Diaz was in his classroom when his pictures with Anggun started to spread on-campus forums

" Isn't this Diaz and Anggun? Are they together now?"

"Yeah, I saw him before walking gracefully down a deserted alley. Maybe they were together."

" If they are together, why is Diaz not responding to this post at all?"

"Hello," Diaz ignored their conversation about him and received a call from Lian in an empty room with only herself

"Hi Diaz, he said you just came back after visiting Tania. Don't you intend to visit me even though we are not far apart? It seems you forgot about me after being surrounded by girls on campus," Lian said in a calm tone from the other side of the phone

"Hah, I thought it was you who forgot about me after having sex with my sister," Diaz mocked Lian again

"I'm planning to jump into the company. What do you think?" Diaz asked his best friend