Chapter 27 Cedric

It wasn't long after Princess Victoria's death that Captain Jon, came to me begging for help to Find Marianna. It had been months since I'd last seen her. Since I sent her away to Geria and chose to stay in Zera.

Perhaps I was scared. Not of the king but my feelings for her. She was the first person I had ever been so infatuated with. She was strong willed, and caring. The type of person who would do anything for those she loved.

The thought of seeing her again tempted me. What would she say, what would she do. Would she be happy to see me. That was when I decided I would go with Captain Jon. I knew Mari had made it to samona meaning it was almost time for her to come back to zera. I was shocked when I heard she had become queen. But not totally surprised.

When I got to samona and Jon and I were waiting for her in the drawing room of the Venice Dukes mansion. My heart began to beat faster. Was I excited to see her? Or nervous? Then the doors opened and there she was. Her beautiful Red hair had grown longer. She was no longer dressed how she used to be and now wore beautiful warrior style dresses ones that I was sure were easy to move in.

"Cedric" Mari said shocked. "Whatever are you doing here?" She asked her beautiful voice rang through my head like an echo and I hesitated to speak for a moment.

"My father didn't hurt you did he?" she asked again. "Of course not Mari, I've come here at the request of my dear friend Jon who has been sent by Princess Victoria" I told her with a straight face. The news she was about to hear... I had no clue how she would take it.

It was at that moment I noticed the man standing beside her. I could tell just from a glance who he was. Crown Prince of Angeria. Theodore Angeria. Even though a burning sensation began to fill by body at the thought of him being near Mari, I pushed it down deep and tried to focus on her.

It was only a minute later she fainted from the news of her sisters death. I was worried, but before I could move she was already in the princes arms being carried to a room as a doctor was being called.

It wasn't much longer the words I least expected came from the doctors mouth. When he said "Her majesty is with child" I began to wonder... did she love him. The thought continued to fill my mind. I had to know.

"Do you love him" I asked her "he is the person I chose to wed" marianna replied "do you love him" I asked again. I needed an answer. "I am carrying his heir after all" mari answered again. "But Do... You... Love... Him? I asked a third time slower.

"Cedric you of all people know that marriage is a tool when it comes to nobility and royalty" Mari told me. From that alone I could tell that there was still hope. Hope that I could win her heart and get her away from him.

Though it vexed me to know they would be having a child together I didn't care. I needed Mari if need be I would raise the child as my own as well. Just so long as she was happy. All I needed was her.

As the next month went by I did my best to stay close to her. She was so focused on coming up with the perfect plan for the least amount of lives lost, she paid no attention to anyone but her dragons.

The only bright side was, I became apart of her plan. A main part in fact. That was when I thanked the gods for my magic and swordsman ship. It wasn't to much longer the war had started. I had to live. Live to see Mari succeed and become the queen she wishes to be. We fought the whole day. So did she. It wasn't until the prince sent her on Nyx that something in me changed.

As soon as I saw Nyx crash to the ground I ran. Ran to her, but as soon as I got there nyx was back in the air headed back to what I could only assume was the camp. I began to run back to the camp it took me 10 minutes before I remembered the teleportation magic and used it. Sending me to the exact spot where nyx had been being treated. "Where's Marianna?" I asked the healer frantically. "She... she went to the large tent over there" the healer pointed. I quickly ran to the tent and burst in.

"Cedric what are you doing here were your hurt?" She asked concerned I ran to her and pulled her into a hug. "Cedric what are you..." "thank God your ok" I said interrupting her as I didn't let her go she stayed silent for a moment. And salana quickly left the tent.

She then put her hand on my back as is accepting the hug. "I'm just fine just a little tired" she said peacefully. I released her from the hug and just stared into her beautiful green eyes for a moment. "I love you Marianna" I told her honestly. "Cedric" she pitifully. "I needed to tell you this" I said. "I didn't say it now I may never say it" I continued. "I know you care deeply for the crown prince and you carry his child... but even you have said you do not love him" I told her.

"You said yourself that you believe we get a choice in who we fall in love with. But Marianna iv have loved you since the very first day. Since I first saw you. Without even trying you were able to cure my strange illness and that only made me admire you more" I continued. "You are like the moon to me so beautiful that I can't look away and I just need you to know that. I will always fight for you Mari because I love you" I finally finished.

She just stared at me for a moment. Then let out a deep breath. As she put her hand on my cheek "perhaps one day I can love you. But today is not the safest day to" she replied. And with her words there was perhaps still a glimmer of Hope.