Chapter 44 Nyx

"Mari perhaps you should rest longer it's only been a week since you gave birth" Cedric said concerned. "I'm fine this is just as important Cedric" it had been a week since Seraphina was born. But my biggest concern was dealing with tonious. He was unpredictable. I had no clue what he was capable of and if or when he would come back. The faster he was delt with the quicker I could be at ease.

Strom and blizzard stuck close to saraphina, protecting her. While nyx and drazyn flew around the capital. It was exhausting. Ruling over not only one or 2 Empires but 3. Combining them, protecting them. While also taking care of my daughter.

In reality we didn't ask for any of this. When all of this began I only had one goal in mind, and that was to kill my father. Now I had a family, an empire and my dragons.

"How do we find a man who does not wish to be found?" Theo asked as he entered a room. "That I am unsure of" I told him. "Perhaps instead of waiting for him to come to us we go to him" I said. "What are you implying?" Cedric asked. "Seraphina and I are his targets true targets. What I'd we use ourselves as bait?" I asked "I don't like that idea mari" Theo replied.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "I have the tea you requested your majesty" a maid said from behind the door. "You may enter" I said. She came in and set the tea on the table, gave me a quick bow then left.

"That seems dangerous especially with a baby" Cedric said. "Are you to suggest I can't protect my own child" I replied. "No Mari not at all I'm just worried" he said as I took a sip of my tea.

"Perhaps your right to be worried I just wish to end this quickly" I told him. Suddenly my throat became scratchy and I began to cough. What in the world. "Mari are you alright?" Theo asked worried. I covered my mouth with my hand when suddenly blood came out. I looked up at them. My vision began to blur and the world around me quickly went black.


"Mari" Cedric said catching marianna in his arms. She quickly turned pale. Theo had already run out of the room to get a doctor and Cedric just held her in his arms. She had been Poisoned obviously. But who did this? Was it tonious? He wondered.

How many more times would he have to go through watching the love of his life, be hurt like this. Her father, the war, the birth of Seraphina. And the gods only know what happened while they were apart. Each incident or injury, only caused more chaos for her in the end and perhaps she was right. Maybe using herself and Seraphina as bait was the only option.

The doctor ran into the room. He smelled the cup of tea, then opened his bag and pulled out a vile. Opening it he smelled it as well. "Dammit" he said "what is it" Cedric asked angry. "This is a poison with no antidote" he said. "You must get her to her dragons" Lillian said entering the room.

She had been here since seraphina was born, helping Mari to take care of her. "They are the only ones who can save her now" she said. Theo quickly took Mari out of cedrics arms and ran her outside. While cedric fully stood up and walked over to Lillian.

"What is the price for a dragons saving her?" He asked.

Nyx and drazyn landed outside infront of Theo "Please save her!" He pleaded

Lillian just looked at cedric coldly. The answer, it was obvious. But cedric needed to hear it. He needed to confirm it.

Nyx and drazyn looked at eachother before looking back to Mari.

"I know everything comes at a price your majesty, the same exact thing goes with magic" cedric said. "I just need you to tell me that the price is not what I think it is" he pleaded with Lillian. "A life for a life" she said.

Cedric quickly ran past her. Running out to where Theo stood holding Mari infront of nyx and drazyn. "You can't do this" cedric said to Theo. "She will die if we dont" he said. And nyx or drazyn will die if we do and she will never forgive any of us" cedric argued. Maris condition was gradually growing worse. "Look at her she is dying" he said. "THEN LET ME DIE FOR HER" cedric yelled.

"You.. die for her?" Theo questioned. "A life for a life, that is the price" cedric said desperately. Nyx stepped infront of him and gave him a growl. "Nyx.." cedric said. Was she try8ng to stop him now. He knew dragons. Were just as smart, maybe even smarter then humans but why would he stop him, he wondered.

"Nyx I can't let you sacrifice yourself" he told the large dragon. "A Dragons job is to obey and protect its heart" Lillian said appearing behind us. "If a dragon knows her heart will soon die, it will sacrifice its own in order for its soul to survive" she continued. "What does that mean. Theo asked. "When nyxs body dies... he should will reincarnate into new life" she told us. "This is only part of her cycle" she said.

Nyx moved over to where marianna stood. She lowered her head and had her nose touching mariannas heart. Nyx was set on being the one to save her. Oh how he wished it could be him instead. But how was he to change a dragons mind.

A greenish glow came from nyx and slowly moved towards Mari. Almost like a stream. Silence filled the air as the only thing anyone could do was watch. As the life slowly crept back into marianna, we could see the life slowly drain from nyx.

Until the stream had ended and nyx fell to the ground and Mari opened her eyes.