Chapter 19 Victoria

Meanwhile in Zera

"Your Majesty" Victoria said as she entered the kings office. "What?" The king said looking up at her. "She is in Angeria. She married the crown prince. It appears she intends to gather allies by any means so she can go to war with zera" Victoria said as she held her head down. He slammed his fist on his desk causing Victoria to flinch. It was obvious she was Afraid of him. Years in the illusion room would make anyone not only fear him but obey him.

"She finally becomes of use to me and decides to fight me. She exactly like her whore of a mother" he said through gritted teeth. Though Victoria couldn't say it out loud she was proud of her sister. Proud of her accomplishments. Victoria prayed that Marianna would succeed. After all their father was worse then any tyrant or monster.

"You may leave' the king said, and she quickly did as she was told, and left his office. Victoria was 20 years old. On the outside she was known as the perfect princess. Beautiful, powerful, mature. But in reality she was a doll. It was as if her soul was trapped in her own body and there was nothing she could do.

She made it to her room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against it for a moment before she fell, her back sliding against the rough wood of the door before her butt git the ground. The tears that has welled up in her eyes began to fall as she cried.

Oh how she hated her life, her father and from Time to time even herself. She wished she could be like Marianna and run away from this horrible place. She wished she could help marianna in fighting her father but she knew she wouldn't win against him. He was to strong.

The only reason Marianna was able to escape was because to him, she was considered useless. No one would have thought she was a dragons heart. Especially since dragons had been gone from the world for so long.

"What can I do to help her when I don't even know her plan" Victoria said to her self in a whisper. Then it hit her. It wasn't as if he didn't keep some sort of control over her magic. But, a small spell.... it would go unnoticed. If she could use a small spell to get in contact with her dear little sister, not only would she be able to free herself but her brother, Arthur.

She took a deep Breath. "But what spell is so small it could go unnoticed?" She asked herself. No maybe this wasn't a good idea. What if she were caught. She wouldn't be strong enough to handle those horrid illusions again.

Fear and uncertainty filled her as she didn't know what to do. Should she take the risk and contact her sister. Or continue as she was.

She stood up and walked to the window. Were these truly her only options. And would marianna even allow her to help. For all Mari knew it could be some sort of trick. A plot created by the king in order to gain her trust so he may take her dragons.

Maybe it's a sacrifice worth making she thought as she grabbed a spell book off the desk. She then opened it up to a page in the back of the book and laid it back down on the desk. Maybe a stronger spell would be better one to portray my full will. She thought to herself.

She knew with a spell like this she would be caught. But, she was so tired. Tired of just letting things be. Tired of being controlled by the king.

She took a deep breath and swallowed almost as if attempting to shove her fear down into the deepest part of her soul.

"Oh mighty God, hear my call, grant me this spell and do not let me be caught, to help my sister I send her some of my power, to grant her luck through the war she wishes to wage" she said as some of her power began to gather infront of her "until my final day, until my final breath let this be with her so she may be safe, let this be with her so she may succeed" Victoria finished and the spell disappeared from the book. The little bit of power that had gathered infront of her shot out of the room into the outside world.

It was a strange spell. One weirdly long and the words didn't make much sense. Yet it was made for her. Almost as if she wrote it herself. It wouldn't be long now until her father sent guards were sent for her.

After all she used magic without permission. But it was to be expected. So she sat on her bed and waited. A few hours went by and the Guarda still hadn't showed. Was it possible that her father didn't know? She wondered. The sun was already beginning to set. Would he ever come.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Enter" she said as she stared out the window. "The king has summoned you your highness" the butler said with a bow. No guards? Did he not know of the spell?

She followed the butler to the kings office. When she entered she did as she always did. "I princess Victoria Sengrid greet your majesty the king" she said with a curtsy.

"Is there something you would like to tell me Victoria?" Her father asked in a stern voice. "I'm not sure what you mean your majesty" she replied with a straight face. He stood up slamming his fist on the desk. "DID YOU TRULY NOT THINK I WOULDN'T KNOW YOU USED MAGIC WITH OUT MY PERMISSION!" He yelled.

"No I knew you would" she said.

"I will give you one chance to explain" the king said obviously angry. But Victoria was done. Done with the world and done with her father.

"Our hate for you runs deep" she said "because of you" she hesitated "until our last day" she continued "until our final breath, our fate is cursed. Mari will no doubt succeed in killing you and become queen. Arthur will die in the war fighting for you. And my soul is forever damned to hell for helping you. You will be our Destruction" she told him.

"Did you see this in that crystal of yours?" The king asked. "Perhaps but the future can still change Father" she said. "Yes it will become a future where I will win Victoria I always win" he told her. "Guards!" The king yelled and they entered the room. "Take the princess to the dungeon" he said sitting down.

They grabbed her by her arms and began to drag her out of the room. "YOU WILL REGRET EVERYTHING YOU DID FATHER UNTIL THE DAY MARIANNA STABS YOU IN YOUR HEART AND SENDS YOUR SOUL TO HELL" she yelled as she was dragged out of the room