will wake up." Doctor Mitha explained patiently and kindly. He kept looking at Ed's face

"You can take him to the clinic if you find it difficult to treat him" Doctor Mitha offered

"It's okay doc. Sea conditions are high tide. We can't go to sea, so I can take care of him. Maybe later I'll call the doctor back when he's conscious" replied Paul politely

" Good. It's a painkiller, and the wound should never be exposed to water. Change the bandage and clean the wound every day, to prevent infection."

"Okay doc. I see "

"Then excuse me to go back to the clinic" Say goodbye to Mitha doctor who then immediately turned around

"Let me take you to the dock," said the fisherman who had previously picked up Doctor Mitha

"Is there any identification? "Ask one of the fishermen

"There doesn't seem to be any. In his pants pocket there is absolutely no identification "

"Then we can only wait for him to come to his senses to ask for his identity."


Vio and Leo have arrived at the office and went straight to Fabian

Knock knock

" Get in!" Fabian raised his head to see who entered his room

"Looks like you want"

"How's dad? Mr. Jek said that dad wanted to see me. Is there anything important? "Leo asked who had just entered Fabian's room followed by Vio who walked behind him

"Hello uncle. How are you? "Greet Vio politely

"My news is good, Vio. You must be tired after a long journey. Sorry, uncle immediately asked you to come here without letting you rest first "

"It's okay, uncle. We don't feel tired at all"

"Father, are you okay? Dad's face looks pale " Asked Leo who was standing in front of his father, he looked worried seeing his father's pale face

"Father is okay. I want to give you this. This is the key to the safe where dad keeps our securities. The safe is at the bank. You have to take good care of all the letters. Don't fall into the wrong hands"

"Why did you give this key to me? We can take care of it together."

"You've grown. I'm sure you can take good care of it. Dad can't always be by your side. Dad can leave you anytime. That's why I have to give this to you before it's too late." Fabian smiled gently with his face getting paler

"Why did dad say that? I don't understand, and I don't want to accept this key. So Leo begs, for dad to take back the keys"

"Son, dad can't… Ah! " Suddenly Fabian held his chest which seemed to hurt

"Father! "

"Uncle! "

Leo and Vio suddenly shouted. Their faces turned panicked with wide eyes when they saw Fabian. Leo quickly ran to Fabian's side, followed by Vio.

"Mr. Jack! Mr. Jack! " Leo shouted who was now supporting Fabian's neck in his hand

"Son you have to be strong! You can't be weak. And you must not lose the battle" Fabian forced his words though haltingly

"Father has to endure! " Tears are now flowing from his beautiful eyes

"Daughter Vio, uncle, leave Leo to you. Please take care of him, accompany him always. Don't let him be sad! "The message to Vio who has also been in tears

"Okay, uncle. Vio will always accompany Bro Leo. Vi will not let Leo be sad, and Vio will never leave him alone sob… sob… sob…"

"Young master called me? Sir! "Jek who just entered was very surprised to see his great master's helpless state

"Jek, take care of my son. Accompany him and never leave him."

" Yes sir! "Jek answered obediently. He is Fabian's assistant and confidant

"Dad!!! Sob… sob… sob…," Leo shouted, crying as soon as Fabian closed his eyes

"Brother Leo be patient. Hopefully Uncle Fabian can rest in peace there! "Vio grabbed Leo's shoulders and tried to strengthen him

"Mr. Jek, does your father have a history of illness? " Leo asked with a cold tone, but tears still flowed in his eyes

"Master has been sick all this time, but his condition is getting better after the young master comes home. The doctor said the same thing. I don't know why all of a sudden sir..."

Jack answered with a sad voice

"We have to find the cause of father's death. Don't let dad die in vain"

"Okay young master. We will call the hospital to examine the body."