Chapter 21 Samona

Meanwhile in Zera

Victoria sat in a cell, she wore a simple purple dress. She had been there for over a week now. Even she wasn't sure what her father had planned for her. Suddenly she heard footsteps. Was it guards... her father... or.

"Victoria" her younger brother Arthur said appearing infront of her cell. "Arthur!" She said shocked running to the bars. "Whatever are you doing here" she asked desperately. I only just heard father imprisoned you. What did you do to make him so angry?" Arthur asked "I betrayed him" she said. "Why not use magic and teleport away, we should have left years ago" Arthur Saud shaking his head. "He would find me in a heartbeat by tracing my magic you know that as well as I" Victoria said. "He intends to have you charged for treason" he said solemnly. "Treason" Victoria repeated. Arthur nodded. Victoria looked down for a moment then back up at Arthur. Tears filling her eyes. "Please tell me it's not true" she pleaded. Arthur just looked at her. "He is choosing a day as we speak. I thought it best I tell you so I snuck down here" Arthur said sadly. Victoria took a deep breath. She couldn't believe it as she took a step back. "He truly intends to have me executed then" she said wrapping her arms around herself. "Yes" Arthur replied.



After a 8 days of travel we soon reached the border of Angeria and Samona. Arriving half a day early gave us much time to set up the camp and rest before we met with the representatives of Samona.

Before I knew it the representatives had arrived at the border and we welcomed them I to the camp. It was early morning theo and I sat outside with the dragons laying beside us as Salana brought the representatives to us.

"I am Farah and this is my brother Hari we belong to the Duke Venice family we are the representatives chosen to meet with you on this day" a young woman said as they both bowed. "It is an honor to meet with your highnesses" the young man spoke up stepping forward.

"We have brought gifts" the man said gesturing to two servants they had brought, who carried a chest over put it on the ground and opened it. It was full of gold, but I was more focused on the servants. No slaves.

I looked at Theo for a minute who stayed silent then looked at the representatives. "How kind, you have brought gold" I said as drazyn who laid next to me lifted his head and I began to pet it.

"I believe Samona already knows I wish to form an alliance the question is what does samona wish in return?" I asked them. The two looked at each other for a brief moment before looking back to me. "The king wishes for a dragon" Hari said simply. I scoffed "one of my dragons?" I questioned with a smile. "Yes your highness the biggest one" said Farah. My smile faded. "It seems your king knows not how a dragon forms a connection" I told them. Hari stepped forward. "If you do not wish to form an alliance by giving a dragon then no alliance shall be formed. The king is fully willing to take them by force, but since you wished for his help he has come to these terms as a show of mercy" Hari said.

Nyx raised her head. "A show of mercy" I said sarcastically. "Did you hear that Theo the king of samona only wishes for one of my dragons since I wish for an alliance as a show of his mercy" I said turning to Theo. "I indeed heard that as well mari" thro replied. "Is this some sort of joke to you?" Hari asked annoyed. "Indeed it must be for your king to wish for a dragon that can not survive without its heart" Theo spoke.

"How dare you" Hari said. "No. How dare you" I said standing causing nyx and drazyn to do the same. "You come to Angeria land and say your king wishes for one of my dragons then also say that if I do not give him one he will fight for both" I said taking a few steps forward. "That is a threat of war and for that I could have you both killed where you stand. because unlike most rulers I do believe in killing the messenger" I said annoyed. "Why you may ask" I added. "Because it sends a message" I said in a whisper like tone.

I then turned and sat back I my chair as nyx and drazyn continued to stand, moving their heads down with a slight growl. They looked at the dragons then back at me. "Y-you promised us safety for this meeting" the girl Farah stuttered. "I did. However, my dragons did not. And I have come to learn that they dislike those who threaten their heart" I told them.

"So" I said "as form of my will and a good gesture I shall give you the gift of your life, and in return you will tell your king that he has until mid day tomorrow to come up with a better term for an alliance or I will have samona turned into the land it lays on... sand" I told them in a serious tone. Theo continued to stay quiet, but I could see the smirk he held from the corner of my eye.

I could see Hari bursting with anger, his attempt to keep it under control was funny. As for the girl Farah, she remaind calm. Maybe she didn't believe my threat, or maybe she had something else in mind.

"You may leave" I told them and guards escorted them and those they cam with back to the border. "It seems things did not go as expected your highness" salana said walking over to me. "That is quite alright Salana" I said. "We will have Samona one way or another I can assure that much" I said.