Chapter 22 Ash

The Capital of Samona

"THAT LITTLE BITCH WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS" the king of samona yelled at Hari and Farah, the representatives he sent.

"She seems powerful your majesty" Hari spoke as he lowered his head. "SHE IS A CHILD" he yelled "SHE HAS NO POWER" he added. "But she does have dragons my king" Farah said. He looked at her "and I believe she has far more power then you believe" she added. He grabbed Farah by the throat. "Say that again if you wish to lose your life girl" the king said. "I-i w-was w-wrong" she choked. The king threw her to the ground. "Of course you were. You are but a useless women" he said. "Ignore what she says I highly doubt she would attack somona with the little troops she has. Tis why she needs us" said the king. "Yes your Majesty" the two said before leaving. "Would you like to go sister or do you wish me to?" Hari asked.

"I shall go brother" she said.


The Border Between Angeria And Samona

"Your highness one of the representatives has arrived" Salana said as Theo and I sat in our tent eating. "Do they come with good news?" Theo asked. "Unfortunately it seems not so your highness" Salana replied. "How unfortunate" I said standing up, Theo also stood up.

The 3 of us walked over to where Salana had brought the representative. This time it was only the girl Farah. "Your Highness Princess Marianna and your highness Prince Theodore I humbly greet you" the girl said with a curtsy. "It seems your king has denied my generosity" I stated. "Yes your highness. The king seems to dislike your message very much" Farah replied. "How unfortunate" I said as i turned to walk away. "The king had full intentions of attacking you your highness" Farah said and I turned back to her. "Why do you tell me this?" I asked her. "The king is a selfish man, who hurts women in many ways whether they be common folk or noble. Perhaps it's selfish of me to ask but I wish you to kill him as I do not have the power to do so myself" Farah pleaded. "So it shall be, you may stay here" I told her then turned and walked away.

Salana and Theo stood shocked for a moment before they ran after me. "Your Highness we can't go to war with samona" salana said. "I must agree to that" Theo said as we continued to walk. I stopped and turned to them. "we will not go to war" I said simply. "We won't?" Theo asked. "Unlike with my own empire I care not for killing those who get in my way, all I need do is ride the dragons to the capital and turn the royal family to sand just as I said I would" I explained. "Sand how will you do that?" Salana asked. "Come now salana your smarter then that they know I mean ash" I told her.

"NYX!" I yelled and she quickly appeared infront of me. I got on her back "drazyn will stay for protection, this will be delt with quickly" I said before nyx took off into the air. It didn't take us long to get to the capital of samona.

We landed in front of the castle, we were quickly surrounded by knights and it took only a moment for the king to come out. "Princess Marianna what a pleasure" the king said sarcastically. "I believe you misunderstand the reason as to why I'm here" I told him. He just stared at me. "Do you have any last words Your Majesty?" I asked.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP SAMONA WITH A MERE DRAGON!" he yelled. "This dragon is far from mere... good bye" I said as nyx flew up I to the air. "IGNIS" I yelled and she let out a long breath of fire on the castle and the knights who had previously surrounded us. In the blink of an eye the king was turned to ash, along with his castle.

I watched as the castle continued to burn. I had truly become a monster. But I had come to for in order to turn back. Samona was now mine. The kings annoying voice was gone from this place. Perhaps I'd be able to make it better, who knows for sure.

Theo along with drazyn salana, Farah and the rest of the camp soon joined me in the capital of samona.

"Farah I need you to gather the remaining samonian troops and bring them here, they are the final piece I need before I go to war with Zera" I told her. "If I may be so bold as to ask.... why don't you do what you have done to samona and turn the king of zera to ash?" Farah asked. "I wish to get the purest revenge on my father and the only way to do that us to take everything he cares for by going to war" I explained. "I see" she said "I will quickly gather the troops" she said.

It wouldn't be long now until the war with my father began. Many would die though I would try my best to keep as many alive and well as possible. In the end war is war and there will always be risks. I hated myself for thinking that. Perhaps I was truly more selfish then I thought.


Meanwhile in Zera

"Brother what in the world are you doing here again?" Victoria asked rushing to the bars. "I wished to say goodbye to you sister" Arthur said. Tomorrow would be the day of her execution. "Arthur I must tell you this before it's to late" Victoria said slightly hesitant. "A war is coming, one where father will force you to fight for him. I beg of you to do everything you can to avoid going to the battle front. You must live" Victoria pleaded. "I will do my best" Arthur said. "I wish I could get you out of here" Arthur said. Victoria shook her head I deserve this for helping him" Victoria said simply. "That wasn't up to you vicky" Arthur said sadly.

"This is God's will dear brother just please make sure to tell Marianna when you see her that I love her as well" Victoria said caressing his cheek. "I shall Vicky I promise" Arthur replied.

To Be Continued