Chapter 8 Illusion



Marianna opened her eyes and recognized where she was immediately. The illusion room. The place her father sent her and her siblings as children in order to control them.

Marianna was standing, her wrists tied to the wall behind her equal to her head. It bo doubt wouldn't be long before the room filled with Lavender scented gas, that would weaken her mind and induce illusions.

"Ah your awake" the king said as he entered the room. Marianna stayed silent. "I'll give you a choice. You can give me what I want willingly or we can do this the hard way" the king said with a smug smile. "I will never give you what you want" she said. The kings smile faded. "Then you will stay in this room until you are back to the way you were" he said then turned away from her. "Fill the room" the king said as he left and locked the door.

The room began to smell of Lavender. How long could she last marianna wondered, the gas had only just started filling the room and she could already feel her mind slipping away while her will held on. It wouldn't be long before the hallucinations started. She knew she couldn't let her father win but how could she possibly stop him.

He was king, and what was she. "You are a dragon" a voice filled her ears suddenly. What in the world did that mean. "Oh my child" a familiar female voice said. It was obviously a hallucination. But she recognized the voice of her birth mother. "Mom" Marianna said "you are so strong my child" the voice of her mother said. "I won't let him take them... I won't let him use them for war" Marianna said. "Good" the voice of her mother rang out. "What?" Marianna questioned.

"Your father the king is a tyrant. One who does not deserve to be king. He has killed many of those around him including myself if one is not useful to him he throws them away" her mothers voice explained. "My dearest Marianna you are the only one who can stop your father" she said. "How?" Marianna asked. "Your a dragon" she said "be a dragon" she added.

Mariannas eyes suddenly snapped open, she was still under the gas's influence but was now more aware.

Suddenly the door opened. "See I told you" a guard said to another as they entered the room and walked over to her. "Look at her she's completely under the influence of the gas" said the same guard. Why in the world were they there? Marianna wondered. She couldn't move, couldn't speak. She was completely stuck.

"Watch this" said the other guard that came in. Suddenly me punched marianna in the gut. "Ha ha" the other guard laughed. "Oh you know what we could do?" the first guard asked. "What?" Asked the second. "I always wanted to do it with a princess" said the first guard.

No they couldn't, could they. Marianna thought. We're they going to.... how could she stop them. She was unable to move more or less fight back. The first guard untied her rope from the wall but still had her hands tied together.

They laid her on the floor and just stared at her for a moment as they both smiled, they knew exactly what they wanted to do. Fear began to fill Marianna. This can't happen, she can't let this happen she has to wake up she has to stop them. This can't happen. Do many thoughts filled her head as they began to take off their armor. They both intended to do it to her.

Marianna tried and tried to regain control of her body but to no avail. Everything was in slow motion right now. She had no control, she could feel the tears falling from her eyes. As the first guard began to kiss her neck. He fully intended to have fun with this. Please stop... please. Marianna tried to beg but her mouth wouldn't move.

She felt disgusting and violated as the guard began to work his way down her body. *your a Dragon* she suddenly heard in her mind again. What did that mean. She thought as she realized she began to have control over her body. She didn't hesitate to kick the guard in his nuts, and punch him in the face making him fall off her giving her room to move away from them.

"You little bitch" the said rubbing his cheek as Marianna watched them tears still falling from her face. "I'll kill you" the man said standing up. Marianna quickly did the same. She was so afraid previously she didn't even realize her clothes were torn until now.

"Not if I kill you first" Marianna said anger all over her face. Her eyes now gave off a strange green glow. Causing the guards to take a step back for a moment. *Be a Dragon* the strange voice filled her head again.

Marianna pulled out the small knife she had hidden on her belt and held it out. "I will make sure you can't do anything like that again" marianna said pointing the knife at the two guards. They both laughed. "You think you can take on the two of alone" the first guard said. "No" marianna said as she heard a roar from above her. She knew exactly who it was. She didn't know how they found her or how they knew she was in danger but she didn't care. "IGNIS!" Marianna yelled as the ceiling above them melted around them.

There they were, her baby's, her dragons, Nyx and drazyn. Along with Cedric who was riding drazyn. The two dragons landed in the room behind her and Cedric hopped off drazyn, ran to marianna took off his cloak and wrapped it around her.

The two men looked at the dragons in fear. They knew what was to come. "Ignis" marianna said and the dragons breathed their fire on the two men, who had now become ash. In the blink on an eye them men who had assaulted her were ash and here she still stood. "Let's get you back" Cedric said quickly. "Please" marianna said looking at Cedric, pain in her eyes.

To Be Continued.


if you have been sexually assaulted please know it is not your fault. Get help however you can. The sexual assault hotline number is (800) 656-4673. You are not alone