Some students were still staring in disbelief at Cheva's usual friendly attitude now being indifferent.

Whereas a young man who was standing not far from there and saw everything that happened from the start, actually smiled at his attitude

"You really are a stupid girl, when everyone blasphemes you, you smile cheerfully. Whereas when everyone tries to be nice to you, you just ignore them and act indifferent" said Lian who continued to stare at Cheva who had walked further away.

"How long are you going to keep staring at him? She has walked farther and farther." Diaz whispered who had been standing behind Lian for some time.

"You just surprised me! How long have you been standing there?" Lian said in an annoyed tone

"Obviously I know quite well that secretly you always smile watching my sister" Diaz teased Lian

"Come on let's go home! "Take Diaz while walking away leaving Lian