Chapter 33 Zera

"Your Majesty it is time we begin to prepare...." "Your Majesty you have a meeting in..." "your majesty you must..." "Enough!" Snapped at the multiple people who followed me informing me of my schedule.

"I know my schedule I need not your reminders" I told them. "We apologize your Majesty" the said. "Leave" I said and they quickly listened and left the office.

I sighed for a moment as I rested my head on the fist of my hands. It had been 2 months since I was crowned and the clean up was still going on. My father caused a lot of damage in the last few months of his life. Perhaps he truly knew he would die.

I was now 5 months Along in my pregnancy, and had finally begun to show not to long ago. I stood up from the desk I sat at and made my way to the door and opened it. "Cedric!" I said surprised as I saw him standing against the wall by the door. "I was going to come in but you seemed tired" he said standing up straight.

As I began to walk he walked with me. "You know you don't have to stay by my side" I told him. "If I'm not by your side however will I win your heart" he told me. "I suppose your right about that" I replied.

We continued to walk until we made it out to the garden where the dragons laid. "They have gotten so big" I told him as we approached them. "Indeed I remember when they were the size of a horse" he said with a chuckle. "I remember when they were hatched" I told him. "I truly never expected anything to turn out like this" I said as I just stared up at them.

So much had changed.

Why did everything seem so boring I wondered.

"Mari" Cedric said causing me to snap back to reality. "I'm sorry what did you say Cedric?" I asked him "I said you seem exhausted. You have been working non stop the past year and you are also carrying the heir to every empire on the continent" he said. "It's understandable if you are stressed mari" he told me. "Just because the war is over does not mean the work is" I told him.

"Your Majesty" Salana said approaching me. "Salana... are you finally about to leave for your trip?" I asked her. "Yes your Majesty, but I felt it best to inform you, of your grandmother's, Queen Lillians arrival" she told me. "Thank you Salana" I told her. "Also the third Prince of Toin will be arriving by the end of the week your majesty, Amelia will be taking care of it" she told me.

"Amelia?" I questioned. It couldn't be who I thought could it? "Yes Amelia Larsen, she is the Daughter of Baron" she told me. "Thank you Salana go enjoy your trip, I shall see you in a month" I told her she gave me a quick bow and then left.

I went back into the castle and directly to my office where my grandmother waited for me.

"I am so sorry to have made you wait grandmother" I said as I closed the door behind me. "Oh that's quite alright I know how it is to be a new monarch I'm sure it is even worse since you have to clean up from the war as well" she said with a smile.

"Now how is my great grandchild growing?" she asked. "Very quickly" I told her. "Though the more it grows the more I wonder if I'll truly be ripped apart when I give birth" I said. "You'll be fine my dear I have no doubts about that but..." she hesitated for a moment. "Have you thought who you will delegate control of zera to after the birth? You will be far to weak for sometime to continue work" she told me. "Of course" I told her as I sat down.

"Theo will" I said. "Theodore Angeria" she asked "yes" I confirmed. "No offense my dear but he is an angeria they are no good, he himself has a number of rumors about him from the horrid acts he committed" she said. "But he has never once hurt me or broke my trust, there were even times he saved my life, and though I may not love him, I care for him" I told her. "In the end he is still my husband, the man I married, and the man I will soon have an heir with, he will not harm what we all have fought for to free" I said.

She gave me a light smile "then I trust your judgement" she told me. "Do you have a room I may rest?" She asked. "I am awfully tired from the journey" she said. "Yes of course" I said "amber" I yelled and she came inside and gave a bow" she will escort you to your room grandmother" I said. "Thank you dear" she said with a smile before leaving the room.

Then I heard a knock on the door "Enter" I said. And in walked Amelia. "Amelia" I said. "I Amelia Larsen greet your Majesty the queen" she said with a curtsy. "Please rise Amelia" I said and she quickly stood up straight. "Ameliayou dont have to use honorificswith me" i told her "If I may be so bold as to say your majesty" she said. "Your a bitch" she said. "Yes?" I questioned.

"You suddenly disappear from Haden, and I learn that your actually Princess Marianna, the princess who was said to have died, then I find out you not only were labeled as a traitor of zera but became princess of Dragons. Took over a country and went to war with your own homeland and became queen in the span of less then a year. And in all that time never contacted me once to inform me how you were doing" she said "I thought I was your friend" she added. "You were" I said "exactly. I was" she said. "And now I am your lady in waiting" she said.

"I'm sorry Amelia" I told her

To Be Continued