Chapter 39 Foreshadowing

Things weren't good. Cedric had been gone for a month already, and nyx and drazyns conditions only continued to grow worse. Blizzard and Storm were growing fast as well. Theos father eventually passed away from his illness very quickly and painfully, and it wasn't long after his death that Theos brother Thomas was able to steal the throne.

War was a high possibility at this point. Though Theo didn't totally care that his seat was taken, with Theo being alive and an heir on the way that had a right to every throne of the 4 Empires on this continent, we had no doubt that his brother would come after us.

I was now 6 Months Along in my pregnancy. As soon a s Salana returned I sent her to toin as promised. What was meant to be a peaceful transition into power has since become chaos once more and although I had Blizzard and Storm by my side they were still far to small and weak compared to nyx and drazyn.

What was I to do if another war started. I didn't want that. It was now my Job to protect the people of zera and samona and I was currently doing a horrible job of that. Threats were around every corner and I could only do so much.

But even still my biggest concerns were nyx and drazyn with each passing day their condition worsened. With each passing day they slept longer and longer and ate less and less. I wasn't sure how much more they could take. "Please Cedric" I said quietly to myself. "Plaese hurry back so we may save nyx and drazyn" I said as I closed my eyes.


It had been just over a month since I left Marianna, telling her I'd find the herb to save the dragons. I climbed many mountains, and even more cliffs. Checking only the highest ones. If it wasn't for my magic it would have taken much longer then it did. I was slowly beginning to give up hope that I'd find the herb. If it wasn't for a picture I had brought with me I would've thought it never existed as all.

Then one day while taking a rest in a cave at the top of a large moutain i stumbled up a bright red flower with blue lines mixed into the petals. I pulled out the photo I kept in my pocket and looked at it comparing the plant to the photo to the flower that was infront of me. "This is it" I said happily.

All of this wasn't for nothing after all. I picked the plant and began to look around for more. If there was one it was possible there could be more. I thought. I walked around the cave and began searching every corner. Then finally after some time I found another.

I could only hope 2 plants would be enough for nyx and drazyn. I could now head back to zera without any issues. Over the past month I had managed to search every cliff and mountain in zera. Eventually I decided to continue my search in Geria where the dragons were originally from. It made sense to me that it would be there after all. The only unfortunate part is it would take me quite some time to get back since I managed to use all my magic searching for it. I only had enough for a defense spell at most and that was only if I pushed myself to use one.

"I hope nyx and drazyn can hang on a little longer" I said to myself.


It had been 2 weeks since I traveled to Toin. As soon as I returned to zera Mari sent me here to find out if what they wished for was true or not. If they had other plans. From what I could tell her worries were correct. Toin was planning to take over Zera and samona along with geria and were using angeria to do it.

At the moment things were calm I proceeded with working on the treaty, acting as if I knew nothing. If they found out I knew they would most likely kill me immediately along with the people marianna sent with me.

"Lady Salana" the third Prince of toin. Tonious greeted me. "Prince tonious what a pleasure" I said with a slight bow. "I heard your due to head back to zera tomorrow" he said with a snub look. "Yes your highness, I just thought I'd take a walk through this beautiful garden before my departure as I haven't had the chance to see it since my arrival" I told him.

"I see" he said. "Would you mind if I walked with you for a bit?" He asked. Something was up. He seemed even more suspicious then usual. I thought to myself. "Of course it would be my honor your highness" I replied with a smile.

We began to slowly walk through the garden. The only sound filling the air was that of a light breeze. "I hope you are enjoying toin my lady, I'm sure it's nothing like zera but it has its own beauties as well" he told me. "I am very much so your highness" I replied. "But I'm actually from geria" I told him "Geria" he Questioned. "Yes your highness" I said.

"I am the illegitimate daughter of Marquis Otterson" I said. Telling the truth was important in order for him not to suspect me. "If you don't mind me asking how did the illegitimate daughter of a Marquis of another country end up becoming the close aid of a queen?" He asked.

"My father sent me to be the temporary lady in waiting for the princess who came from zera to talk to my queen" I told him. "But when I heard her plans and what she wished to do I decided to follow her as my queen" I told him "how honorable" he said. "Mari is the one who is honorable. She does what she needs to in order to protect those close to her" I told him. "Even if it means going to war" I said looking at him.