"Is everything done? " Asked Yudha when he saw Jingga out of her room

"It's dad, Ji has finished all the work that Ji has to finish immediately"

"Adel, Bina, I'm entrusting this company to you again. I have faith in both of you. If there is a problem, you can contact me immediately. You understand right? "

"Don't worry, Ji. You can trust us. Hopefully Ed is found soon, and you can come back here with us"

"Thank you, I'll go first"

" Good. Take care. Don't forget to contact us if you need help"

" Certain. See you "

Ji put on her sunglasses and walked away with Yudha and Hendri leaving the room. Of course, it was a rare sight because it was the first time Ji walked hand in hand with her father after her identity was known.

"Dad, are you sure that we can find Ed?" Ji asked with a sad face and a doubtful look

"You have to believe my dear. Because no matter what, we will try to find out where it is."

"Thanks dad"

They left for the airport to fly to country A. Ji didn't say much anymore. She was silent during the trip, Yudha repeatedly invited her to talk, but the child only answered each of Yudha's questions briefly.


On the fisherman's island, Ed was unconscious, before that Ed had a high fever, maybe because of his wound or because he had been in the water for too long. Doctor Mitha patiently treated him because Paul finally brought Ed to the clinic

"Who are you really? And where did it come from? How can you get hurt like this? Tall body, handsome face, classy clothes. Looks like you're not an ordinary person" Doctor Mitha muttered while continuing to pay attention to Ed

"Eummm, Ji, Ji," Ed muttered under his breath.

Doctor Mitha didn't hear it very clearly. She went back to check on Ed's condition. The heat has started to drop. He moved his fingers slightly

"Hey, hey, can you hear me? Thank goodness he has passed his critical period" Doctor Mitha said to himself

Slowly, Ed started to open his eyes. He blinked many times

" Where is this? How can I be here? Ah, my head hurts so bad" Ed muttered as he thought about what had happened to him and clutched his head

"Are you aware? You've been unconscious for a few days " said the doctor Mitha when he saw Ed opened his eyes

" Where is this? And, who are you?" asked Ed in a still weak voice

"Don't move too much just yet! Your wound is still not dry. It's on a fishing island. Some fishermen previously found you lying unconscious on the beach, with a number of wounds all over your body, so they brought you here. I'm Mitha, the doctor here." Explained doctor Mitha who was now sitting next to Ed and handed him a glass of water. Doctor Mitha returned to check Ed's current condition

Ed lowered his head and his eyes stared blankly at the glass of water that Mitha had just given him

" Airplane accident. Yes I remember! Because I've been in a plane crash before. My queen, you must be really worried about me right now? I'm safe, and you must keep your promise to wait until I return to your side! "

"Can I borrow your cell phone?" said Ed in his even tone

"Yes, but the telephone network in this place is very unstable. The signal keeps going up and down " Doctor Mitha explained while reaching into her snell pocket to take out the cellphone inside

" Thank you! "

Tuuut tuuut tuuut

The number you dialed is currently out of reach

Ed tried to contact Ji many times. But it didn't work

"How about this? The phone didn't work at all. Mom and Dad, I have to contact the two of them too"

Tuuu tuuut tuuut

The number you dialed is busy. Please leave a message after the sound, "Beep! "

Dad, mom, it's me. I am fine. I am currently on a remote island on a fishing island. I will try my best to return to your side as soon as possible. Please tell… Tuut tuut tuuut*

"Ah, the network is disconnected! Later I can try again " Ed muttered after the phone in his hand suddenly turned off

"Thanks for the cell phone, the network is terrible" Ed handed the phone back to the doctor Mitha

"Where exactly is this? Is it far enough from the western city? "

"Yes, we are on a small island in the east. To get here can not be passed by road. Only by sea. The air route is also very difficult because the island is small, so there is no airport or plane landing place " Doctor Mitha explained calmly

"It seems the doctor is also not from the original residents here? "

"That's right, I come from the south but was assigned here, because here there are no medical personnel and the population is still left behind. Do you remember who you are? "

"I'm Edward, I'm from the western state of A. Previously I was on a plane from country F, but there was an accident… Aahh "Ed again feels pain in his head and legs

"Let's not talk too much anymore. You should go back to rest first " Doctor Mitha suggested to Ed. But after doctor Mitha left Ed could no longer close his eyes, he remembered Ji

"My queen, how are you? You must have thought that I had died in that accident. I survived, wait for me, we can definitely meet again" He muttered with tears in his eyes


" Not! Ed!! "

Ji who fell asleep on the plane suddenly wakes up from a bad dream

"What's wrong Ji? Did you have a bad dream? "Asked Yudha panicked

"Dad, Ji dreamed of Ed. He said that, I have to wait for him, he will come back to me dad… he will come back to me… sob… sob… sob…"

Ji smiled but tears also flowed at the same time

"Sweetheart calm down. We're definitely looking for it. We'll find him"

Yudha hugged the princess in his arms. He also could not see the sadness of the princess.

Soon they arrived at the airport

"Ji, dad has sent dad's men to look for Ed around the accident site. Now you have to go home first. No need to join the quest"

Ji shook his head

"No, Ji wants to come looking for Ed. I don't want to go home"

"But Ji, you are…"

"It's okay dad. Ji is fine"

Ji tried to smile even though her face was pale. Yes, since Ed's accident Ji can't rest properly. Every time Ji close her eyes, Ed's face will always appear in her dreams

"Okay, we'll go directly to find Ed"