Chapter 37 Escape

I wasn't sure what to do. Nyx and drazyn were still out cold and blizzard and Storm were still only just newly born. I was alone, chained to a cave with no escape. Blizzard and Storm continued to stare at me, almost as if observing me.

"Dammit, Dammit, Dammit" the man said as he stormed into the cave and began to pace in front of me. "Something wrong?" I asked sarcastically. "SHUT YOUR FLITHY MOUTH" he yelled as he slapped me hard across the face. Blizzard and Storm gave him an annoyed look.

"What am I to do, I'll be found in no time" he said "I got it" he added as an idea obviously popped into his head. He then gave me a look. "All I need to do is cause the front entrance of the cave to collapse" he said. "Have you lost your mind?" I asked him. "Make the dragons collapse the entrance" he said. "I can't" I told him "DO IT!" he yelled "I CANT" I yelled back. "The adults are unconscious and the babies aren't trained, I couldn't help you even if I wished to" I told him.

"Dammit he said as he unlocked the chain from the wall and dragged me to where the babies were the proceeded to chain me to their table. "What is the point of any of this" I asked. "Everything!" He told me, but he made no sense. "You will not get away with this I know you know that" I told him."of course I will" he said. "You will die if you continue with this" I said. "No I won't" he told me.

"You will" I told him "death by flame, I can see it now" I said. "You have no power to do anything to me" he said. He then slapped me again "I will take your baby and use it to take control of this continent. And in the end you shall die a gruesome death" he told me.

That was when drazyn suddenly awoke from his sleep. "Drazyn" I said as I turned to look at him. I the. Turned back to the man. "Ignis I said, causing Drazyn to breathe fire towards the man. Unfortunately with him still being weak it barley touched him. "Ignis" I said and he tried again. But there was no change. The man laughed. "As I said I shall not die by the flame" he told me as he continued to laugh. "IGNIS" I yelled and this time the two baby dragons breathed a blue flame directly onto the man.

His screams of pain echoed through the cave as the flames coverd him completely, before long, he stopped moving and his screams ceased to echo through the cave as his body slowly turned to ash. "As I said, death by flame" I said starring down at the burning body. I then turned to Blizzard and Storm, who gave me the look basically asking if I was proud. "Good job" I told them.

I then fell to the ground to sit as I felt that familiar pain once again in my stomach. The man was dead but we were still chained. Drazyn then stood up and walked over to me before laying down next to me. "How you feeling Drazyn?" I asked as he laid his big head on my lap. I sighed.

How long would it be before they found me? I wondered. There was no way to undo the chains. Not without a key or some way to melt them off. Perhaps maybe drazyn could.

I held my wrists up so the chain dangle below them. "Ignis" I said. Drazyn slowly lifted his head and let out a small flame. Just enough to melt the chains, releasing my hands.

"My good boy" I said petting his head. I quickly stood up. And I heard nyx begin to slowly wake up as well. "Drazyn" I said and he stood up and turned to the table where Blizzard and Storm stood. "Ignis" I said again and he quickly melted their chains with his flame. Nyx stood up and slowly walked over. Obviously still weak from the poison that the man used on them.

They were to weak to fly. The only thing to do would be to walk. I walked out of the cave and stopped at the entrance. "As I thought" I said to myself. This must've been the cave Nyx and Drazyn chose to stay in.

It was at the top of a mountain. I could see the entire capital in the distance. I walked back Over to drazyn and nyx. "You Teo stay here, I shall return with a cure to make you feel better" I told them as they both laid back down. It hurt my heart to see them so weak. "Blizzard, Storm" I said and they hopped off the table.

I knelt down to them. "You two come with me" I said then stood back up. They both flew up into the air and landed on my shoulders. "Well aren't you two the little jesters" I said as I walked back out of the cave.

It would certainly take some time to get back on foot. I thought. But I started walking. The pain in my stomach had died down. Perhaps it had something to do with nyx and drazyn being poisoned? I wasn't sure. After all I could only speculate.

I continued to walk and it soon became dark. But I didn't stop. The faster I got back to the castle the faster I can get medicine for nyx and drazyn and make them feel better.

That was when I suddenly heard the sound of galloping. Could that be help I wondered. "MARIANNA!" I heard theos voice moving towards me. "Theo?" I said. As soon as he got to me he jumped off the horse he rode and pulled me into a hug, causing Blizzard and Storm to jump off my shoulders.

"Thank the heavens your alright" he said as he continued to hold me. "Yes I'm just fine" I told him. "But we must find medicine for nyx and drazyn they have been poisoned" I told him as I lightly pushed him away.

To Be Continued