Chapter 23 A Crippling Secret

It's early the next morning when I begin to wake up and it takes me a moment to remember what happened but it brings a smile to my face. I'm finally where I have always wanted to be. All I have wanted the past 20 years is to be with Loki, to be his girl and be in his arms. I've missed him so much and then yesterday I finally saw him again. He was so happy to see me and we danced and dined and kissed. Not to mention last night… it was intense, passionate and amazing. And I know I am going to finally wake up and he will be beside me. No longer having to wake up alone.

Slowly I open my eyes and I smile when I see where I am. I'm wrapped in Loki's arms, my head resting on his chest and I can't stop smiling. We are together again but he is still fast asleep. So I end up just looking at him, breathing in his cologne and staring at his gorgeous body. So handsome and he has hardly changed a bit, body wise. His hair is a tad longer but the scars on his chest have faded so they are barely visible. I guess his magic has helped them heal and fade completely. But even so, he is gorgeous with or without the scars and I love him either way. I love who he is, his personality, his body and everything about him. Now we are finally together and I don't want to be separated from him again, ever again. I can't wait to start my new life with him, here on Asgard and make new friends.

Loki then jolts awake and I look up to see his face contorted. He must have been having a nightmare but when he sees me he relaxes, smiling at me as he runs his hands over my body.

"You ok?" I whisper, putting my hands on his neck.

He smiles at me, looking at me relieved, "Just a nightmare, nothing for you to worry about."

I give him a look, "It was about Thanos wasn't it?"

He nods, "You know me so well." He kisses me on the forehead, "I saw him kill you, back on Earth and it felt soo real. Too real… I thought for a second it happened."

"It was just a dream and I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to me." I reassure him, "We are safe and together again."

This makes him smile, "I have missed waking up with you in my arms."

I smile, "Same… so Prince Loki, we have the rest of our lives together, where are we going to start?"

He chuckles as he pulls me closer to him, "Well, I have a few ideas."

Then we kiss and make out again before we will ourselves to get out of bed and after that, Loki shows me around Asgard and my new home. Unaware of the dangers that are lingering around the corner. Or the secrets that I was unaware were being kept.

Odin's POV

I look at my beautiful wife as we sit in her private chambers where she often practiced magic with our son. She stays with me at nights but prefers her own chambers when she does magic. I don't mind considering I have never been as magical gifted and it helped her bond with my son Loki, gave him a chance. I wish I had been fairer with him, been honest as my secrets nearly destroyed him. I feared we had lost him forever when Thanos took him, corrupted him. But then he returned and he wasn't the troubled man I feared he was. The man who hated me. Instead my son came back to us and he wasn't a dark shallow man, the man I created… he was my son full of life and happiness and it was all because of her.

The mysterious Katrina, a mortal who had given him a home on Midgard and had opened up her heart to him. I admit I wasn't pleased when my son had fallen in love with a mortal but this mortal was definitely different. She could speak to him telepathically across the realms, a gift only magical Asgardians have and I suspected there was more to her. So when I got her message, about her being an Asgardian, I had to bring her here and meet her. To see who she was and after everything she had done for my son, I wanted them to be together. Loki needed her in his life, he was lost without her and so was she. But now there is this unanswered question… who is she?

She said she was an Asgardian and I could tell immediately that she was. But I wanted my wife to check her magical blood to see if we could figure out how an Asgardian ended up on Midgard. Even though I have my suspicions and only my wife could know for sure which is why I asked her to check her magic. Check if it's her and my suspicions were confirmed.

"It's her, it has to be." Frigga says as she looks at me, "I recognised her magic but… I thought she was dead. She should be dead."

I look at her, worried, "Then how is she alive? The kingdom of Marlowe fell, it was destroyed and everyone was wiped out… including the royal family. She should be dead."

Frigga frowns, "They must have sent her away before it was destroyed, got her to safety. Sent her to Midgard where no one would look for her."

I nod, "And she has no idea."

"We have to tell her who she is." She states.

I shake my head, "No she can never know."

She gives me a look, "Odin she is staying here, in our home. She is courting our son. She needs to know who she is and how much danger she is in. She deserves to know where she came from."

"No!" I look at her, "I forbid you. You can never tell her."

She shakes her head as she stands up, "You are still a fool."

"I'm sorry?"

"Secrets is what nearly broke our family last time." She exclaims, "The longer we keep this a secret, the more likely we will lose our son and cripple our family forever. Katrina has to know who she is, whether you like it or not." She rolls her eyes at me, "Tell her my love, or I will."

I make to speak but stop myself, knowing deep down she is right, "No… she can never know."

Then I leave her chambers and go back to mine, knowing this is not over. Katrina does deserve to know who she is and I shouldn't keep this secret. My wife is right, I could break my family and she does need to know. But… Katrina… Katrina is of royal blood, she's a princess and half goddess. When the world finds out who she is, god knows the dangers that could come to Asgard… or who would come for her.

What should I do?