Chapter 41 Betrayal

"Quickly prepare towels and water" Salana told the maids outside the door. "Come Mari we must bring you to your bed chamber" he told me. "Ahh" I said bending down in pain as I felt my first contraction. Salana and Amelia Quickly walked me to my room.

"You must lay down Mari" Salana said. "No I can not" I told her as I paced within the room. "It is for the best if..." salana stopped mid sentence I turned to see Amelia stabbing her in the back. My eyes went wide in shock as I saw Amelia pull the knife out of salanas back and salana fell to the ground.

"What have you done?" I asked her. Amelia just stared at me for a moment. "Taken an opportunity" she told me.


"I will give you the option to surrender or be turned to ash" theo said as he sat on the back of Nyx. "What is your choice king of Toin?" He asked. The king stared at him for a moment. "You can not do this" the king said. "You are an angerian we are on the same side" said the king. "Ilthe only side I'm on us that of my wife, the woman whom I chose to marry, the woman whom I supported in her fight for the throne and the woman who bares my child" Theo told him. "My brother usurped the throne up from under me and you allied with him to do so" he said "You are lucky I even give you the choice of surrendering or being burned" Theo added.

"A woman in power goes against nature itself" the king told him "men will never willing bow to the weaker sex" he added. "So why do you" he asked Theo. "Because I know the value of following a woman's word, they know far more then we men believe they do" Theo replied to the king.

"It seems you have made your choice king zion" Theo said. "The gods will curse you for the choice your about to make boy" said the king in anger. "So be it then" Theo said as nyx and blizzard flew up into the air. "Ignis" Theo yelled and nyx and blizzard began to let out large breaths of fire in the capital of toin. The city was big. And as the Dragons flew above it breathing their fire on it, the city quickly began to burn, and just as quickly turned to ash. The only sound heard were the screams of the people as they themselves turned to ash along with their beloved king and their beloved city.

If it was up to Theo, he would turn their whole kingdom to ash just for Marianna.


Amelia had Salana taken out of my room and left locking the door behind her. "YOU CAN NOT DO THIS AMELIA!" I yelled as I banged on the door. "LET ME OUT" I continued to yell. She turned on me. She really and truly betrayed me. I thought as I walked over to the window.

"Ah" I said as I put one hand on the table by the widow and the other on my belly to brace my self for the pain that continued to grow.

Was salana dead I wondered as the pain went away and I was able to stand up straight again. This was far from the ideal situation. There was bo way I could bring my child into this world yet. Not right now. Not when people threatened to take it from me.

I stared out the window as I lightly rubbed my belly with my hands. "I promise to keep you safe my child" I said quietly.

Suddenly the door opened. I turned to see not only Amelia but Tonious as well. "As I thought" I said to myself. "It has been quite some time your majesty!" Tonious greeted me with a smile. "Indeed it has tonious" I said annoyance obviously in my voice. "No honorifics anymore I see" he said as a look of victory appeared in his eyes. "I tend to speak informal with those I know are soon to die" I told him. "Just as I did with your father only a few short days ago" I added with a smile.

"What is that supposed to mean" he asked through gritted teeth. "Only that just about now your father Should be a pile of ash slowly being blown away by the wind" I told him.

He stormed over to me holding a knife to my throat. "What have you done you filthy wench" he asked in anger. "I had my dear husband burn your home to the ground" I told him. He removed the knife from my neck and lifted his arm as if to Stab me, but was quickly stopped by Amelia grabbing his arm.

"Wait to kill her until after the child is born" she said seriously. "This bitch destroyed my home" he said turning to her. "And you will soon take hers" Amelia said. "Be smart and follow the plan" she told him. The put his hand down as she let go. "Hurry up and push that thing out so I may kill you" he said before storming out of the room.

Amelia just looked st me for a moment before she left the room. Locking the door behind her once again. There was no escape not with me in labor.

"Ah" I yelled again the pain 10 time worse then before. The contractions were getting closer and closer. It wouldn't be long until the baby made its way into the world and there was nothing I could do to slow it down. Nothing I could do the take back the castle, before it came.

I already knew the moment I pushed this child out of me, they would slit my throat killing me almost instantly. And what about salana? What had they done with her. Was she truly dead? My worries continued to grow as I yelled out in pain from another contraction.

I couldn't do a single thing.

Right now.

At this very moment in time.

I was weak.