Ignorant Beno

"We are currently warring against the Bitroks on the northern front. The second prince and his army were making a very serious defence. While the loss of the war was imminent, the Masjuns captured the Bitrok princess and wanted to use her as a sacrifice in the 'Virgin Neveden' ritual. While the Masjuns fled after capturing the princess, the Bitrok army stopped the war with us and retreated." 

"The Bitroks wanted to create an alliance with the kingdom of Dertan, and then start a revenge attack on the kingdom of Masjun. Two weeks ago, the princess was kidnapped. But according to the information we have received, the princess has not passed the Masjun border yet."

"War between the Dertan Kingdom and the Masjun Kingdom stopped three years ago. Thanks to the Bitroks, Dertanlar could survive. Because the Masjuns are so aggressive, the Bitroks will retreat from the war with us and attempt a revenge against the Masjuns."