Chapter 28 Injured

A week has passed since the war started. As I stood on the battle field surrounded by Zerian soldiers I wondered how the baby growing inside me was still alive. I was bloodied and injured. No was around to protect me not even the dragons. I had sent them with Cedric and salana.

"If you give up perhaps the king will take your head off himself" said a soldier standing infront of me. "I'd die before I let him kill me" I said through gritted teeth. If I died all would be lost. That was when I heard a familiar sound from above me. "Any last words?" The soldier said as a smile came across my face. "DRAZYN!" I yelled and he quickly landed behind me. He was huge. Much bigger then nyx I wasn't even sure what I could compare his size to. "Ignis" I said and drazyn let out a breath of fire burning the soldiers that had once surrounded Me to ash.

Drazyn lowered his head and I fell against and gave him a pat. "Good boy" I said as he let out a purr.

I slowly climbed onto his back and laid down on my stomach practically rapping my self around him like a hug that he was far to big for. "Take me to the camp" I said in a whisper and he took off into the air. I was tired and injured. I was sure the blood I was losing wasn't helping much either. Perhaps if I just closed my eyes. No. I needed to stay awake even I knew that.

If it weren't for drazyn showing up when he did I most certainly would have died. I let out a breath. My eyes were closed, but I was still awake. I just didn't have the energy to keep them open. Everything was going in slow motion. Even the flap of drazyns wings seemed slower.

I was so out of it I hadn't even noticed when he landed in the camp. "Get a healer quickly!" I heard salanas voice full of worry. If only I had the energy to tell her I was fine. But I couldn't even open my eyes. I felt my body being lifted and taken off of drazyn then carried. It was only what felt like a moment later I felt myself being put down into a bed. "Mari can you hear me?" Salana asked as she grabbed my hand. "WHERE IN THE WOLRD IS THE HEALER" I heard salana yell her voice full of worries and fear. "I'm here I'm sorry i.." "enough with your nonsense her majesty is seriously injured" Salana spoke annoyed. I'd never heard her talk like that before... she must be very worried indeed. I thought. The healer quickly began to use their magic on me and I could feel my wounds beginning to heal as the pain slowly went away.

"How's that baby?" Salana asked. "It's fine the protection spell around it is keeping it nice and safe I assume that's why her majesty also used up so much energy" said the healer. Protection spell? I wondered who could have done that? I thought. "Protection spell? Who would have done that?" Salana asked the same thing I was thinking. "I'm not Sure but it's a very powerful spell whoever did it has a lot of magic" the healer said as I them walk towards the exit. "Her majesty will be fine but she needs plenty of rest if she wishes to fight again though I don't suggest it if she's seriously injured the protection spell on the baby can break and it will be killed" they explained before they left the tent.

Salana pulled up a chair and sat next to me grabbing my hand. "Oh Mari it seems you have pushed yourself to far once again. Whatever shall I do with you my dear friend" she said sadly. "I was curious as to why Drazyn suddenly flew off I must admit I did not expect him to bring you back like this. I thank the heavans you and your heir are alive" she continued.

Was salana always this worried for me? She never said these things to me before. But here I lay unconscious in a bed and she appears to spill out her heart. Maybe when I finally have the energy to open my eyes we could have a real discussion about this. I thought.

"I heard Mari came back injured is she alright?" Theo and Cedric said as they ran into the tent at the same time. "SILANCE both of you!" Salana snapped. "Mari was heavily Injured and was healed but still needs rest" Salana told them. "What about the baby" Theo asked. "The baby is fine it appears to have a protection spell on it" she said I assume looking at Cedric because he then said "it wasn't me".

"If not you then who" salana asked. "Listen here I don't know who you think you are but stay away from my wife" Theo said. "The same wife who doesn't love you" said Cedric. "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!" Salana yelled. "You are nobles. A Duke and a prince. You to imbeciles cause Mari so much stress like she doesn't have enough on her plate. Stay away from my wife... she doesn't love you... I love you mari... I love you mari... do either of you truly love her?" Salana snapped.

"If either of you truly cared for her you wouldn't be fighting over her DURING A WAR!" she yelled. "From now on if either of you cause Mari even the tiniest inconvenience I'll kill you both myself am I understood" she said. "Yes" they both said. "Now get out with Mari unconscious the 3 of us are incharge so move it along" she said and Theo and Cedric both left the tent quickly.

"Oh poor Mari they truly did pick the worst time to fight over you didn't they" she said. "You just rest ill take care of everything" Salana added sweetly.