The biggest challenge to my existence


Harper sat by the side and started drinking water while Viny ate Mady's meal. After a while, Harper voiced her thoughts "It is not possible to grow anything to eat here. If there are biological creatures there, then they are fed from a single source. There are three possibilities; they can eat us, confiscate our food, or they don't know about our food and continue to eat from one source."

Viny nodded. After taking his last bite, Viny said "Then we should have walked from top to bottom. As long as we survive, we may come across a nomad."

Mady voiced her objection "Viny and Harper. I got advice from an expert. Our thoughts belong to our secular world. We are on a different planet right now. We can't be sure what will happen. You are narrowing the possibilities."

Viny shook his head "No, we're not narrowing the possibilities. We stay in the safe zone. There may be more options, but even in the safe zone, we have a 33 percent risk of dying. We shouldn't go there"

'Viny is smarter than my guess. We will always be safe if we act together. I have to support him so that I can accomplish the task and earn my mom a coin in the future. I can even win on this mission.'

Harper told Mady "Mady, you don't want to go that way, do you? Let's walk down."


'Piper looks like an extremely dangerous person. There is no room for sentimentality here. We will all turn into murderers one way or another. This woman shouldn't get so emotional just by looking at two people who are putting a stand on her. We are all warned. She must know that she will fight to the death here. Perhaps Piper wanted to be seen as the weakest link by gripping her sword particularly weak. I must definitely keep everyone equal.'

Boden's thoughts were directed at seeing Piper as dangerous and Juan as less dangerous. Juan accepted what was said to be the opposite of Boden's thoughts. 'That young girl is my biggest rival. They will want to eliminate the weakest link of our group at first. My chances of survival have increased more. Piper, oh Piper. How can you be so naive... we will no longer be normal people. You had to prepare yourself psychologically.'

Boden's family lived in Paris and if he mentioned Monaco, no one would be able to follow. That's why he told them that he spent his unconscious period in Monaco. He kept talking about luxury hotels and casinos in Monaco, adding a lot of nonsense to his story. After about 20 minutes of walking they saw Harper, Viny, and Mady walking towards them.

Juan immediately recognized who the strong girl Piper was talking about was from the two short swords on her waist. Others were carrying swords. Boden took a deep breath and stopped walking. Boden thought 'I think there is nothing we can seize on the town. It's not a good thing now that they are back. We cannot return to the system room until the task is over. Our food stock is too limited'

Boden told the people next to him "Juan, if we cut the distance below 8 meters, there won't be enough time for us to draw the sword and defend it. You should definitely pay attention to this. Piper, you stay near me. If we fight, you'll watch my back. I have the girl who looks slightly Asian, Juan, take the man. The other girl seems to be a fool according to the reports. If we do the first attack successfully, it will be easy to eliminate them. Everybody be careful"

Piper took a step back and made Boden stay ahead. Boden was even more impressed that Piper obeyed immediately. 'This woman is definitely dangerous. San Tzu, I hope what you said is true.

- Close your friend, keep your enemy closer! – '

By the time Viny and the other two reached them, there was something like 10 meters between them when Boden pointed his hand towards his sword. Viny stopped walking immediately, Mady and Harper as well.

"Hi, I'm Boden. The person who shouted when we first came to the road."

Harper was looking at those around her, trying to read the danger from body movements. She was also trying to understand their characters. Mady, on the other hand, was not on the alert as usual. Seeing that the people next to him would not begin to speak, Viny compelled to reply. "I'm Viny. It is nice to meet you. These are Mady and Harper"

Madilynn and Harper bowed their heads. Piper sighed from behind and turned across the road, and luckily saw Allison running towards them. Juan, on the other hand, had his eyes fixed on Harper. Then he spoke in a full and confident voice "I'm Juan. I am professional athlete. Pleased to meet you all. If six of the eight people are here and we are teams of three people moving with each other. Why not be six?"

After Viny looked towards Piper, he realized from Piper's expression that someone was behind him. When he turned his head slowly back. He saw Allison running towards them, Amos also coming behind her. Viny made an eye signal to those next to him, and the trio stepped aside slightly to keep out of the way. "I learned!" With Allison gasping 20 meters away. "Ah. Hah. Haaaa. I learned the mission. Save me from this pursuit. Please. I'll tell you later."

Viny stared towards Boden without moving. Boden was looking at Amos. Amos stopped 6-7 meters from Jin. "What do you mean, let them save you! You were turning back to them, and I was following you. Otherwise I would have killed you already." Amos defended himself.

Amos did not know who had taken the lead, so he turned to Juan, the oldest of the six "My name is Amos. My friends, if we are all here. First of all, let's meet. Then let's learn the details of the task. Then we make our plans together or separately. What do you say?"

Boden's eyebrows frowned slightly. 'This man looks extremely dangerous. Piper has made Juan gone against Harper as his rival. Juan will try to turn Harper and Amos against each other. Over 50 percent, there will be a fight to the death, if the group unites. You're very dangerous, Piper. Damn it. It seems impossible for me to control Juan.'

Juan smiled "I am Juan. These are Boden and Piper. Those are..." he would continue. But Viny interrupted "You talk about the details of the task among yourself. We are going."

Viny and his people started walking down. Amos' eyes reddened slightly. Amos thought 'Did this guy conceive the next phase without learning the details of the task? Or is he going where I came from? He can't get there before me! This changes everything. I have to stop them.'

Amos grabbed his sword and instantly swung it at Jin. He severed Jin's sword arm. Everything happened very suddenly. Boden, Juan, and Piper drew their swords when Jin screamed. Amos was on Jin. "If you don't stop the three who are leaving, I will kill her before we know the information."

