Won't you answer properly?


'System Special Alert.

'You have captured lucky 5857's system coin.

'Disclosure: There are four options that you can do with someone else's medallion.

'Information: 1- To make someone an agent by giving it to someone else.

'Information: 2- When you reach level 10, the bouncer system will be active. A person can have a maximum of two bouncers. To declare someone a bouncer, you have to give him a medal.

'Information: 3- You can sell to Lord in the system shop or sell it to other agents.

'Information: 4- Hiding the medallion. Stored medals will disappear on a specific day each year. It closely concerns the annual evaluation of the lords who are the administrators of the system.

'Information: 5857's belongings have been taken to your system room.

'Information: When you kill every agent, except those who became agents by you, the size of your system room will double. The system room can have a maximum width of 1000 m and a length of 1000 m.

'You will receive the gift for the first kill when you complete the quest.

Viny took Amos' backpack and looked inside. There were a lot of useful things. He got rid of his old bag after filling the items from his own bag into his new bag.

Harper asked "Can I get Amos' armor?"

"Of course, you can."

Harper bent down and removed the armor with her knife, then cut out parts and put it in her bag. The four started walking down. Boden couldn't stand the silence and said "Why did he want to kill you? Is there a special reason?"

'Off, constantly needing to explain. I'm getting nervous.'

Viny turned to Boden and replied "Dude, I am not able to answer every question you are curious about. This time I will answer the problem. Amos followed someone else's path. I had reached the point where the roads meet before anyone else. Because Amos was following someone else's path, he wanted to be appeared his mission there. So, he planned to kill the one who was originally in the path. Obviously, everyone would converge at some point. Everyone would think that when someone didn't come, the person on that road was going down."

After scratching his head, "I don't understand. But why?" Boden repeated his question. Harper laughed as Viny frowned.

Mady looked at Viny and asked "oho, uhmm, so when eight people gathered, did you purposely want to leave and walk down?"

Viny glared at Mady "Mady, are you really my partner? It was a very hostile question. Stop making me look bad. After all, it wasn't me who cut her arm. I am not able to protect someone who betrayed me without her realizing it. "

Mady pushed Viny's shoulder with her fist. "She warned me though. Or maybe he would have killed me. Why did you hurt my savior? Hmph."

Viny shrugged his shoulder "Come on, if she hadn't made a voice, it would have been Amos's arm, not your head. Grasshopper leaps one, two leaps!"

Mady smiled and turned to Boden "Hey Body, which creature do you think hunted the grasshopper?"

Harper laughed again. Boden raised her hands and said "Hey, don't blame me. I'm not going to call the man amphibious." Boden walked for a while and asked "Damn, you're so complicated. I did not understand anything. Why and why?"

Looking at Boden who stopped moving, Viny said "Food"

Harper and Mady burst into laughter at the same time. Boden gestured at Viny and continued to ask. "I'm bored but won't you answer properly? And why didn't you listen to the Japanese? Why are we going down, not to the town?"

Mady finally could not stand and replied "Food is the answer to all your questions. There is nothing about agriculture around the town. If we are going to join the nomads, they have to leave the door and migrate. They'll probably be going out for food. Also, when Amos heard about his 4-month mission completion time, it would have been logical to have brought a lot of food, except a bag on his back. When Amos couldn't kill the Japanese and Viny saw everyone's way, Viny knew where Amos's food was."

Mady continued her speech as looking towards the walls "There was a reason Amos wanted to kill me. If Amos had killed me, Viny would have concluded that Amos was an inconsiderate killer who killed whatever came to him, rather than guessing about Amos's food supply. Amos wanted Viny to think that this is why he crossed the path of someone else."

Boden glared at the trio, gaping. 'Oh my god, I thought Piper was the most dangerous.'

Harper stopped smiling and looked forward solemnly, thinking 'Since one of us is dead, we can all die, too. That's why we have to be careful. Nobody can trust anybody. That's why it's great that we are 4 people. 2 people sleep, the other two people stand guard. It was great for Boden to participate. Judging by the questions he was asking, he's just so naïve.'

When the quartet reached the junction of the roads, Viny chose the path Amos should have taken and began to move forward.


With a headache, she moved her body, bent on the ground, and opened her eyes. A few feet away, Juan was sitting with his eyes closed. On the other side, Allison was unconscious.

'Uff, it hurts so much. Who was he? I guess it was -mmm Boden. Why did Boden hit me on the head! If it were anyone else, he would kill me. Boden sure did, but why? Hmph Cowardly Guy!'

Piper started to speak. "Juan, how long have I been unconscious?"

After Juan opened his eyes, he looked a little at Piper. " I guess it's been like half an hour." looking up and looking down. said. Piper rubbed her neck "Asshole coward, hit me in the back! Uff"

Looking at Allison, Juan asked "What are we going to do with her?" Piper took two flint stones from her bag and ignited a piece of bandage and warmed up her knife. Then she burned Allison's open wound with the flat face of the blade and branded it.

Allison woke up in pain and bit the piece of clothing in her mouth. Allison looked with tears in her eyes. After a few minutes, making sure that her bleeding wounds had completely closed, Piper sat on the ground, hugging her knees.

Juan never got up. Allison looked extremely sluggish. After holding a bottle of drinking water, Juan would have Allison drink it. Looking at Allison, he asked "Nobody touched your bag. Is there something sweet in it? You have experienced too much blood loss, it may be good."

"Hmm, you can open it. Not in it, but chocolate bars in the lower left pocket" After Juan fed her, Allison breathed a little. She felt like she was recovering.

"There are red skinned people who are 3 meters tall. They were fed from a single source. Since their food was sufficient for an average of 6000 people, they exiled as many people every year. Right where their ancestors came from. So, downsides of the mountain. The ones who left did not come back. After 3 days, this year's unlucky ones will set off. I didn't want to wait there so we could join them on the way. I thought we could come here and get ready together. That man ruined everything. He took my arm from me, that mean scum."

Piper, listening to Allison's words, asked her name, wondering "I'm Piper. What is your name?"

"I'm Jin."

"I'm Juan too. You're so unlucky Jin. It is unfortunate to be targeted by such a psychopath."

When Jin heard the word bad luck, the shaman woman came to her mind. Then she remembered her father and mother. She remembered the man who wanted to cast a spell on her and take everything away from her. She was very angry. She looked at her right arm severed from below her elbow. She had only one left hand now.

Piper looked at Jin and spoke "Jin. I am glad to meet you. It may not be possible to have a new arm in our world. But remember we are agents?"

Jin's eyes opened, as if she had discovered something new. Then, after nodding her head, she said "After 3 days, we should be at the junction of the roads. Let's make a plan accordingly"

Juan asked, looking towards the town "what were they doing, how were they living? Like an animal or like a human? "

Jin collected what she had in mind and explained "They were very organized. It's like a social society. I don't think they use money. There was no restaurant or cafe-style thing in the center of town. Together they were producing huge arrows and wind-up bows in the town square. I guess they have strong flying enemies, or their only source of food comes from the air."

Piper thought aloud to herself "If something flying is targeting the town, they're either hiding something valuable or their only target should be to eat red people."

Scratching his chin, Juan said, "So let's do it like this; Let's camp a little closer the walls and wait. We will surely come across things that attack at night or during the day. Say what?"

Piper and Jin simultaneously said "It suits me!"

Jin was then surprised when she saw the corpse just ahead with wide eyes "H-, Hoo, is he Amos?"