Chapter 6 Flying

"Ignis" I said pointing at the large amount of meat Cedric and I had brought back from the market. Nyx and Drazyn didn't hesitate to breath fire on the meat. It took only seconds to cook it. "Good job" I said petting them. "Now go eat" I said and they listened.

"It truly is amazing how well they obey you" Cedric said appearing behind me. I turned to him. "It's only because I raised them" I said. "What is your next plan for them?" He asked taking a step closer towards me. I turned and looked at them as they ate for a moment, then turned back to Cedric. "I intend to learn how to ride them" I told him. "Ride them?" He Questioned. "Yes and teach them to fight if it comes to it" I replied.

"And when will you start this dangerous training of yours?" He asked seemingly annoyed. "As soon as their done eating" I answered. "Marianna I don't think this is the safest option for you" he said I sighed. "It is far from safe but it's better they learn now before it's to late" I said. "What do you mean, before it's to late?" He asked seemingly offended. "The king will discover the dragons sooner or later" I told him "they need to learn of ways of defense if they are going to stay safe" I added. "Mari, they are dragons, they are the definition of not safe" he snapped.

Nyx and drazyn suddenly lifted their heads and turned to us. They slowly walked over, approaching both of my sides from behind with a low growl obviously aimed at Cedric. "Sh... it's ok he won't harm me you know that" I said as they laid their heads on both of my shoulders and I began to scratch their chin.

Cedrics eyes went wide for a second, almost as if he had a realization. Then he sighed. "Perhaps your right" he said "I apologize... how can I help" he added. "Just make sure I don't die" I said an awkward smile.

"Alrignt Nyx we'll start with you" I said rubbing her neck as I approached her side. "Lay down" I told her, and she slowly laid down her neck and head. That was the safest spot on her for me to ride.

I slowly got on her, as I continued to pet her "good girl" I said. As I just sat in her for a moment. "Up" I said causing her to quickly stand almost making me lose my balance. I grabbed on to the horns on her head "let us fly" I said and she quickly shot up into the air. "Ahhhh" I screamed as she continued to fly. I held on to her horns for dear life as I kept my eyes closed, afraid to open them. As the wind slowed on my face, I opened my eyes.

We were in the clouds. "Wow" I said staring at the beautiful blue of the sky. Nyx began to almost purr as I took one hand off her horn and began to pat her neck. This was less scary then I thought it would be. The only sound I heard was the loud flap of her wings as she continued to slowly fly in the sky. "Ignis" I said. Without hesitation she breathed fire. Causing us to fly through the remnant heat of it.

Suddenly Drazyn appeared, flying side by side with nyx.

"Alright you two let's head back" I said causing both of them to slowly turn. Was this truly what it felt like to fly. To be a dragon.

It didn't take us long to get back to the forest where Cedric was waiting. As soon as we landed I hopped of of nyx and ran to him. "That was amazing" I said excitedly. "At first I was afraid but once I got used to the air and i opened my eyes it was absolutely beautiful" I continued as I did a spin. "I see why the dragons love to fly as much as they do" I finished as a smile still coverd my face.

Cedric just stared at me for a second. His look was that of astonishment. He raised his hand to my face and brushed my hair behind my ear. I just stared at him for a second "it seems as if you enjoyed yourself" he said in a way that made me think he was forcing himself not to say or do something. "Is everything ok?" I asked him concerned.

He smiled "everything is fine rest assured" he said in the same way" "Cedric..." I said but was interrupted by a man appearing out of nowhere. "My Lord" he said causing Cedric to turn around. "What is it William" he asked. "A messenger from the royal family had arrived, my lord" the butler William said in a neutral tone. He was an older man one who looked like he had worked for the dukes family for quite some time.

"Stay here mari" Cedric said turning to me. "Actually my lord it would be best if the young lady came along" William said. I looked at Cedric, a worried look no doubt on my face. He lightly grabbed my hand "it will be fine" he said then began to lead me out of the woods and I to his mansion, where the messenger was.

"Duke Cedric Winchester, I have a letter for you from the king" he said handing Cedric the letter. "I shall take my leave" he said giving a bow then quickly leaving. William handed Cedric a letter opener. Cedric quickly opened ot and handed the letter opener back to William, then pulled the letter out and began to read it.

I could see his face fill with anger for a moment then Slight relief, but he was pretty obviously still annoyed, he handed the letter to William then sighed. "What is it" I asked. Cedric looked at me worry on his face. "It doesn't seem the king knows about the dragons" he said. "Thank heavens" said with a sigh of relief. "But" he said causing me to look back up at him. "You have here by been summoned to return back to the castle" he said making my eyes go wide.

"It seems the king has found you" he added solemnly.