Chapter 18 New things

WARNING THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT TOWARDS THE END OF THE CHAPTER IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT YOU CAN SKIP OVER IT. (I'm not exactly the best at writing those scenes so if I'm wrong then oops that's on me)


"I know it was you" I said to the queen as I sat across from her drinking tea. "I'm sorry to say I'm unsure of what you mean" Elisabeth said as she took a sip of her tea. "I'm sure you don't" I said "am I to suppose that if Something had happened to the crown prince instead of myself you would find the true culprit then?" I asked her. She glared at me for a moment then put down her tea cup.

"It is a truly unfortunate thing what happened to you Princess" she said "if ever I was to have such a thought of killing you then I wish my head cut off" the queen said as if swearing on her life. "Oh that can most certainly be arranged" I said through gritted teeth. "After all if you are truly not responsible then there is nothing to fear" I told her. "Yes, I suppose your right" he said in a low voice.

"So when is it you and my dear son Intend to leave?" She asked. "In 2 days time your majesty" I told her. "And your destination?" She asked. "Samona" I answered obviously. "Ah the Dessert Empire" was all she said. "I wish you luck on your travels" she said With a smile. "How kind of you your majesty" I said standing up. "Excuse me, I believe its time I take my leave" I told her "of course" she said.

I left the room and began to walk down the hall "Mari" I heard my name. "Theo" I said with a smile as I looked up and saw him walking towards me. "Is it alright for you to be up like this you were almost killed no less the 2 days prior" he said with a worried expression. "The potion you gave me healed me completely" I said. "And I wish to see my dragons" I told him "I just worry you push yourself to much" he said. "Then come with me" I said grabbing his hand. He nodded, and followed me to where the dragons stayed outside the castle.

"They seem to have grown" I said as we approached them "their the size of a house now, I wonder how big they'll get" I said with a chuckle as I stopped infront of them.

They lowered their heads and I began to pet them. "Would you like to pet them?" I asked turning to Theo. "Would they let me?" He chuckled. "They allow anything I do" I said to him. He took a few steps forward and lightly touched drazyns nose, then began to pet it. "After I was shot with the arrow I had a dram of my past" I told him. And he just looked at me. "It reminded me how useless my father truly thought I was to him" I continued. "But now... I look at nyx and drazyn and I can't help thinking it was because no one knew I'd be connected with dragons.... no one would have expected it considering they vanished from the world so long ago" I told him "I'm glad I was useless to him, if he knew that one day I would possess the most powerful creatures in the world I have no doubt he would have focused more on controlling me just like my siblings" I said. "And now look at you, your free and even gathering allies to over throw him" Theo said.

"Sometime I wonder if that truly is the right decision" I said looking at the ground. "Why is that?" He asked putting his hand under my chin and pulling it up to look at him. "Hundreds maybe even thousands of people will die if it does not end quickly, weather I use my dragons or not many will die. Is that truly worth it?" I asked him. "Only you can decide that, you have to be the one to decide what it's worth" he said. "Perhaps your right" I said turning to him. He pulled me close. "You know we have yet to consummate our marriage" he said whispering in my ear. "Do you truly wish to do that now?" I asked. "Now would be better then when we are traveling to Samona" he said giving me a list full look. "I suppose your right... it must happen at some point, better it be now" I said to myself. I turned to drazyn and nyx "be good" I said kissing both of their noses. That was when Theo picked me up and began carrying me back into the castle.

"What are you doing" I asked shocked. "Carrying my beloved wife to our bed chamber" he said slyly as he sped up his walking pace. "You are insane" I said with a chuckle. "Only when in comes to you" he said.

We made it to the room and he threw me on the bed. He took off his shirt then held himself above me. "This is your last chance to deny me Mari, I won't be able to hold back if you change your mind later" he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to kiss him. "Go for it" I told him. He smiled.

He began to kiss my neck. "This dress is in the way" he said annoyed as he stopped for a second. Then he ripped it off. "What cheap fabric" he said. Then continued to kiss, as he worked his way down my body. I could tell he was growing impatient. As he struggled to take his pants off. "Having trouble?" I asked sarcastically. "Shut up" he said finally just deciding to rip off his pants.

Oh it was big. I thought not that I thought it'd be small but.... I shook of my thoughts. "I suggest you stop thinking of other things and focus on me he said as he stuck it in. I flinched. It hurt for a moment. But he didn't stop moving. At first it was slow but then he began to pick up the pace, faster and faster. My body began to feel hot as, the thing that was once pain turned into pleasure. "Theo" I moaned is name as I could feel my pleasure rising almost to the point I couldn't control it. He moved faster, harder. Was it supposed to be like this I wasn't sure. It was like my whole body was exploding I couldn't control it anymore. The more he moved the more pleasure I got. My back arched and my eyes rolled almost to the back of my head I couldn't take it anymore.

TO Be Continued