Chapter 30 Hatred

I got onto Nyx's back and she took off Into the air. I now had confirmation my bastard of a father was in Kennedy. We flew around the large village for a short time making sure no one would be in the way.

"Ignis" I said as soon as I was sure. Nyx began to breath her fire around the village creating a wall of fire so hot no one would be able to leave.

As soon as we finished and landed inside the village it took only a moment before we were surrounded by Zerian Soldiers. Then I heard a familiar voice. "It's about time I see your face Marianna" my father voice rang Through my head. I turned to look at him.

"Go get back up" I told nyx. She looked at me concerned before she took off into the air. "Sending away your dragon, not very smart" he said. "I don't need a dragon to kill you" I told him. "You have no chance of winning this Marianna, you are surrounded by the best Soldiers zera had and are far to out matched" he said annoyed. "Why did you kill her?" I asked changing the subject. I just needed to stall a little longer. "She got in my way. I should've killed you when I had the chance to" he told me.

Suddenly nyx landed behind me. I hadn't even noticed her presence. Cedric and Theo jumped off her back and she stayed by my side. "I don't care how many you kill but the king is mine" I told them as we met back to back "understood" Cedric said. "Anything for you my wife" said Theo.

Talking was done. My father quickly escaped as the knights that had once surrounded us charged at us. The sound of swords clashing together mixed with the burning trees and ground that surrounded the village. It was just the 3 of us. I didn't want to take the risk of killing any more of my people not when this was all that was left.

The knights that charged at me got stabbed and slashed by my sword. Cedrics magic took out most of the ones he'd fight and he began to help Theo who seemed to be having some difficulty. "I don't need your help" Theo said as he cut men down. "I'm not helping you because I wish to I'm helping you as not to break Mariannas heart although with you dead it would be much easier to make her love me" said Cedric.

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" I yelled as I continued to fight off knights. "MARI BEHIND YOU!" A familiar voice yelled. Everything became slow motion in the blink of an eye as Arthur my one and only older brother jumped infront of me getting stabbed in the heart.

"ARTHUR!" I cried out as I caught him in my arms. "No No no you can't be here why did you do this" I cried as he reached his hand up to my face with the last bit of energy he had. "after every storm the sun will shine, and the dragon will awaken to claim its right" he said before his arm fell and the light left his green eyes. "NOOOOOO!" I cried as I cradled him in my arms.

Theo and Cedric now surrounded me protecting me from the knights who came at me. Nyx did the same from behind me.

"Please Arty... I'm so sorry I cried" to him. My only brother, the last sibling I had left. Sacrificed himself for me. I was now the last one, the only one. The fact that they both Arthur and Victoria died because of me broke me inside. I thought I could at least save him. But now here he laid dead in my arms. "Mari I'm sorry but you must get up" Cedric pleaded.

I was officially done. Done with this war and done with my father. I carefully laid my brother down on the ground and slowly stood up.

"Get on nyx" I told Cedric and Theo "what why" Theo asked. I looked at them my eyes no doubt cold and full of hatred. "Unless you wish to be turned to ash... Get on Nyx" I told them again. They looked at each other and quickly got on to the back of nyx.

The soldiers who once fought looked at me confused as nyx moved to the side of me. Almost as if she knew exactly what I was thinking. Exactly what I wished to do.

Everything was still slowed down. One second felt like a thousand years as the thought of turning them to ash filled my mind more and more, almost consuming me. Did it have to come to this. Did so many people I loved truly have to die like this.

The soldiers who once stood still In Confusion, then began to charge at me once again. So many people were about to die in the span of one Second from just one word. All because they chose to fight for a tyrant a monster.

Perhaps I had also become a monster. Maybe if I had chosen to burn him instead of kill him in what would be considered a noble way all these lives wouldn't have been lost. And so many innocent people wouldn't have had to die.

"Ignis" I said as the men continued to run at me. Nyx lowered her head and opened her mouth letting out a large breath of orange fire by my side. In less then a second the dozens of men who once charged at me were all gone. Were turned to ash. Almost as if they had never existed at all.

Now all that was left was the king my father. The man I swore to kill with my own hands. And I knew exactly how I would do it. I began to walk. As Cedric and Theo hopped off of nyx and followed me.

This was all finally about to end.

To Be Continued