Chapter 31 The King is Dead

It didn't take me long to find my father. There was no way he would be able to escape the village. Fire from a dragon was far stronger then normal flames.

"You let him die" I said approaching him causing him to turn around. Before he could pull out his sword I punched him in the face causing him to fall to the ground. "He's dead because of you" he said with a Smirk as he tried to get up. I then kicked him. But he still some how managed to get up quickly. Theo and Cedric stood back at a disney as I pulled my sword out and pointed it at him.

"He said something strange before he died I want to know what it meant" I said. He didn't move. Perhaps he wasn't so stupid. "And what exactly did he say?" He asked snidly "after every storm the sun will shine, and the dragon will awaken to claim its right" I said the exact words Arthur did. His eyes became narrow and I could tell he grew annoyed.

"TALK!" I yelled putting the blade against his neck "A storm Is coming, one that will kill many, but after every storm the sun will shine, and the dragon will awaken to claim its right" he said "the last words Victoria said apparently a threat towards me" he explained.

I took a step closer to him. "You will die here and now for every sin you have committed" I told him he smiled. "Perhaps I was wrong about how useless you are" he said "You are more like me then any of the others" he said. "I am Nothing like you" I told him. "Aren't you?" He Questioned. "All these people... you killed them. You burned them to the ground without an ounce of remorse" he told me. "In fact I would even bet that you enjoyed killing all those people. Taking over Samona. Leading all these people to their deaths. Deep down you loved it didn't you" he said. "You and I are exactly the same" he added.

"I am going to kill you here and now exactly how you killed both Arthur and Victoria" I told him. "Then do it" he said. I pulled a dagger out of my dress. "Hahaha" he began to laugh. "Go ahead and prove your just..." he stopped for a second when I stabbed him in the heart with the dagger "like... me" he just before I used my sword and chop off his head.

His body fell to the ground limp as his head went rolling. I let out a heavy shakey breath as I fell to my knees. The tears once again began to fall from my eyes as Cedric and Theo ran over to me. It was finally over he was dead.

Everything that once seem so loud went quiet the only thing heard were my sobs as the realization that it was finally over filled my mind. I was exhausted. I was broken. And zera was now mine.

"It's ok Mari cry as much as you want" Theo said petting my back. "I'm here for you" Cedric asid in a concerned tone.

After few minutes of continuing to cry I finally calmed down and looked up at the two men who were by my side. They had both been next to me this whole time. One the man I married and the other who confessed his love to me. How could I ever choose between them.

"Have you finally calmed down?" Cedric asked with a light smile as he handed me a handkerchief and Theo Shot him a Glare. I wiped my eyes. "Yes thank you" I said a little awkward. "I think this has all just taken such a toll on me I didn't realize how much I was holding in until now" I confessed to the both of them.

It had been a long 10 months. So much had changed from the moment I found those eggs. I had truly become a person even I didn't know I could become. From a princess to a Commoner to a queen. I fought every step of the way and I finally won. It turns Victoria's last words were correct.

We walked back over to nyx who waited for us, and climbed up onto her back. She took off into the air. And for just a moment it felt like I was riding her for the first time again. The sky was blue and their wasn't a cloud In the sky.

It didn't take us long to fly back to the camp. As soon as we landed soldiers began to surround us asking what happened.and if the war had finally ended. Was the king dead or did he escape. What was the next step where would we go from her. So many questions from so many different people, there was no room for any of us to get in a word.

"Quiet!" I finally yelled as theo, cedric and i hopped off of nyx. Drazyn walked over to her and rubbed up against nyx as I walked over to a table and climbed on top of in in order to stand on it. The dozens of soldiers and healer were now quiet as they waited for me to speak.

My face was straight, almost as if angry but I could tell by their looks of confusion they truly had no clue what I was about to say. I raised my hand and yelled "THE KING IS DEAD".

Cheers erupted from the crowd of soldiers and healers. Cheers of victory, of relief of happiness over no longer having to fight. "THE KING IS DEAD... LONG LIVE THE QUEEN" they began to chant. "LONG LIVE QUEEN MARI" They yelled in excitement as I attempted to get off the table they picked be up and passed on top of the from person to person as if I was floating. "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN" they continued to yell as a smile came across my face.

To Be Continued