Chapter 11


I took in a deep breath as we headed to the steps of the cabin and I relaxed at the sight of it being illuminated.

I asked mom to ask a couple of housekeepers to settle the place and bring all the dishes I had cooked for Selene, to the cabin.

Yeah, I cooked for her.

She smelled like those roses and a sweet other perfume. Her curled up hair dropped on her face, as she looked down at her feet, while we walked up the wooden steps to the main door.

"Okay." I whispered and opened the doors. The French doors, perfectly etched with floral and curvy designs, revealed the cozy cabin.

The warm and yellow, spacious area, lit itself like a forest light around a fire. The cream coloured carpet felt soft under our feet and I saw Selene taking off her boots with difficulty as she held her purse and her roses in each hand she was using her toes to rub the shoes off hee heels.

I placed my fingers on her forearm which supported the roses and slid my fingers to her hand before taking the flowers from her hand.

She gently let go of them and gave me a thankful smile. I nodded and walked to the lounge, that was open and to my right. I walked around the brown, fluffy couches. The two seater and three seater made a right angle around the LED screen that stood facing the the intersection point of the couches.

The screen stood on a plain brown TV table, with rows in it. The rows held a bowl of small crystals and a DVD box slash sterio, that was connected to a surround sound system in the lounge.

I placed the roses in the center of the small, black coffee table and ran back to where Selene was. She was still trying to push off her left shoe.

I sat on one knee, next to her and pushed her hand away gently. She dropped her raised foot and looked at me with question.

"Let me?" I offered and a light red blush crept up her cheeks.

"Th-that's okay." She whispered.

I shook my head and started grazing her naked leg with my fingers. I watched as goose bumps unevened her creamy skin.

She gasped.

Her skin was cold.

"You okay?" I questioned, gripping her shin with my fingers and using the other hand on the shoe.

"Uh-huh." She breathed and I looked up to find her heavily breathing.

I pulled the brown shoe off, revealing her cute and small foot. So perfectly was the skin stretched one her feet, pink nail Polish coated her short nails and softness was like the clouds.

I didn't know why I grazed my fingers from her ankle all the way to her toes and when I heard her whisper my name, I looked up to find her with closed eyes and a hold on the door.

I stood up slowly, sliding my hands on her sides and purposefully lifting her dress a little. She opened her eyes when I fanned my breath on her lips.

She looked into my eyes and it was incredibly hot how her eyes dragged down from mine to my lips. She bit her lip at the sight she was staring at and I held my breath.

"We should-uh- the date." Selene murmured, trying to break the closeness in us.

I, however, couldn't ignore it.

I pushed my arms around her waist and took the purse from her hold, hanging it on the golden hooks behind the main door.

I pulled her into me and she, instinctively, slapped her palms on my biceps. I smirked.

"You're so beautiful. It hurts." I whispered and she gasped.

"Selene?" I called, as she shut her eyes.

"I had a sex dream about." She blurted and her eyes jumped open wide as the words hit my realization. I felt so fucking elated.

"Oh really?" I uttered seductively, not wanting her arousal to lower.

"Uh, uh,-"

"Hey." I caught her chin in my fingers and raised her face to level with mine.

My heart fell as I watched a tear slip down her cheek as a mirrored reflection of her face's elevation towards mine.

"Selene-" I started but she shushed me by capturing my lips in a tender kiss. I felt her kiss my bottom lip, then slowly, the top one. Then, she slowly pressed her top lip to mine and bottom to my bottom lip. The kiss was soft, loving and so captivating.

It was like she wanted to let it go, get lost and give it all to me.

I held her waist tight and pushed my hip against hers. She opened her mouth against mine and I entered my tongue in. Her fingers held my hair tight and I hoisted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I slammed her into the wall beside the main door, and pressed further into me. When I left her lips, we panted like we had been left in the space with no air, for a very long time.

I didn't stop and moved down, placing, open and wet kisses across her skin. When I kissed her neck, she moaned and threw her head back, with a bitten lip. I nipped at the same spot and she hissed lightly. Not the painful one, but the one that created a tent in my jeans.

I nipped harder, then licked and then repeated the motion, onnthe same spot, until I was satisfied with a result.

A beautiful hickey.

Right in the crook of her neck.

I kissed, all over her neck before, going behind her right ear and placing a kiss there. She giggled lightly.

"Dinner?" I whispered in her ear and she nodded.

When she tried to sneak her legs away, I held on tight and she understood as I felt her fingers gripping the neckline of my blazer. I pulled away from the wall and walked us over to the kitchen. The kitchen was on our left, through a wooden door. It was a closed kitchen.

I sat her on the marble white island, in the centre of the kitchen and rearranged the silver bar stools, that formed a line on the front of the island, opposite the stoves.

