Chapter 34 Egg

It was now time for the Thrid Prince Of Toin to arrive in Zera. Theo and I waited at the harbor as the toin, ship pulled into its designated spot.

The Third Prince got off the ship along with the servants and guards he brought and stood in front of me. "It Is an honor to meet you your majesty" he said with a bow. "Your beauty far exceeds the rumors" he said. "You are truly to kind Prince Tonious" I replied. Theo shot him a glare. "I would be honored if you chose to rode in our carriage with us, though if you would feel to uncomfortable I have prepared a separate one" I told him.

"The honor would be all mine your majesty" he said with a smile.

We got into the carriage. Theo quickly sat Next to me and Tonious sat across from us. After a moment the carriage began to move.

"I have heard many stories of your triumphs your majesty" tonious said. A strange and unsure feeling built up inside me. "They are far from triumphs your highness" I told him. "You jest your majesty, your greatly known for them even in Toin, especially how you used your Dragons to take both samona and zera" he said.

"I'm afraid your partly wrong prince tonious I only used one of my dragons to take Samona. As for Zera... I did that with only an army while the dragons protected me along with the injured" I told him. "I see it seems rumors truly do change the more their spread" he said.

Suddenly the carriage came to a hault. "How strange" I said. "What's going on out there!" Theo yelled as he knocked on the wall of the carriage. "Robbers your majesty" he replied. I let out a sigh and stood up. "They never learn" I said as I git out of the carriage. "Where is she going?" Tonious asked. Theo ignored him.

I stepped out of the carriage and walked to the front of it. "Give us all you have" a man on a horse pointed a sword at me. Theo and tonious got out of the carriage. "I will give you one chance to get out of my way" I said. "Is this a joke to you?" The man said. "Drazyn" I said and he quickly landed behind me. The man's eyes went wide in fear. "Unfortunately for you I'm to pregnant for second chances" I said

I turned around and began to walk towards the door of the carriage. "Ignis" I said and drazyns mouth opened to let out a breath of fire.I thought as I got back into the carriage and drazyn took off into the air. "Go around the flames" Theo said to the driver as he and tonious got back into the carriage. It only took a moment to get moving again.

Tonious's face was full of shock, admiration and fear alike. "I'm not a complete monster" I said. "The Robbers aren't dead" I told him. "How are they bot dead?" He asked "you burned them did you not?" He asked. "I am the dragons heart to both Nyx and Drazyn, in being their heart we are both emotionally and physically connected if I do not wish for something in my heart they listen, and though those men vexed me I did not truly wish them dead, Drazyn only breathed his fire in front of them. Perhaps they may have a few burns from the heat but they may have learned a lesson" I explained to him.

"I see" said the prince.

After that it did not take us long to get back to the castle. As for nyx and drazyn I had them sent to a cave not to far from the castle, the prince felt unsafe with them here after the days incident, perhaps he thought I'd burn him as well.

"Mari" my grandmother said. "I have such fantastic news" she said as she approached me."what is it?" I asked her curiously. She pulled out the familiar light blue egg. "It has begun to hatch" she said with a smile. "You brought it with you?" I questioned. "Well of course" she said. "And I was right to do so" she said handing me the egg "grandmother I'm sorry but I don't believe I'll be this dragons heart" I told her. "I fell no connection to it, not like I did when I found nyx and drazyns eggs" I said.

"Maybe not but this egg is far different from theirs" she said "whatever do you mean?" I asked. "It's far larger, it has grown some how" she said. "Yes it seems to have now that I think back but what does that mean?" I asked her. "Who knows" she said. "But even if you are not the heart of this dragon you can still train it until its heart is found. In fact most dragons are born before their hearts" she told me. "I was not" I said. "That is because you are far to strange to ever do anything normal" she said.

"Anyway it is best I be leaving back to Geria, I have been gone far to long, I shall leave the egg in your care" she said as she turned and walked to the door. "Oh and please do inform me when it's hatched" she said before leaving the office.

And she called me strange. I thought to my self. I let out a sigh as I starred st the egg. "Perhaps my child will be your heart one day" I said not thinking, I then put the egg down. I walked over to my desk and began to work on some paperwork, that had begun to pull up while I was escorting prince tonious back to the castle.

There was something about him I didn't like, something I didn't trust. Perhaps it was just me, but I wasn't sure, and at this time it didn't matter. Tonious was here in order to strike some sort of treaty and tomorrow I would find out what it was.