Chapter 42 Labor

"Yield your throne or die on it I leave that choice up to you prince Thomas" Cedric said as he pointed a sword at him and The now former queen Elizabeth of Angeria. "I AM NO PRINCE I AM THE KING AND I YIELD TO NO ONE" Thomas yelled at Cedric. "You are but a bastard, not even of royal blood" said Cedric. "And all know it" he added. "I AM THE KING" Thomas yelled again. "YIELD YOUR CROWN" Cedric yelled. "He will do no such thing duke" said Elisabeth. "And you shall not touch a hair on his head for if you do I will have marianna and he beloved unborn child killed where she lays" she told him.

"What are you talking about?" Cedric asked. "We had a spy as soon as you and my bastard step son left she began labor and the castle was overrun. I wouldn't doubt if she has already given birth and is dead already" she told him. He looked back at drazyn then back at Elisabeth. He was worried but at least he knew she was alive.

As long as drazyn lived so did she.

He turned around and got onto drazyns back then took off into the air, with storm following. "See dear I told you that would scare him off" the queen said to her son.

"Ignis" Cedirc said. Drazyn opened his mouth and blew fire onto the castle. Screams began to erupted from the flames below them. He had no concern for those below only Mari. "Let us hurry back" he said to drazyn.


"Ahhhh" Mari yelled as she was tied down to the bed. "She is almost their, it will soon be here" Amelia told Tonious. "Why are you doing this?" Mari asked. "Well at first it was just to take over the continent" Tonious said. "But now I truly wish to make you suffer as a form of revenge" he added.

"The cycle of Revenge always leads to more violence" I told him. "It's how my father lived his life and it was how I spent months of mine" I continued "and since I became queen I have chosen to end that cycle. The cycle where innocent people are affected" I told him. "See that's the difference between us Marianna" Tonious said. "Unlike you I can admit that I don't care for the people" he said. "I can admit I'm a monster" he added.

"Ahhh" I screamed as another contraction filled my body. "I swear to God if you hurt my baby I will hunt you down and kill you" I told them. "We don't wish to harm your child Mari" Amelia said. "We wish to make him a king, and with the ability of magic he will hold along with the dragons he will no doubt be able to control he will become the strongest force in this entire world" she added. "Isn't that what you yourself want as well?" She asked.

"I just wish for my child to live in a peaceful world not one full of corruption" I snapped. "You yourself are corrupted Mari!" Amelia snapped back. "You went from an innocent princess who runaway and became a Commoner to a powerful tyrant queen after finding a few dragons" she told me. "Why don't you realize it already?" She asked. "You think you can call yourself human?" She asked again. "You can't. Because you became the very thing you were afraid of the very monster you killed all those months ago" she told me. "I guess you really are your father's daughter" she said.

"Ahhh" I yelled again as pain came over me and tears filled my eyes. "It's time you push" said Amelia.


"They have taken over the castle" said Theo "is the only way to get to her to fight?" Cedric asked. "Yes I believe it is" Theo replied. "Then what are we waiting for" Cedric said. "Take out your sword and let's go" he said.

They both ran inside the castle. The fight began quickly as toin soldiers began to fight them. As swords clashed together, they could hear Mariannas screams echo throughout the castle, which only drove them to fight more.

They knew the moment the baby was born Mari would die. "On your left" Cedric yelled to Theo. "Behind you" Theo yelled to Cedric. They had one Goal in mind and it was obvious what it was. Get to Marianna and save her.

"I thought o heard swords clashing" a familiar voice rang out causing everyone to freeze. "Tonious" Theo said through gritted teeth. "What are you filthy bastards waiting for kill them" tonious gave the order and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. "Dammit" Cedric yelled as he got cut in the arm. "AHHH" marianna screamed again. Their swords began to move faster as their worry only continued to grow.

Then finally after what felt like an eternity the knights were dead, all of them. They hadn't even realized it. They looked at each other then ran up the stairs. Suddenly someone stood infront of them "Salana" Cedric said shocked.

Salana put a finger over her mouth telling them to be quiet, then wave telling her to follow them.

She quietly took them to a room that was only a few doors down from marianna. "What in the world happened to you?" Cedric asked concerned as he stared at the bruised and bloodied salana.

"Right after Mari went into labor Amelia stabbed me in the back, literally" she told them. "Thankfully I wore my corset today which protect me" she continued. "But to make sure I was dead Tonious decided to beat me. It was incredibly hard not to move but it worked" she explained.

"We have to get to Mari now" she said. "We know that" said Theo.

"From what I can tell there's only 2 people inside the room, Tonious and Amelia" salana told them. "I have no doubt that we can handle them if we move fast" she said. "Let's make this quick" Cedric replied obviously angry.