Chapter 22 In Our Honour

A few minutes before

Katrina's POV

After Frigga managed to find me a gown that sported Loki's colour and really showed off my curves, she tied my hair up and added golden flakes to my ponytail. I look like a princess, so beautiful and I'm sure Loki will love it. I'm so excited for the feast and the ball and I can't wait to see him. He doesn't even know I am here yet and I can't wait to surprise him. He must be so worried since I haven't spoken to him but I'm sure he will be happy when he sees me. God I have missed him so much and I can't wait to finally see him. To be his girl again and the fact I'm Asgardian and have been accepted by his family, nothing can keep us apart now.

It's finally time for the feast and I got here early with Frigga. I'm hidden by a column at the side entrance to the hall which is slightly higher so it means I get to look down the stairs at head table where Odin and Frigga are sat as well as the rest of the feasting hall. There are gigantic long tables at one side of the hall closest to me, filled with food and drink and people gathered around and the other side is the dance floor. Frankly, it's amazing but I only want to see one person.

Then I hear whispering and I look towards the entrance as Thor comes in and beside him is the man I love, Loki. He looks just the way I remember him and I swear he has got hotter. He is dressed in his usual attire but his hair is a bit longer. I like it. But he looks rather worried, despite the smile he is wearing and I'm guessing he is worried about me. Really I should have spoken to him last night but I had no idea how to tell him I am Asgardian and I didn't want to get his hopes up. Little did I expect that I would be in Asgard and now waiting to surprise him. God I love him so much and just seeing him from here, makes me want to run and jump into his arms. I'm here Loki and you are about to have the shock of your life.

Odin gestures to him and Loki goes over to him as Thor joins who I assume is his friends at the table. I hold onto my pendant as he gets closer and he is completely unaware I am here. The hall has become quieter and I guess everyone wants to hear Odin and Loki speak.

"Father." He greets as he reaches the head table.

Oh god how I have missed that velvety voice. It's so nice to hear his voice out loud instead of in my head, it just isn't the same. Finally I can hear his voice and see him, be with him. My Loki.

"My son, you seem worried. Has this got to do with your confused and distracted heart?" Odin asks him, hinting at me.

I look at Loki and he looks so worried as he nods, "I just haven't heard from Katrina, that's all. And I heard the ball and feast is in my honour and I was wondering why."

Odin smiles as he explains, "Well Son, I have news which you will be keen to hear. Today a young maiden came from Earth, seeking an audience with me, the Lady Katrina."

His eyes widen in shock and I can tell he can't believe it, "Katrina was here? Why?"

"She had found out of her true heritage, Asgardian, and asked for my permission to allow her to stay here and court you." Odin tells him.

Loki looks so shocked and I can tell he can't believe it but he is also happy. The people are now staring intently, the room deadly silent as they all look at him.

"I'm guessing you sent her back to Earth?" He asks him, voicing his fears.

Odin shakes his head, "No, I did not. She's an Asgardian and belongs on Asgard. As for your courtship, why do you think this ball is in your honour?"

His eyes widen in shock and I can tell it has finally hit him. He has realised this ball and feast is for us and I can tell he can't believe it. It makes me smile and to think any moment my name will be announced and I can come out and see him. He must be thinking the same, realising I am still here but he is still struggling to believe it.

He turns to his brother, "You knew?"

Thor chuckles, "Who do you think brought her here?"

He turns back to his father, a smile on his lips but is clearly shocked still, "You approve of our courtship?"

Odin nods, "Lady Katrina is the reason our family is whole. She brought you back to us so it only seemed fair we brought her back to you." He says which makes me smile, before he then announces, "May I present, the Lady Katrina of Asgard."

Oh my god its finally time.

Taking a breath, I come out from behind the column and move into the hall so everyone can see me at the top of the stairs. Instantly Loki looks at me and he looks taken back at the sight of me, so shocked and yet in awe of my appearance. Actually everyone is looking at me but I'm focused on Loki, unable to stop looking at his green memorizing eyes or stop smiling. He is completely shocked and he stares at me in awe as a smile spreads across his face and he is incredibly happy to see me.

He smiles, "Katrina."

I smile at him, "Loki."

He is completely taken back, smiling to himself and I'm very eager to run over to him. But he seems frozen, unable to comprehend what is happening and that I am here. But I am here and finally we can be together. At least he is surprised and happy to see me.

Odin speaks up, "She's been very eager to see you. Best not keep her waiting."

With that, I move over to the stairs and begin going down them. Loki seem frozen, not quite believing I am here but after encouraging nod from his father, begins to move over to me. A crowd is beginning to form at the bottom of the stairs with men gawking at me from the nearest table but Loki pushes past them easily.

"Move aside, she is taken." Loki says and they disperse, going back to the table.

I feel a smile spread across my lips as he looks at me, staring at me in awe. He holds out his hand for me to take, a smile on his lips and I take it as I reach him. He helps me down the last few steps and he doesn't let go of my hand as I finally stand in front of him, both staring at each other in awe.

"You look ravishing beautiful," He whispers, "All my colours."

I smile, "Well I aim to please."

He smiles as he stares at me, "I feel like I'm dreaming."

