Chapter 25 Unexpected

Theo stood out side the room Marianna and the doctor they called were in. While his worries obviously showed Cedric and Salana stood awaiting the news of her condition, then the door opened, and the doctor came out.

"How is she?" Theo asked desperately. "She will be fine after much needed rest" the doctor said "and I would like to congratulate your majesty for creating an heir" the doctor added."what" Theo said shocked. "Her majesty is with child" the doctor replied. "Here is a list on what she will need and what she should avoid in order to give birth to a healthy heir" the doctor said handing Theo a note, then gave a bow and walked away.

Everyone was stunned. Theo turned to Salana in shock. "This was certainly unexpected" he said as Cedric looked annoyed. "Come" Salana said. "Let us go see her" she added opening the doors to the room.

What would Mari think when she found out. What if her being pregnant ruins her plans. Sure for now she is safe in Samona, but what if The king of Zera decided to attack before she did.

"Mari" Theo said lightly shaking her awake. Mari slowly opened her eyes. "Theo?" Mari questioned "I suppose it's true my sister has died" she said sadly. "I'm so sorry mari" he said pitifully. "It seems there is more news as well though I'm not sure how you'll take it" Theo said. "What is it" Mari asked. "You are with child" he said "with child?" Mari repeated and he nodded.

"That can't be we've only done it once" Mari said. "It only takes one time your Majesty" Salana said. "Yes... Of course" Mari said. "What am I to do?" Mari asked. "I can not fight in a war if I am with child it could die" she said. "And if we wait then my father may attack us first" she added. "Who said you had to fight in the war mari?" Cedric spoke. "If I am to start a war then it is only right to fight along side the people who fight for me" Mari replied.

"You are a queen Now mari queen of Samona to be more precise. no one expects you to fight only lead" Cedric said. Mari gave him a glare "yes your right, I am now queen of Samona" mari said. "But... I am Also the crown princess of Angeria, princess of geria and when I take over Zera I'll be the queen of Zera" marianna said. "If I am to gain the trust of the people who risk their lives to fight for me I must join the fight as well" she told Cedric.

"Why not just use the dragons then?" Salana asked. "If i wish to burn the capital to the ground perhaps buy I do not. As the Dragons grow so do their flame it was hard enough just to burn one castle here" Marianna explained.

"Do... do you wish to get rid of it then?" Theo asked. "No" Marianna said "by marrying you It was a promise i would produce you an heir i also threatenedyour mother id do so" mari continued. "it seems we just have to inhance the armor I wear along with the guards around me as I fight. perhaps that would make it safer" Mari replied. "We should begin preparations immediately" marianna added.

"Salana contact my grandmother the queen of Geria and ask her to prepare the army she wishes to send. Theo I need you to handle contacting your father and" Mari began to give off orders when suddenly Farah entered the room. "What impeccable timing you have Farah" Mari said with a smile. "I need you to prepare the Samonian troops" Mari told Farah. Farah looked at her confused for a moment before she replied. "Yes your Majesty" Farah replied. "We have a less then a month to prepare before I anticipate my father to begin his preparations. He's never been very smart" mari said. "As for me I will...." "you will rest" Theo said. "Rest? There is no time for rest Theo" mari told him. "You now carry an Heir to every empire on this continent in one way or another. You are carrying a king you must rest if you wish to continue to do so" Theo explained.

"I will agree to stay in my room but I will be coming up with the best strategy in order to win this war quickly with the least amount of lives lost" marianna told him. "I do think it best you rest as well mari" Cedric said. Mari just looked at him "I wish to talk with the Duke in privacy" marianna said. "Yes your Majesty" salana and Farah said at the same time before leaving the room.

"You to theo" mari said looking up at him. "Just take it easy" Theo said giving her a kiss on the forehead. Then gave a quick glare to Cedric before leaving the room.

"Do you love him" Cedric asked "he is the person I chose to wed" marianna replied "do you love him" Cedric asked again. "I am carrying his heir after all" mari answered again. "But Do... You... Love... Him? He asked third time slower.

"Cedric you of all people know that marriage is a tool when it comes to nobility and royalty" Mari told him honestly. "So you don't love him?" Cedric asked. "I care for him deeply" she replied "but at this time no I do not love him" she told him. He looked some what relieved for a moment. "But I also believe that love is not something that just happens" marianna told him. "I believe people have a choice in who they love" she added.

"The great poets would disagree with you" he said. "We'll I am no poet" she replied. "Over the past 8 months, every choice I made was for the safety of my dragons along with those who chose to believe and follow me" she explained. "I know I am far from the person I used to be. Much has changed after all but I wish you not to judge them. As before I will not force you to help me. But... I would like it if you did" she told him.

He steps closer to the bed. "I have come to far to turn my back on you now your majesty" he told her with a light yet pituful smile.