Chapter 32 Long live The Queen

A week has passed since the war ended. We made our way to the capital and hung my father's head just outside the palace gate so that all could see the truth.

Today i would be officially crowned queen of zera.

"Your Majesty" Salana said as she entered my room. "It feels like the end of a chapter" I told her. "I'm sure it does" she replied "was all of the pain and suffering truly worth it?" I asked as I turned to her. "I believe the choices you make from this point on will answer your question" salana replied.

"Is it time?" I asked her "yes your majesty" she replied. "Then let us go" I said walking to her. We walked through the long hallway all the way to the Thorne room where nobles from not only zera but geria angeria and samona as well.

The doors opened. It reminded me of my wedding as I began to walk through the crowd of people. When I made it to where the pope stood. I knelt down. He took a crown off a red pillow like thing, and held it above my head. "Marianna Aneris Sengrid do you swear to up hold the duty of royalty as given to you by God. To protect the people, to protect the empire to lead it not into destruction but peace?" The pope asked. "I do" I said. "Then I now name you the once Princess Marianna Aneris Sengrid.... Queen Marianna Aneris Sengrid of the Zerian empire" he said as he place the crown on my head.

The crowd of nobles cheered as I stood and turned around to face them, giving them a small curtsy before I turned and walked to the balcony where I would greet the people.

I walked out onto the balcony and the crowd below me began to cheer. "Long Live The Queen" they said, as I began to wave to them with a smile. "You finally did it" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Victoria!" I said shocked as I turned to look at her. "I am so proud of you Mari" she told me with a smile. She looked exactly the same. "How are you here?" I asked her confused. "Magic" she said simply "Magic?" I questioned. Remember when I sent that orb of magic?" She asked. "Yes" I answered. "Well I wrapped a small piece of my soul around it and you absorbed it, it was supposed to protect you but since your pregnant it protected the baby instead" she explained. "But now the magic is starting to run out and this is how the last little bit is used" she told me. "So your still..." "yes I'm still dead" she answered. "Think of this as my goodbye" she told me.

I walked over to her and hugged her. "I miss you so much" I told her. "I miss you to" she told me as she hugged me back. I released her from the hug. "I expect great things from you Mari" she told me. "Your story... it's far from over" she said.

"What ever do you mean" I asked her. "The child you carry will be considered the most noble of blood not only will it one day become a dragons heart but it may even be able to use magic" she told me. "Many will come after you in order to kill it or take it" she told me. "This warning is my last gift to you as after today you will never see me again" she said.

"Thank you vicky" I told her. "Oh and one more thing" she said placing her hand on my cheek "our deaths are not your fault, we made our choice so never blame yourself for that my beloved little sister" she said as I noticed her body began to fade. "I love you" she said as she disappeared.

That would be the last time I saw her. I grew sad but thankful at least I was able to say goodbye. I thought. Theo came out on the balcony. "You look lost in Thought" he said. "Yes I suppose I am" I told him "there is much to think about after all" I added. "You really do think to much my dear wife" he said jokingly "and you joke far to much my strange husband" I replied. "I knew you knew how to joke" he said with a laugh. "Who ever said I was joking just now?" I questioned sarcastically.

"You know what" he said leaning against the doorway of the balcony "you need to have some fun" he said "fun" I questioned. "Yes fun" he replied.

"So how bout a dance my lady?" He asked with a bow causing me to chuckle a little. "I don't think you can handle my moves kind sir" I replied to him. "Or you can't handle mine" he said as he did a spin. "Your weird" I told him. "Yeah let's dance" I said as I grabbed him by the arm and began to walk inside.

But then I stopped for a moment, and turned back to stare off the balcony. I could tell Victoria's words were right My story was far from over.

Meanwhile in Angeria.

"DAMMIT" the Second prince Thomas yelled an annoyance. "THAT BASTARD ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED IN BECOMING KING OF SAMONA AND ZERA" he continued to yell as he slammed his fists on his desk.

"Calm down" said the queen, Elizabeth. "At this rate he'll become king of Angeria in notime, especially since he's married to that whore and has an heir on the way" the prince snapped. "As I said calm down" Elizabeth said again. "You worry to much" she added. "Though that bitch should have died during the war her being queen now will make it all the easier in time my dear son" she said. "I have no doubt you will soon be king" she added. "After all the higher they climb the farther they fall" she said with and evil smirk.