Chapter 43 Birth

"It's time you push" Amelia said. "No" I told her. "I will not allow you to take my baby" I told them. "Tonious put a knife to my throat" push. I looked up at him "no" I told him as the pain from refusing to push rang throughout me.

Suddenly the door to the room was kicked open. Salana threw a knife and it landed in tonious's arm. "Fuck" he yelled. Then Theo stabbed Amelia in the heart. It was quick. And easy.

"Where did he go?" Salana asked. We looked at where tonious once stood to see him gone. "Dammit" Cedric said. "Ahhh" I screamed in pain. And salana ran to the end of the bed. "I thought you died" I told salana. "That us far from important now your majesty it is time you push" she said. "I can't" I told her as tears fell from my eyes Cedric and Theo grabbed my hands. "You must" said salana.

"No I can't, I can't do this," I said again. "If you don't you baby will die, you have to if you wish for the both of you to live" salana said. "Now on the count of 3" she continued. 1....2....3" she said "ahhh" I yelled as I began to push. Then slight relief as I heard a new sound.

"Wahhh" the baby cried as I laid my head back in exhaustion. I was so tired. "It's a beautiful baby girl Mari" she said as she wrapped the baby up. I smiled "a girl" I said happily through heavy breaths as I looked at Theo. "We have a girl" Theo said looking down at me with a smile.

Salana handed the baby to Theo and he stared at her. "Welcome to the world my sweet girl" he said quietly. Then handed me the baby "ill go fetch a doctor" salana said leaving the room. "She looks just like you" Cedric said.

As I stared at her and held her in my arms I wondered how something could be so beautiful and small. "My baby" I said "we haven't Even thought of a name" I said to Theo. "All in do time" he told me. Exhaustion filled my body and my eyes began to blur before I could hand Theo back the baby my world quickly went black.


"MARI!" Theo said as Mari went limp and caught the baby in his arms. "Mari wake up" Cedric said trying to shake her awake. "What has happened?" The doctor asked running in with salana. "She suddenly went limp" Theo said., "everyone out" said the doctor as he opened his bag.

They were all kicked out into the hallway, the baby still in theos arms. "She will be ok" Salana" told them. "Yes" Theo said sadly as he stared down at hi newly born Daughter. Her eyes were green like Mariannas and tho her hair appeared light as well it had blonde tips.

"I'm sorry your Majesty but the castle is in a current state of chaos" salana said "it's a bad time but we must deal with it quickly" she told him. "Yes your right" he said then handed the baby to Cedric. "Take care of her" he told Cedric before he and salana walked off.

"Duke Cedric" An older woman said appearing out of nowhere. "Your majesty queen Lillian how in the world did you get here so fast?" Cedric asked. "I have a powerful mage at my side" she said gesturing her to the woman next to her. She had black hair and blue eyes. She was pale and looked around the age of 25.

"Is this my great grandchild?" The queen asked staring down at the baby. "Yes your majesty" Cedric replied. "What is her name?" She asked. "I'm afraid she has bo name yet, Theo had to take care of settling the castle and Mari passed out after the birth" he explained.

"The Burning ones" said the unusual mage. "What?" Asked Cedric. "They are known as the highest ranking Angel's among gods angels. Even higher then the archangels" the woman explained. "The things this child shall achieve" the mage said. "That's enough Silla" Lillian said.

That was when the doctor came out of the room. "I was able to stabilize her majesty and she is now resting, the rest is up to her will" he told them. "Thank you" said Lillian, then they all went Inside. "Cedric..." Marianna said weekly.

"How do you feel Mari?" He asked "like death" she told him. "My baby... how is she" Marianna asked. "Very Healthy" said Lillian. "Grandmother how have you arrived so fast?" Mari asked. "Magic dear child" she answered. "Your child shall take the world with Blood and fire" said the Mage. "Who are you?" Mari asked with a glare.

"My apologies your majesty I am Silla Morris, high Mage of Geria" the Mage greeted. "Cedric please help me to sit up" Mari said. "You are still for to weak mari" Cedric said worried. "It matters not" she told him "I wish to hold my baby and I can not do that while lying down" she added.

Cedric handed the baby to Lillian and slowly helped marianna sit up. Lillian handed the baby to Marianna. "What ever shall we call you my sweet girl" Mari said as she stared into the baby's eyes. "She reminds me of a dragons fire" Mari said. "She went through so much before her birth and never showed weakness" Mari continued.

"Seraphina?" Lillian said. "It means fire in some cultures and Burning one in others" she added. "It was also the name your mother wished to name you before she had that choice taken away from her" Lillian told Mari.

"Seraphina?" Mari questioned for a moment. She was still weak but wished to name her baby. "I quite like that name" Mari said with a light smile. "As do I" Theo said appearing in the doorway of the room then walking over to Mari and the baby.

"Seraphina Mera Sengrid" he said as he gently put his hands on the baby's head. "You wish to give her my name?" Mari asked looking up at him. "It is only right since you carried the Babe" he said with a smile.

"Seraphina Mera Sengrid it shall be then" Mari said with a smile.

To Be Continued