Chapter 36 Taken

"I see your finally awake" a man said as he came into view.

"Your..." I stopped for a moment. Your one of the servants Prince Tonious brought with him from Toin" I said. The lighting in the cave was horrible. But there were just enough lanterns that I was able to distinguish him.

"What did you do to my dragons?" I asked him. "Do you really believe you have the power to stop me your majesty?" He asked. "If you did you would be free by now and I would be dead" he said. I stayed quiet. "I just so happened to come across a very rare plant called draless, it's not able to kill a dragon but it can surely knock them out for some time" he said.

"What is it exactly you want why did you bring me here?" I asked him.

He walked over to blizzard and Storm who were still attempting to get lose on the table. "I heard you had a dragon egg. One that you weren't connected to but your child is, once the child is born I will take him and use him to not only control the dragons but take over this continent" he told me. "That plan will fail" I told him.

He walked over to me and grabbed my face pulling it up towards him. "It won't. The child you carry will be the most royal blooded person on this continent, even more so then you. In one way or another the child is an heir to every empire on this continent and I will have it" he told me then roughly let go of my face.

"Your crazy" I told him "Perhaps but what can you do about it?" He asked. "Without your Dragons you are just another useless bitch" he said before he left. I looked over to blizzard and Storm who were now starring at me. "Ignis" I said quietly. They just tilted their heads at me. I should've known that wouldn't have worked. I thought to my self.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT FIND HER?!" Theo yelled at the servants and knights standing infront of him. "I'm sorry your majesty but it seems her majesty the queen has disappeared along with her dragons" said the head made. Amelia stood behind Theo, along with the doctor she went to get.

I was only gone for a moment. Amelia thought. "I don't care if you have to search this entire content you find her!" He snapped and they quickly left. "It would be best if you calmed down" Cedric said. "Mari wouldn't like it if you used all of the Empires resources just to find her" he said. "So what I'm just not supposed to look for her?" Theo asked annoyed by cedrics statements. "I didn't say that" he replied. "Who ever took her obviously found some way to sneak into the castle meaning they were most likely already inside the castle" he told him.

"The main question is how did they get her out without anyone noticing?" Cedric asked allowed before he and Theo turned to look at Amelia. "She was in pain so I went to fetch a doctor, by the time I returned his majesty was searching for her already" Amelia said. "And you saw no one on your way out?" Cedric asked still unsure if she could trust him.

"Well I'm not sure, I was running so fast" she said. "I-i think I may remember seeing one of the servants Prince Tonious brought with him walk by, but it was only a glimpse" she explained to them.

"What in the world is all this commotion?" Tonious asked as he entered the hallway where everyone stood. "It is believed that one of your servants have taken the queen" Theo said. "That's impossible" said Tonious "my servants would never jeopardize the treaty her majesty the queen agreed to" he said. "Were all your servants with you?" Cedric asked. "All but Albert. He was feeling under the weather so I gave him today to rest" he said.

Without a word they all quickly went to the servants quarters where the toin servants had been temporarily staying, Theo wasted no time as he kicked in the door to Albert's room. "He's not here" Theo said as he stared into the small empty room.

Tonious eyes went wide in shock "there's no way" Tonious said. "He would never do something as to harm a member of a royalty" he said. "It seems you do not know your servants as well as you thought" Cedric said.

Knights then appeared. "Contain his highness Prince Tonious to his room until the missing servant is found. We do not wish for him to vanish as well" Theo said looking at him. "I'll stay with him as well" Amelia said. Cedric looked at her suspiciously "so be it" he said. Then the knights and Amelia escorted him to his room.

2 Hours prior just after Marianna sent Amelia to fetch meat.

Amelia went to the room of the toin prince and knocked on the door. "Enter" he said and she did so. Then closed the door behind her.

"I know of your plan" Amelia said. Tonious gave her a suspicious look. "I've no clue what you mean lady Amelia" Tonious replied. "I wish to help you, but we'll need one of your most loyal servants" she told him. "How much do you know?" He asked. "Enough to agree with you" she told him. "And what exactly do you wish for in return?" He asked "a proper title" she told him. "If we truly do succeed then so be it" he said.

"Albert!" He called and the servant entered and gave a bow. "Yes your highness" he said. "There is a slight change to the plan we will be using you" he told him. Albert stared at him shocked. "Your Highness I-I am truly loyal to you but I can not" he told the prince.

"Albert was it?" Amelia said with a smile. "A chance like this won't come again now that she has 2 newborn baby dragons" she said. Tonious smiled "you'll regret not giving in Albert if this fails the blame will be put on you" he said. "And after all isn't taking over this continent for toin worth the cost?" Tonious asked.

Albert hesitated for a moment. "What must I do?" He asked solemnly. "It is very simple Albert" Amelia said as she put a hand on his shoulder causing him to look her In the eyes. "All you must do is kidnap the queen" she told him.