She giggled as I kissed her cheek and ran to other door, at the other end of the kitchen.

I sighed at the sight of the dining room. The rectangular table was decorated with over twenty candles and the dishes that I had cooked were perfectly set on the table with plates and utensils set on either side of the table. The table was long and had spaces for four seats on either sides. I moved the plates at one end to the near of other end.

A knock rang on the door behind me and then Selene called my name.

"Close your eyes." I called as I walked to the door.

"What?" Came her muffled voice.

"Close your eyes." I uttered through the door.

"Okay." She mumbled and I slowly opened the door.

She winked at me with an evil smirk as the door cringed open and I shook my head as her eyes went to the room behind me.

Her eyes widened, then the surprise washed down her features as I observed them. First her eyes, then her cheeks tinted red, then, slowly her lips parted as a gasp escaped her.

"Jace." She breathed, scanning the room behind me.

"You- um- you like it?" I asked as she moved into the room and I closed it behind her.

"Beautiful." She chuckled and turned to me with clapped hands. The glistening of joy, sparkling in her eyes, send me to the highest level happiness.

"Great." I smiled and she leaped at me with open arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up.

"I love you." I whispered and she shivered.

"I love you too." She giggled, moving back and getting out of my grasp. Something was up with her.

Something was bothering her and I needed to find out what.

I escorted her to her seat and she bit her lip at the sight of the food on the table.

"Yep, everything you like-"

"Don't tell me, you made all of that?" She widened her eyes.

I scratched the back of my head in a mixed and complex ball of shyness and pride. She squeeled, jumped up and pecked my lips.

Thats what I loved about her.

She was the only girl I knew, who was living a cruel existence but the smallest of things, like her favourite food, brought her tons of joy. I didn't want to live without her. I just couldn't bare that thought.

Tears threatened to hurt me, but I had to hold them. Fuck, I wasn't going to lose her, I just wasn't going to. 

"Jace, you okay?" She cupped my face, pulling me back to our reality.

I nodded. 



"Stop it." 

"What?" I asked, confused. 

"Stop thinking that way."

"What way?"

"You won't lose me..." She trailed off while looking at my tie. She loosened my tie lightly and matched my eyes again, "... because I want to be yours." 

My erection flared. 

"Sele-" My throat went dry. Was I really hearing it? Was it happening? Did she really just-

"I mean it." She whispered, so damn close to my lips. 

"S-so you-"



"The answer's yes." 

"You want to?"

"After the food though. I'm starving!" She kissed my nose and twirled in my arms, before breaking free and sitting on her seat.

When I sat next to her, I filled our wine glasses with grape juice. Selene wasn't allowed alcohol, so I wasn't going to drink either.

"Ooh, pretentious wine!" She giggled, sipping on her drink. I took a sip of the juice and loved the sweet and tingly taste of it.

She started with the beef lasagna.

A small cube of the pasta layers, cheese and beef cooked with onions, sat on her white plate and I waited for her to take a bite. As soon as she sliced a corner and wrapped her lips around the lucky fork in her fingers, she let out the most beautiful moan.

"Wow." She mumbled with food still in her mouth.


"Oh my God, Jace. This is so perfect!" She took another bite and I bit into the lasagna as well. She took some chicken, bowed pasta and a little mini beef burger.

"Jace?" She called as I took a small bite of the mini Burger.

"Hmm." I responded as the food was still stuffed in my mouth.

"What are you going for?"

"What do you mean?"

"As in the future, you know. What are you choosing as a life?" She put a yellow bow of pasta in her mouth, with a little bit of potato and chicken on it.

"Well, hm-" I paused and gave a thought to what I wanted to say, "-I always wanted to be a doctor like dad." I bit my lip at my statement.

"Wanted?" She raised a brow on her perfect face.

"Yeah. I just, Selene, I want to start a business." I started, "I want to build shelter homes, apartments with full furnishing, perfect amount of electricity and water, space for eating and well designed kitchens." I could imagine a perfect and beautiful apartment.

"I want to make it free for the poor, cheap priced for the laborers and a funding property for the nobles of the world. Know what I mean?" I looked at her for some advice, I just didn't know what to say to explain the business right.

"That's a thoughtful idea, Jace, but honey-" She put her fork down and looked at me with a smile, "-what about the sharing prices, the expenses, the profits of how much you are going to invest in the business? What about the supply services for the ones who can't afford, or the guarantee for the other businesses who are going to fund and try expanding your business?"

My mouth was dry.

No girl, I had ever dated, understood.

She did.

"I mean, have you thought through as to how much labor work it will actually take in building the project? What about the costs? I mean, have you thought about it?" She raised her brows at the end and I smirked.

God, she was perfect.

"Yeah, that's why I wanna do it." I answered and she gave me a shiny smile.

"Well, you should discuss it with your dad." She took my palm on the table and I held hers tight.

