Chapter 26 So It Begins

It took less then a month for all the troops form the separate Empires to come together. With Cedrics teleportation magic it was much easier to gather everyone in Geria.

Farah Stayed behind in Samona to take care of the people. Those who did not wish to fight. While myself along with Theo Cedric and Salana traveled back to geria.

"I see the time has finally come" my grandmother said as she held my hands. It had been months since I'd seen her, yet she still looked the same. "You have grown so much in such a short time" she said with a proud smile on her face. "I only did what I had to" I replied.

"Your Majesty it's time to speak to the troops" Salana said. I nodded. And walked out onto the balcony. Thousands of soldiers stood below me as they stared up waiting for me to speak. What could I say? I wondered.

"Tonight is the final night of peace we shall have until the king of Zera is dead" I said. "Come tomorrow I shall fight along side you in a war that we can only hope will be quickly ended" I continued. "We shall win this war not only for the good of us all but for the good of the world. And when this war ends the continent will have become the United Empire" I said. The crowd of troops cheered.

I knew most of them didn't want to fight. Most did it for money where as others truly believed in the cause of uniting the continent.

I walked off the balcony back inside, where Theo waited for me. "So what's the plan?" Theo asked."come tomorrow we attack zera though I will be fighting along side my people I will also be with nyx and drazyn, when I'm not with them they know what their job is" I told him. "And what is their job exactly?" Theo asked. "Nyx and Drazyn will be scaring the zerian troops" Cedric said walking over to us. Theo gave him a glare. "They will.... well... using their overwhelming size to push the troops back" I told him "and what if the soldiers attack them?" Theo asked. "Then I have no doubt the dragons will kill them. so let us hope the soldiers are smarter then their king" i said sarcastically.

Before I knew it, it was dawn. The soldiers began to March into Zerian Territory. It wouldn't be long before the Zerian soldiers came. I rode Drazyns back as we flew in the air but low to the ground. "Do not kill any civilians!" I yelled "only attack those who fight you" I added as I noticed the opposing soldiers in the distance.

"PREPARE TO FIGHT" I yelled as I landed drazyn infront of the soldiers. I got off drazyn and he flew back into the air. I pulled out the sword that was attached to my side and pointed it at the general who approached. "If you wish to surrender I suggest you do so now" I said pointing my sword at him.

"I'm sorry princess buy I shall do no such thing without the kings order" he replied. "Then so be it" I said. "ATTACK!" we yelled at the same time. The soldiers who were once behind me ran past me, beginning to fight the zerian soldiers. Theo and Cedric were already in the fight as well.

Then a soldiers began to attack me. I blocked him with my sword and pushed him away, managing to to Stab him through his weak armor. He fell to the ground as soon as I pulled put my sword. The fighting continued and we managed to push the zerian soldiers further back.

"Mari are you alright?" Theo asked as he continued to fight off soldiers. "I can keep going" I told him as I did the same. "Take a rest we can handle this for a while" he said managing to make his way over to me. Then he whisled, and nyx landed next to me. The impact of her landing pushing away the soldiers. "When did you train her that?" I asked "Go just for a while" Theo said ignoring my question.

I quickly got on Nyxs back and she took off into the air. "TARGET THAT DRAGON!" I heard the general yell. Suddenly spears began to fly up at us. "Nyx we must fly higher" I told her, but before she could fly up she was struck with a spear in the in the part of her wing she needed most. Perhaps it was like her shoulder, the joint or the part she used to flap her wings. It hurt her so much it caused her to roar out in pain.

It took us only seconds before we crashed to the ground. "Nyx" I said worried as I got off her. I looked at where the spear was. No blood thankfully. But I needed to pull the spear out.

I grabbed a hold of it and began to pull but it wouldn't come out. "Come on" I said as I continued to pull. Suddenly I turned to see a man on a horse riding towards me with a sword in hand. Nyx turned her head putting it in front me and roared. Causing fire to come out of her mouth turning the man and his horse to ash within less then a second.

I stood there in shock for a moment as I just stared at her. She had never needed to protect me like that before. I quickly shook off the thought and continued to attempt to pull out the spear and then... "got it" I said as I finally managed to pull it out and throw it on the ground.

I quickly climbed back onto her back and we flew back to the camp we had set up earlier in the day. With the progress we made today we would be moving it forward shortly. I thought as we landed at the camp. Salana greeted me. "Are you alright mari?" She asked as I got off of nyx. "I'm fine but I need a healer to heal a small wound on nyx. Any wound to the dragons is a wound to me and vice-versa" I told her. "Of course" she said as she waved to a healer who nodded and quickly ran to nyx. "When will we be moving the camp forward?" I asked as she began to walk me to a tent. "Come night fall" Salana told me.

"Good, after the camp is moved I want the soldiers who stayed here switched with the ones fighting so mthey may be healed. We also need people to go out and look for those who are injured and can be saved" I told her.

This was only a small solution to a tough day of battle. And even I knew this was was only the beginning.