Chapter 7 Royal

"I got a summons" I said in almost a whisper. "Yes" Cedric replied. "For when?" I asked not looking at him. "This afternoon" he said. "Then I suppose it would be best if I left now... it'll take a few hours by carriage" I said. "The king has prepared one for you already" Cedric said with a pitiful look on his face.

I hugged Cedric. "Take care of my dragons" I whispered in his ear as he hugged me back and nodded, as I whispered one more thing before releasing him from the hug.

He escorted me outside where the carriage and roughly 10 knights stood waiting for me. "Princess we are here to escort you back to the capital" the knight captain said giving me a bow. "Of course" I said as I walked past him to the carriage. Another knight helped me on and closed the door behind me as I sat down.

It was obvious how my father found me. The answer was simple. Victoria. Though if she found me then the possibility she knew of nyx and drazyns existence was high. So why didn't she tell father, I thought as the carriage began to move. What in the world was my elder sister planning.


I could see the look in Mariannas eyes when she heard she was summoned by the king. They were full of pain. She obviously didn't wish to go back, yet didn't fight it. Was it because she knew her father would send guards to escort her back? Or because she didn't want to take any risk of nyx and drazyn being exposed to the king. Was there anything I could do help her, other then take care of the dragons. What was I to do?


It took us a few hours to get to the capital, as we went through town everything became familiar. I absolutely hated it. It didn't take us much longer to get to the castle from there. When I got off the carriage I was greeted by My sister Victoria who stood infront of my Brother Arthur. Along with a few servants.

"Sister it's been so long" Victoria said walking closer to me. "I saw you really began to love living your life as a Commoner" she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Why did you tell him, I was out of your way Victoria I was a Commoner why have me brought back?" I questioned. She came closer to me. "Because I know your secret Mari and so does he" she whispered in my ear then stood up straight and took a step back. "Come now father is expecting you" she said turning around and walking away,my brother followed her.

The servants then surrounded me forcing me to follow as well all the way to the throne room where my father waited.

Nothing had changed. My siblings and I entered the throne room and there my father sat upon his throne. My sister gave a curtsy and my brother bowed "we greet the king" they said at the same time. "You two may leave" my father said waving his hand. They did as they were told and as they left a few guards entered blocking the door. "I Marianna, greet the king" I said giving q curtsy.

He looked at me annoyed. "I see you don't even see yourself as a member of the royal family anymore" he said looking down at me. "No your majesty I do not" I replied "I didn't think you saw me as one either since you told the empire I died" I added looking up at him.

He was silent for a moment. Then stood from his throne. I tilted my head down as he walked over to me. "I missed you my daughter, don't think for a second I didn't" he said standing infront of me. "I wish I could believe your highness. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. Anger was in his eyes and I had no doubt he could see the fear in mine.

"You have changed quite a bit" he said. "I'm not under your control anymore" I said through gritted teeth. "We shall fix that" he said pushing me away. "Take her to the dungeon" he said and the knights quickly grabbed me. "NO... LET ME GO!" I screamed as they dragged me out. I knew what his aim was "LET ME GO!" I continued to scream as they dragged me down to a cell. I couldn't let him succeed. If he managed to brainwash me again like Victoria and Arthur he would no doubt gain control of the dragons.

They tossed me in a cell and tied me up. I likely wouldn't be here long, a night at most before he would bring me up to the illusion room.

I was smart to bring a small knife. I pulled it out of my belt and quickly cut the rope. Then stood up and began to dust myself off. Then put the small knife in the cell lock and quickly picked it, unlocking it and setting me free. It was a skill I picked up from my childhood one my father seemed to have forgotten.

I didn't hesitate and ran as fast as I could. "The princess is gone" I heard a man yell. That was quick I thought to myself as I continued to run through the dungeon, this place was like a maze. "OVER HERE!" A man yelled, as now a group of knights chased me throughout the dungeon. I turned many corners, but no matter what I did I couldn't lose them, was this place spelled. It must've been, it was never like this before.

Suddenly I was surrounded. "It would be best if you came with us princess" a gurad said as the others held out their sword. "Please I beg of you don't take me please" I said begging. "Grab her" the man said and they listened "NO PLEASE STOP" I screamed as they grabbed me. Suddenly I felt a thud on the back of my neck and the next thing I know everything is black.