Chapter 38 Save Them

The plant that poisoned my dragons was one I'd never heard of before. Draless. I had no doubt he told the truth, but I had read over a hundred books on different plant and herbs and never once came across, it.

"Perhaps your looking in the wrong place" Cedric said appearing behind me. I swore he could read my thoughts. "Then where should I look?" I asked him. "In books on dragons" he told me. Damn pregnancy brain why didn't I think of that. I wondered.

I quickly ran to another section of the library and began looking for books on dragons, there were more then I would have thought. I kept pulling them off the the shelves one by one and placing them on the floor trying to find as many as possible. Cedric helped me move them to a table and we began reading them together.

The longer it took to find an antidote, the worse they got. Book after book we continued to read.

I found out a lot about dragons. What they liked to eat. What types there were at one point, why their scales were incredibly hard yet fragile at the same time. I found out a lot of information I could possibly one day need. But none for what I needed now. I had combed through over a dozen books before night fell. I grew tired, but I couldn't stop. Nyx and drazyn would do anything to protect me so I must do the same.

"Perhaps it would be best if you took a rest" Cedric said looking up from a book "you know as well as I that I can not" I told him. "Mari your a pregnant woman you shouldn't over exert yourself" he told me.

"I am also a queen Cedric." I said. "And I know when my body will give and now is not the time for it to do so. My dragons lives are in danger and I will not lose them to some unknown poison" I told him. "I just wish for you to be alright" he told me. "And I think I found something" he added handing me the book he was reading.

I took it from him and began to read from the page it was on.

Draless was a powerful and rare poison that only worked on dragons. Depending the dosage given they could due anywhere from a month to a day. The only known antidote is an herb even more rare then draless. Known as drago. Only found in the highest lands. I read.

"How exactly are we supposed to find it?" I asked him as my worries continued to grow. "I shall find it" he told me. "You will?" I asked him. "Yes" he said. "I will go and collect the herb to save them" he said as he stood up and came around the table.

I stood up. "Thank you" I told him. He kissed my forehead. "I would do anything for you" he told me before he left the room. "He seems to really love you" prince tonious said from behind me. I turned to him, "how long have you been here?" I asked. "Not long just a few minutes" he told me. "Though I am curious, why choose the prince over the Duke? You seem to have more chemistry" he said.

"That is none of your concern" I told him "quomodo dracones estis?" (How are your dragons?) He said in Latin. "tamen nemo vestrum spectat" (still none of your concern). I replied in Latin. "Do you believe they will die?" He asked. "No" I told him "as soon as we retrieve the antidote..." I stopped for a second "Dracones mei regnabit in caelo semel iterumque" (My Dragons shall rule the sky once again) I said finish my sentence in Latin.

His eyes went dark for a moment before a smile once again came across his face "I hope you find it quickly" he told me. As he walked to the door. "Myself along with my servants and guards shall be leaving tonight to go back to Toin I anticipate your trusted delegates arrival to toin" he said turning to me before leaving the room.

That prince was truly something. I had no doubt in my mind he was the one who truly wished to get rid of me. But I had no proof.

I left the room and walked outside the castle. We just barely managed to bring nyx and drazyn back to the castle where they could be safe. "Hello my babies" I said as I walked over to the sleeping dragons. Blizzard and Storm hadn't left their side either.

It broke my heart to see my beloved dragons in such pain. There was so much I couldn't fo for them right now and it truly hurt my heart. "Mari" I heard Theo as he approached from behind me. "Theo" I said turning to him "I thought you were preparing to head back to angeria to begin preparations for taking the throne?" I asked him.

"I was but I have gotten some news and it's not very good" he told me. "Wel what is it I asked him.

He looked around for a moment before stepping closer to me, putting his mouth close to my ear so that no one else could hear what he was about to say.

"I have received news that My brother the second prince Thomas whom you have met a few times before... is challenging my right to the throne" Theo said he backed away Slightly to look me in the eyes. His blue eyes were full of distrust and betrayal.

"He claims I am not in my right mind and can not make decisions that will keep Angeria safe and instead will only continue to put in in danger especially now that i have married you" he told me. "But you are the rightful heir" I said. "Yes but my brother is working to turn those who once supported me against him" he replied.

"And now that my father is ill he will most likely succeed" he told me. "And what will happen if he does?" I asked. He Gave me a serious look. "He will come for zera and samona next" he told me.