Chapter 24 Queen?


"She was the princess of Zera but she abandoned her position found dragons, became allies with Geria do to her grandmother being the queen, married prince Theodore to become allies with Angeria and when the king refused to become allies with her she had him turned to ash" a random woman spoke in a crowd.

"How can a women become so powerful?" A man asked. "I see why she is known as the princess of Dragons" said another. "I heard that she is able to bathe in the flames of her dragons" said a young women. "I wonder if it's true" said and older women.

"There she is" said a man pointing to a stage. Marianna walked onto the stage. "Your king is dead" were the first words she said. "Samona is currently its own empire, but once Zera is taken over it will join the zerian empire along with Angeria" Marianna spoke. Farah then walked onto the stage. "As of now Farah Venice will be the Grand Duchess Samona, that is all" marianna said before walking off stage.

"Am I truly the best fit to rule Samona?" Farah asked as she followed behind Marianna. "Farah you are not only from a high ranking family of samona but you are from here. I trust and know you therefore you are perfect for the Grand Duchess position" Marianna explained as she continued to walk. "Thank you your majesty" Farah said. Marianna stopped for a moment then turned to Farah confused. "Your majesty?" Marianna questioned with a slight head tilt. "You are a queen now are you not?" Farah questioned.

"Well I'm not sure" marianna said unsure. "But it's been 2 months since you've taken over Samona, the people have been calling you a queen now that things are settled wouldn't it be better to tell the people of your status?" Farah asked. "Your right as of now samona is still its own empire since I took over that does make me queen. I suppose I just never thought of it?" Marianna replied. "Has no one called you your majesty before now?" Farah asked. "No, they all still just call me Mari, Princess or your highness" Mari said with a slight chuckle.

Suddenly Mari became nauseous. She held her stomach and her mouth almost as if to throw up. "Are you ok?" Farah asked concerned. "Excuse me" Mari said before running off.

Marianna along with Theo and their servants and guards were currently staying at the Venice Duchys mansion. "Mari are you ok" Theo asked appearing behind her. She let out a breath and turned to Theo. "Theo" she said. "I felt sick only for a moment" she said taking a few steps towards him.

Concern grew on his face. "Should I call a doctor" Mari shook her head. "I'll be fine just a bug I'm sure" she replied. "Shall we walk?" Theo asked Mari nodded. They continued to walk slowly through the hall way. First in silence then Mari finally spoke.

"You know my birthday passed recently" Mari said out of nowhere. "It did why didn't you tell me?" Theo asked. "I suppose I forgot with everything going on" Mari replied. "Well when was it?" Theo asked. "About a week ago" she answered. "Well then happy 18th year of life" Theo told her. "Thank you" she said "much has certainly happened in the past 8 months" marianna said "yes I know" Theo replied.

"You know I didn't realize that we've known each other for so long" Theo said. "Following you on your journey helping you. Watching you bathe the world in fire" Theo chuckled. "I think it's the most fun I've had in my life" Theo told her. "I believe people forgot I'm not truly a dragon" Marianna said. "I am but just a girl" she added. "No mari your wrong" Theo said turning to her. "You may not look like a dragon but you certainly have the strength of one" he said making her smile.

"Mari" Salana said approaching them "you have guests" salana told her. "Guests?" Mari questioned. "From Zera" Salana replied.

Mari and Theo quickly went to the drawing room when she entered she was shocked to see a familiar face along with a man she'd never seen. "Cedric" Mari said shocked. "Whatever are you doing here?" She asked "My father didn't hurt you did he?" she asked again. "Of course not Mari, I've come here at the request of my dear friend Jon who has been sent by Princess Victoria" he said.

"Victoria?" Mari Questioned. The strange man nodded. " I am Jon Harris, princess Victoria sent me here to give you some unfortunate news I remember that the Duke knew you so I thought it'd be best to bring him" the man said. "It must be bad news if even Cedric came what has happened" marianna said concerned.

Jon hesitated for a minute. "Princess Victoria was charged with treason of the highest degree and Executed" Jon finally spoke. "What?" Marianna asked her eyes wide in shock. "Princess Victoria has died" this time Cedric spoke. "Marianna took a step back. Tears filling her eyes as she recalled her childhood memories. "Please... I beg of you.... please tell me its a lie" marianna said through heavy short breaths. "I wish it was a lie your majesty" Jon said. Marianna turned and began breathing faster.

"My sister is dead" she said clenching her chest. "I should have never left" she said as she began to breathe faster. "Mari you must calm down" Theo said as he held her.

She then pushed him away. "MY SISTER IS DEAD" she yelled. "Mari it isn't your fault" Cedric said. "Be silent!" Theo snapped at Cedric. "I-i can't breathe" she said looking towards Theo. Her head began to feel light. Then she collapsed. "Mari" Theo said catching her in his arms. "Mari... Mari wake up" Theo said desperately. "Mari" Cedric said running to her as Theo picked her up. "Stay away from my wife" Theo said glaring at Cedric. Theo kicked the door to the drawing room open. "Salana call a doctor" he said as he quickly walked in the direction of Mariannas room.