Chapter 17 How She Left

What was the point of all of this.

Why am I still here.

Why am I fighting so hard to live a life when in the end I'll die anyway.

Those were the thoughts that filled my head as my world went black.

Then the ones I slowly grew to love along the way filled my mind. Cedric, Nyx, and Drazyn, my grandmother, Salana, Theo.

If it weren't for the day I chose to ran my fate would have stayed the same. I would have been married off to an old man and forced to bare is heirs. But, the day I left, the day I chose a new path, that was the day my fate was changed.


3 Years Prior

"Your highness you have been summoned by the queen" a maid called from out side my room. "Just a moment" I said as I quickly closed the journal I had been writing in and hid it. I walked out of the room, and noticed the butler waiting for me in the hall. "Your Highness" he said with a bow gesturing me to walk in front of him, and so I did.

We walked for what felt like forever in the huge castle before we reached my father's office. I was 14, almost 15 I assumed my father wished to discuss my coming of age ceremony that would be coming up.

The butler knocked on his door. "Come in" he said and the doors opened before me. I entered his office and the doors closed behind me. "I princess Marianna Aneris Sengrid, greet your majesty the king" I said with a curtsy. "Stand" he said. "Do you know why I've called you?" He asked as he continued to write something on a piece of paper.

"I do not your majesty" I answered. He put down his quill and stared up at me. "I have decided the man you shall marry after your coming of age" he said in a serious tone. "Your majesty?" I questioned "you shall marry Count zinger a loyal imperialist, he has offered many things in exchange for you" he said with a straight face. "Your Majesty he is an old man, older then even you" I said In shock.

The king slammed his fist on his desk and stood up. "SILANCE!" he yelled and I quickly tilted my head down. "Upon your coming of age you will marry the count and produce many heirs for him if he so wishes, you will be an obedient wife. You are useless to me in every other aspect the least you could do to repay me for raising such a useless child is marry whom I tell you to marry" he snapped. "Yes your Majesty" I said continuing to bow my head. "You are dismissed leave" he said sitting back down, and I quickly did so.

As soon as his office doors closed behind me I ran down the hall, all the way back to my room, slamming the door behind me as I entered. "I was useless to him" I said talking to myself "If I truly wish to finally be of use I must marry the old count" I said walking to the window. Was this truly what I wanted for my life. To live as a pawn. I thought as I stared out the window.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door "sister it's me" I heard my brothers voice. "You may enter" I said and the door opened. "I suppose father told you" he said as he closed the door. "You knew?" I asked turning to him. "I had heard a rumor" he answered. "I am truly so useless to him that he wishes to marry me to a man who could be our grandfather" I said. "Perhaps you will get lucky and he will die" my brother said taking a step closer to me, was he insane? I thought.

"Moving on from what you just said... I can't marry him" i said. "No I will not marry him" I added. "And how exactly do you plan to not marry him Mari even if he does manage to die before you wed father will just sell you to someone else" my brother said. "She must run" I heard my sisters voice from behind me. I turned and there she was. "How did you..." "a teleportation spell one very few know" she interrupted. "You don't truly expect father will just let her run do you" my brother said annoyed.

"We will help her" Victoria said a matter of Factly. "Though if we're caught I have no doubt he will send us back to the illusion room" she added. "Would you truly help me to leave this place" I asked. "You are not like me or brother. You are not his heir, nor are you someone with with powerful magic such as myself. But you are still my baby sister and I will do anything to make sure you are not married off to an old man such as the count" Victoria said a hint of anger in her voice.

The plan would soon be set into motion. And with the help of my siblings I would leave that horrible palace and not look back.


Present Day

I opened my eyes, to see myself in An unfamiliar room. I was in no pain, yet I was still exhausted. "Your awake" Theo said as he looked at me with concern. He sat in a chair next to the bed. "I'm ok?" I questioned. "I had a powerful potion I used to save your life" he said honestly. I sat up. "Did you find the assassin?" I asked looking at him. "I'm working on it" he said. "How do you feel are you in any pain?" He asked. I shook my head. "I am only annoyed I didn't see such a trivial attempt" I replied. "In a few days I think it would be best if we made our way to Samona" I told him "I wish to have this whole continent in my hands when we wage war against my father, I also wish to show the person who sent the assassin that they have no clue whom they are messing with" I said in a deep tone.