Chapter 29 Salana

"Quickly get the injured off the battle field and get them to the healers" I yelled as soldiers and healer ran around me. It was chaos. But it was an expected chaos. The fighting near camp wasn't horrible. But those injured filled the camp.

I was in charge of those injured, and those who returned tot he camp but still had to fight, while Mari, Theo, and Cedirc lead the troops on the battle field. Suddenly drazyn roared, then took off into the air. It wasn't long before he came, carrying Mari on his back. "Mari!" I said shocked as he landed.

I quickly had someone take her off drazyns back and took her to tent.

That was only the first complication. Mari was unconscious for 2 days following that day. I did my best to continue to lead the troops who were at the camp, but with Mari down it was almost as if they lost their motivation.

"Salana" I heard Mari's voice from behind me. "Your Majesty your awake" I said running to her. "How have things progressed?" She asked. "Were still slowly pushing the zerian soldiers back. With you unconscious Nyx and Drazyn were weak so I kept them here" I told her. She nodded. "You've done well" she told me with a smile.

We began to walk to the tent she had come from. "Any news on my father?" she asked. "None not even a whisper" I told her. "Have we reached Kennedy yet?" She asked as we walked into the tent. "We will within the next day" I told her. "Good, once we take Kennedy that's where we'll stay for the time being" she said. "May I asked why your Majesty?" I asked her confused.

She looked at me for a moment. "Kennedy is a small village, it's the most rural out of all the villages closest to the capital. Kennedy is where this war will end" she explained.

"Does that mean..." "I'm not sure how much longer we'll have to fight but with the villagers already evacuated it's the best place to end this" she told me. "Yes your Majesty I shall make the preparations" I told her and walked out of the tent.

As the daughter of a Marquis I had more then one job be a perfect noble, and marry well. We're the most important. I never saw myself on a battle field following a princess from another empire. But in the short time I had known her. In the short time I watched her do whatever it takes to achieve her goals I couldn't help but admire her and wish to be like her.

She was born to be queen. In less then just a few months she became allies with 2 Empires and took over another. She started out with Nothing and now she had 2 dragons and an Army worth a continent. I was honored to be by her side and to be called her friend.

"Lady Salana we have broken through Kennedy what is our next steps" a captain of one of the main units asked. "We stay where we are her majesty wishes to finish this in Kennedy" I told him.

He then gave me bow and quickly walked away. "Salana my love" i heard a familiar voice. "Leonardo" I said. My fiance and another Marquis. "I'm so happy to have finally found you I can't believe you were dragged to this awful place" he said his face full of concern, but even I knew I meant nothing to him. "Leonardo you can't be here it is far to dangerous 0for a man of your position" I told him. "I come to take you home my dear... so we may finally wed" he said.

My whole life u was the perfect noble woman. I did as I was told and never argued even when I was sent to be Mariannas lady in waiting. If I had learned anything from being by Mariannas side it was you always have a choice. "No" I told him "excuse me?" He Questioned his once happy face turning dark.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him how Dare a lowly woman defy me a man" he snapped. "Let go of me!" I yelled trying to pull my arm away from him. "What are you doing?" Marianna asked from behind me her voice sounded angry. He just looked at her for a moment. "I'm hers to bring home my fiance" he told her.

"I suggest you let go of her" marianna said annoyed. He did as she said. She then walked over to me and stepped infront of me getting in between him and I. "I suggest you leave before you get yourself killed. It would be ever so unfortunate to have to inform the Marquis, your father that you were killed do to your own stupidity" she told him.

"Is that a threat?" Asked through gritted teeth. She smiled. "Only an observation, you are after all in the middle of a battle field and those who don't know what their doing tend to die fairly quickly here" she told him. He then stormed off in anger.

"Are you alright" she said turning to me and grabbing my hands. "I'm fine your majesty" I told her. "You are far from fine you are just about to shake out if your own skin" she as as she then began to lead me back to her tent. "What a horrid man he was I can't believe such a man us your fiance what was Marquis Otterson thinking" she said as she walked me into her tent and sat me down on her bed.

"I am truly fine now mari thank you" I told her who knows what he would have done if she hadn't come. "You never have to thank me for such a thing, you are my dear friend are you not Salana?" She asked with a pitiful look on her face. "Yes I am Mari" I said with a light smile.

"Anyway I had come to inform you that tomorrow Nyx and I will be headed to battle" she said sitting down next to me. "Already but you just awoke" I told her. She sighed "I believe its time we finally finish things. Especially now that we know my father will arrive in Kennedy to join the fight" she said with a Slightly evil smirk.