Chapter 40 The Needs Of The Many

"HE CAN NOT DO THIS!" I yelled "he has" Theo told me.

2 and a half more months passed, and my stress was only continuing to grow along with by baby. As soon as Salana returned from Toin she informed of everything she learned in in depth detail giving us an opportunity to prepare for whatever toin or Angeria would throw at us.

I was also able to inform my grandmother queen Lillian of their plan. A war was coming that was for sure. But this time I wouldn't beable to fight in it.

Cedric returned about a month ago and drazyn and nyx were cured and better then ever, they even began to rarely leave my side. Blizzard and Storm were growing much faster then nyx and drazyn and were half their size already. Even if I wasn't able to fight at least I had 4 dragons who could end things quickly.

Perhaps they knew that which was why they hadn't attacked yet. "What is our plan exactly?" Theo asked "I don't plan to go to war again theo" I told him. "We have 4 dragons now they can end things before a war even begins" I told him. "Do you truly expect me to take the dragons to both Angeria and toin to kill the royal families?" Theo stated. "Yes" i told him "but you will take nyx and blizzard to toin, while cedric takes Drazyn and Storm to angeria, i would never wish for you to kill your own family" i said to him.

"And what of you and the baby?" he asked caressing my cheek. "I can only give orders as of now I'm afraid my dearest theo" I told him. "But who will be here to protect you?" He asked. "We have many talented knights Theo" I told him. "I don't believe that's enough" he said. "It will have to be, just for a short while" I told him.

"Salana, Amelia" I said and they both entered my office with and gave a bow. Prepare for Cedric and Theo to depart" I told them. "The quicker their wiped out the better" I said. "Yes your majesty" salana and Amelia replied before leaving the room. "This will make you a tyrant" Theo told me "This makes me a queen willing to do anything to stop a war" I told him. "The people have suffered enough, I do not wish to make them suffer more" I said.

Theo let out a sigh, I shall return as quickly as I can" he told me before placing a short kiss on my lips. "Do not lose" I told him. "Not possible he replied before leaving the room also.

It was only a minute later that Cedric burst in. "Is it true?" He asked. "Is what true?" I asked him. "You are sending me to fight once more?" He asked. "No?" I said turning to him. "I am sending you so there is no fight" I told him. "I will not drag any of our Empires back into a war" I said. "It's quicker and safer to burn them to ash and be done with it" I continued.

"You know this isn't right Marianna" he said to me. "WHAT ELSE DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO!" I yelled. "I refuse to kill more of our people and I refuse to prolong this longer then it already has" I added. "That doesn't make it right" he told me. "No the fact that destroying the royal family of angeria and toin is the only true answer to keep not only our people safe, not only samonas and gerias people safe but my unborn child safe as well is what makes it right" I said.

"Killing a few people now instead of hundreds or thousands on the battle field is preferable in every scenario and I will not have you tell me that is wrong" I snapped. "I DO NOT KILL FOR NO REASON I AM NOT MY FATHER" I yelled.

Cedrics eyes went wide for a moment. He was silent. He took a step closer to me and I took one back. "I never said you were" he said calmly. "I know you see me as a monster" I told him. "Why wouldn't you after all you have seen me do to get here" I added. "But I am doing what I have to do to prevent more death then necessary" I said.

"Your right" he told me "I'm sorry" he added "I shall do as you say" he said before giving a bow and leaving the room.

*your a monster* a voice rang in my head

"You are more like me then any of the others" my father's voice rang in my head.

"I am Nothing like you" I said quietlyto myself.

"Aren't you?" His voice Questioned. "All those people... you killed them. You burned them to the ground without an ounce of remorse" he said.

"In fact I would even wager that you enjoyed killing all those people. Taking over Samona. Leading all these people to their deaths. Deep down you loved it didn't you?" he asked. "You and I are exactly the same" he said "we're both monsters now" his voice said as it faded from my mind.

It was a familiar conversation. The last one I had with him. Was I truly a monster? Had I become what I hated the most. Salana and Amelia came back into the room. "Everything was prepared and his majesty King Theo along with Duke Cedric have left as you ordered" salana said.

"Thank you" I replied. "I truly hope this will end quickly" I told them. "I wish for no more death then absolute necessary" I added. "I absolutely agree Mari" salana replied to me.

Suddenly I felt a slight pain in my stomach and a wetness between my legs. "You majesty!" Amelia said in shock. "I looked down to see my dress along with the floor wet. "Oh my" I said looking back at salana and Amelia. "I believe my water has just broke" I said shocked

To Be Continued