"Well I can always go…"

I make to pull away but he just pulls me back into his arms and kisses me, bang on the lips and the spark I have missed comes to life. Igniting between us and how I have missed this feeling. I kiss him back as I put my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around me. It's so passionate and intoxicating and I have missed it so much. I have missed him so much and we are finally together. The people begin clapping and we pull away, my cheeks red as we look into each other's eyes. Both of us smiling and so happy.

"You're here." He whispers, "You're actual here."

I nod, "I'm here Loki, I'm finally here. Surprised?"

He chuckles, "Happily surprised." He kisses me on the lips, "Would you like to dance? My gorgeous girl?"

I smile, "Lead the way my prince."

He smiles as we pull apart but I hold onto his hand as he leads me towards the dance floor. Everyone watching us and Odin and Frigga smile at us as we go past. We go onto the middle of the dance floor as the music starts to play and then we begin dancing together. His arm around my waist and his hand in mine while I hold onto his shoulder. Everyone's eyes are on us but we soon forget they are there as we focus on each other.

We dance around the floor, getting lost in the music and we are lost in a world of our own. He spins me around a few times, both of us smiling and soon people begin joining us. All dancing in celebration of courtship.

"I still can't believe you are here." He whispers, "I was so worried when I hadn't heard from you but I would have never suspected this."

I smile, "I'm so sorry that I worried you but when I found out yesterday that I was an Asgardian, I didn't want to get your hopes up as I wasn't sure if Odin would even let me come here. So I sent a message to him and little did I expect he would welcome me into Asgard, let me court you and then throw this ball and feast for us in our honour."

He smiles but frowns, "But what about your brother? And your life on Earth?"

"Tony has his own family now and he wanted me to go. He knew I would be happier here and here is where my heart truly lies. I want to spend my awfully long life with you." I say with a smile, "I belong with you."

A smile returns to his lips, "I belong with you. I'm so happy you are here… I almost couldn't believe it when I saw you… but how are you Asgardian?"

I shrug, "I don't know. My brother thinks I was adopted and that our father covered it up. All I know is that I'm Asgardian which means I can live the next few thousand years with you and be with you forever."

"Fine with me." He says with a smile and then he notices the song is ending, "Let's eat and I can introduce you to my friends."

So we finish the dance before he escorts me off the dance floor and over to Thor who is sitting next to a woman and three other men. They had been clearly watching us and are smiling as we come over and join them.

"I told you that you wouldn't be alone tonight." Thor says with a big grin.

Loki chuckles as we join them at the table, "You are right their brother. Katrina, this is Lady Sif and the warriors of three. Hogun, Volstagg and Fandral. My friends, this is my beautiful girlfriend Katrina."

Fandral signs in frustration, "Why did you have to meet her first? She's stunning."

I feel my cheeks go red as Lady Sif says, "Ignore him, he will sleep with anything with a pulse."

I chuckle, "Well he isn't my type anyway."

They laugh and they welcome me into their friendship group and I dine with them. Trying so many different foods and its gorgeous not to mention the wine. It's so great and I'm so happy to have so many new friends not to mention Loki back in my life. He keeps his arm around me and I relax against him as we chat and laugh. They begin telling stories as they get more drunk so we decide to dance some more before we leave the feasting hall and go out into the gardens.

We go to this beautiful spot where there is a fountain which reflects off the moon light and it's just so perfect. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Loki, exploring Asgard and having our own adventures.

"It's stunning out here." I whisper.

He smiles, "It's one of my favourite spots as well as the library and my room."

I smile, "I see why." I look around, "It's incredibly beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

Instantly I feel my cheeks go red and I turn around to face him. He is staring at me so lovingly and it makes my heartbeat faster. It's amazing how much I love him, how much I want him and he is mine.

"I have missed you, the past 20 years have been hell." He begins as he approaches me, "It felt like the light had faded from my life and I hated leaving you behind. But then you surprised me. You risked everything to come here, knowing my father could have easily locked you up or sent you away. You gave up your life on Earth and even left your brother behind, all for me and I'm in awe of you."

I smile as I move closer to him, touching his cheek, "I missed you terribly Loki. Being on Earth without you was horrible and the only comfort I had is that we could still talk to each other. It's the only thing that made it bearable. And yes, it was risky coming here and I knew I would be leaving my life behind and my brother. Not to mention I had no idea how your father would react but I didn't hesitate and I would do it again. Because I love you and I have no intention of letting you go again."

He leans closer to me, "I'm not going anywhere. You are the woman I love, my girl and you are mine. I love you and only you, always."

I smile, "Always."

Then I lean in and kiss him and he kisses me back as he wraps his arms around me. I deepen the kiss as I wrap my arms around him and he holds onto me. It becomes more intense and I think we are both dying to get into bed. We have been separated for so long, so many years and now we are finally together. We don't want to wait any longer.

He pulls away, "My brother said I wouldn't be alone tonight. It was his hint that you were here, for me." He caresses my cheek, "Your chambers are next to mine but I would much prefer if you stayed with me tonight. Stay with me?"

I smirk, "You really had to ask? Off course I will stay with you."

He smirks before he steals another kiss as we both shimmer a bright green. In seconds we have teleported into a bedroom and I know it's Loki's. It's his style with the books and green, gold and black colour scheme not to mention his amour on display. But I get distracted as our lips meet again and we get lost in the passion as he uses magic to remove my dress and his clothes before he carries me over to the bed. We let our love consume us, letting us give into the passion and desire we had missed and craved so long. Finally together and hopelessly in love.