Boden stepped backwards away from both Viny's group and Amos. Piper also moved with him.

Juan said "Shall we do it this way?" Looking towards Amos, ignoring Boden. "Forgive the Japanese on the ground and let's learn everything. If these three people try to leave without listening, we will stop together."

Amos smiled "I think so, Amigo."

Viny turned to Allison and said "I could sever his arm, but it didn't happen because of you. Was it worth it?"

Allison was trying to stop the bleeding by pressing down the area of ​​her severed arm with her dress. Piper, as a doctor, and Harper, as a specialist in first aid care with her father's training, believed that it was impossible to stop this bleeding without anyone else's help. Piper couldn't stand it and said "If we don't intervene, she will soon lose consciousness from blood loss!"

Boden's chest was tightened 'Damn. Even when talking about rescue, she speaks as if what matters is not her survival, but what she tells. The dangerousness of this Piper is maximum. I cannot take it any longer. I have to put her in the most risky position.'

Boden said loudly "Piper, if you can, help it now!" Juan and Amos remained in their places. Piper moved towards Amos.

Looking at Juan, Viny said "Juan, being a professional athlete before and then reaching the perfect body may make you feel at the top of power, but if you were able to accomplish this task alone, it wouldn't be a very difficult task. At least we are all on duty for the first time. We are at the zero point. So, we have no extra plus. If you think you are stronger than me, you are wrong. Also, Amos is a totally killer soul. Suppose you together killed us all. How do you know that he won't kill you? Or are you a murderer like him?"

Then, looking at the people next to him "I said beforehand that I would never move with the Japanese. Because she's a traitor. There will be a lack of information if she give. Maybe a trap will lay in the given information. The other is the killer and has the courage to tell us what to do as soon as he arrives. I'm out of this business. You're on your own. The two people next to me also move with me. If you force us, we will fight with our soul, not with fear."

He started walking away. Juan's brows frowned 'So you threaten me, huh, incompetent.'

Then he turned to Amos and nodded. Obviously, they were going to attack. Then he turned to Boden and said "Boden let's stop these"

After Piper bent over and padded Jin's arm, she squeezed the blood flow from the back of the arm with the bandage she took out of her bag.

Boden takes a deep breath and takes a few more steps back "Viny, can I join you?"

Viny turned and looked at Boden. "In a possible attack, we could be 4 by 3, and 3 by 4. So, if you're going to join us, follow us from 50 meters away for now."

Boden started running away to the opposite side. Amos and Juan were quickly thrown at Viny and the others.

Boden suddenly zigzagged over to Jin and Piper. Piper was following Viny and Juan's fight with her sword in her hard. She thought Mady was going to attack her. Boden came from behind and hit the neck awfully hard. 'Now that there's no Piper to hold Mady, she can help Viny.'

After Licking his dry lips with his tongue in front of Harper, Amos swung his sword and drew back abruptly. Harper had an advantage of close-range weapon at close range. So, Amos was attacking from middle-range, taking advantage of his sword.

Juan swung his sword with all his might. Viny answered, and after the swords crossed, the two did not take a step back. Juan got angry and tried to punch him with his other arm. Noticing that Mady was coming to him, he stepped into the cross. When he confronted both of them, he saw Boden take Piper down. He was shocked. Suddenly Juan could not understand why he was acting like that. Juan stepped back a little bit and asked "Why did Boden do such a thing?"

Boden was swinging his sword in the void. "Juan, why did you betray? We were going to watch each other. Why are you forcing me to be on the same team with a killer who kills me without thinking? If there is sun, then there will be moon as well. I don't want to be killed while sleeping. "

Amos took a few steps back and shouted furiously "What do you mean -who kills me without thinking-! Are you stupid? The biggest challenge to my existence is Viny right now. Everything was to get him to fight. Damn it. Don't talk like you know every shit."

Suddenly everyone turned to Viny. Viny, looking at Amos, thought 'What happened? Did you decide to talk now? Brat. You entered the system room before me. Maybe you spent 94 days. You've done a lot of shopping. I was able to spend 101 minutes in the system room and only 13 minutes outside. I had no time for anything. Of course, I will use my mind to survive.'

He turned his sword and held it towards Amos. "Since you're plotting on me. Come just the two of us, 1 on 1. Nobody else will interfere. Do you have the courage?"

Everyone is surprised by Viny's challenge. Amos was incredibly happy. After carefully moving away from Harper, he came about 20 meters in front of Viny. Viny threw his bag on the ground and took the short knife in his hand. His big sword was in his left hand and his short sword in his right.

They ran towards each other. Viny suddenly threw the knife at Amos. Amos defended with his sword and tried to pull himself aside. But as he moved forward, although he hit the knife with his sword, a knife was stuck in his left shoulder. Meanwhile, Viny swung his great sword with all his might, swinging it horizontally parallel to the ground.

Everyone saw Amos split in half. Viny retched, looking at Amos' corpse, who was staring in surprise in his death. He was about to vomit. A few seconds later he was able to recover. He took his short knife and backpack from Amos' body. Then he removed the leather armor and found the tattoo on his chest. When he cut it over the tattoo with his knife, he found a medallion with gold and black smoke around.

'System General Warning: Agent 5857 died. The duration of the quest has been reduced by 2 weeks.

The remaining duration is 3 months and 2 weeks.

The remaining number of agents: 7 '

Everyone remembered that they were still being monitored by a system when they got the system message. Also, if each death cuts by 2 weeks, if there is only one left alive, the mission will be over in 2 weeks. Everyone looked at each other more paranoidly. Mady and Harper approached Viny. Boden also came.

Juan looked at Piper and Jin, unconscious on the floor, then went up to them and sat cross-legged on the ground.