Joining the Weiss Clan

'But how! How!'

Mio's feelings were in turmoil. She felt like crying, but couldnt. She felt like losing an important chance she had never encountered. She was angry for her elders as well as losing the chance to find the mystery around Viny. 

"Grandpa, you ruined everything, grandpa! I was going to reveal his secrets. My grandmother also ruined my biggest trump, my beauty. What was her purpose in introducing Jenna to him! Damn! These people have aged and gotten senile. Phew!" Mio stood unhappily and returned to her room. Going after Viny would definitely ruin everything.

She gritted her teeth and was determined to get Viny. Firstly, she had to make new plans.

Viny rode his horse to where the man he had first asked for directions pointed to. He thought it made more sense to join the Weiss Clan and succeed in the emperor's operation and get the Underwoods' super warrior technique from the emperor himself.