"Yeah." I sighed. I still hadn't discussed the part about me being a businessman with my dad, yet.

"You can do this, Jace." She squeezed my hand.

"I left out, one part, for you." I whispered.

She chuckled.


"Come with me?" I questioned, standing up. I forwarded my hand, offering as a hold.

She took it gently and stood up.

I walked us out of the darkened yet lightly lit room. The candles made it so fucking perfect.

I walked us out to the lounge and she looked at me as the candles, lit lightly in the room, brightened her face.

I held my breath and walked to her. I took each step, slowly but gently and then when I was an inch away from her body, I sighed.

She looked into my eyes with her deep blue ones and complimented her dress in the dim light. I laid my fingers on her shoulders and dragged my cold fingers down her bare skin.

She bit her lip and sucked in a sharp breath. Holy shit, how did she do that together?

I pushed her back gently and she moved with my movement, with shut eyes and clay like body. I could mould it anyway.

So soft.

"Turn." I ordered in a light whisper and she turned in my arms, with her back facing my chest.

"Open." I murmured in her ear and hee shoulder bumped lightly, as I noticed slight goose bumps rising there.

She opened her eyes gently, staring in the oval, golden framed mirror and looked at out reflection. I sneaked my hand into my jacket and pulled out the box. I opened, without moving my eyes from Selene and using my sense of touch.

When I held the cold metal in my fingers, I looked down and unlocked the lock in the chain. I raised the chain and then bridged my arms over her head before bring the necklace down to her collar bone.

She gasped as the cool and silver pendant tocuuhed her skin. She stared at the pendant which was a small infinity sign with a tiny rose gold heart, hanging I'm the intersection of the infinity.

"Our love, holds infinity?" She asked.

"Or, our love means infinity." I kissed her neck that now held the chain with the pendant around it.

"What if infinity isn't possible?" She questioned and I raised my head abruptly, meeting her eyes in the mirror before us.

"It is."

"What if our infinity, is a page from The Fault In Our Stars?" She gave a tiny twitch to her lips, but I knew it was forceful.

"Then we live it together and leave it, together." I turned her and made her face me.

"Or, you live this one with me. Then you create a new one, when I leave?" She pleaded with her eyes.

"Or, I just go in with you."

"You are seventeen, Jace. You have so much to live for." She croaked.

"I have nothing when I don't have you." I responded.

"You lived without me for seventeen years before Jace." Her eyes went stern but tears kept a stand in them.

"I did, but now I have forgotten how. I have no life, outside of you, Selene Arly. My deepest dreams, start with you and end with you, my darkest fears eliminate with your smile and my heart learns to live a new way, every time it sees you." I cupped her face, "So don't you tell me to start a new day without you in it."

"My surgery's next week, Jace." She let the tears spill.

Selene :

"My surgery's next week, Jace." I cried as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't hold it in, anymore. His love, his care was killing me. It was so beautiful, so imaginative and so different.

I had never seen love so pure, so real before. I was believing in life with every breath I took in his presence.

His fingers loosened on my cheeks and tears gathered in the brim of his beautiful brown eyes.

"What?" He asked in disbelief. A tear slid down his cheek.

"I- My surgery, it's next week." I whimpered.

"W-what- Why- How- No! Why?" He started stammering and babbling as he let go of me and started pacing the ground before me. His fingers rubbed his chin and raked his hair. Tears glistened in the candle light on his face and I could hear him breath heavy.

"Condition's gotten worse. Your dad told me last week." He stopped anddlooked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" He breathed in pain.

"I asked him to give me the chance to tell you." I reasoned.

"And you are tell-telling me now?" He questioned as unbelievingness marred his face.

"I didn't know how- how to tell you." I felt my lips quiver, my nose clog and my throat hurt as I cried with my words, "I couldn't break your heart, you had exams going on and I-"

"Screw the exams, Selene!" He bellowed and I flinched.

"Jace, I-I'm sorry." I was too scared to move toward but as soon as the words left my mouth, I was bumped into a hard chest and my eyes were connected to a strong pair of brown ones.

He didn't say anything and kept his gaze on me.

"I will fight for you, Jace. I will come back, for you. I will give everything, for you." I promised with my eyes, content with his.

His eyes softened and gave out a small sob, while dropping his forehead against mine. His fingers came to the back of my neck and my back. I held his hair all ten fingers of mine.

"Please, please, please, I beg of you." He cried against me, "Please, don't leave me. Please." He begged and I shushed him.

"This doesn't suit my beautiful boy." I kissed his tears covered cheek.

"This boy is nothing without his beauty with him." He croaked.

"This girl will go, only if she has to learn to live without you." I whispered.

"Never." He shook his head and I nodded before he slammed me into the wall behind us and captured my lips in a bruising kiss.