Chapter 61 Sleight Of Hand

He freezes at my words, staring at me in shock and I think I broke him. He is in pure shock, like he can't believe it, and is completely flabbergasted. Frigga and Sif gasped and are staring at me, connecting the dots, and are just as shocked as he is. But I'm only looking at him, pulling away so I can look at him properly. Slowly he seems to be snapping out of it but still can't believe it, looking at me like he is expecting me to say I am joking. And yet he knows I'm not.

He finally speaks, "Our daughter… I'm a father?"

I smile and nod, "I was pregnant when he removed my wings. Her life kept me alive and it's why the wings crumbled as I didn't die. So he kept me prisoner for the last 7 years as I gave birth and raised our daughter. He then blackmailed me, saying he would kill her if I didn't do what he said. It's why I have been acting the way I have been and it's why I'm not wearing the pendant you gave me. It's around her neck so no matter what…"

He finishes for me, "You could find her." He looks at me, taken back but overjoyed, "Oh my god I have another daughter… what's her name?"

"Hope. Her name is Hope." I say with a smile.

He smiles at this, "Hope… I love it." But his smile turns to a frown, "And Kai has her. We have to save her."

He tries to get up but I stop him, making him sit back down, "Loki you can't go and neither can I. It's why I didn't come to you. If he suspects you know, he will order his men to kill her before you can even leave Asgard." He signs in frustration, knowing he can't go, "But don't worry, I have a plan to save her."

"What is your plan?" He asks, more than eager.

"We can't save her, but someone else can. Someone he won't suspect." I look at Sif, "There is a reason why I asked you to come with me apart from the fact I wanted to see my best friend. I need you to save her."

Her eyes widen before she smiles, "You want me to save her?"

I nod, "You are my closest friend and I know I can trust you with our daughter's life. I trust you to save her. Will you? Please?"

"Of course, I will do anything for you. How do I find her?"

I smile before I move back and hold out my hand and focus. In seconds a crystal stone appears in my hands and it's laced with my magic, glowing slightly. It's directly linked with the pendant and I can feel it connect with it. At least I know she is alive and ok, I can feel it.

Loki looks at the stone, "That's a crystal stone."

"It is." I hold it out to Sif, "This stone is laced with my magic and is connected to the magic I laced in the pendant around our daughter's neck. Once you are there, it will take you straight to her no matter what cloaking spells there are. But be careful. The castle is heavily fortified so it might be best you sneak in and then attack. They won't see it coming."

Sif nods, taking the stone, "Stealth attack will be easy enough and if I bring the warriors of three, it should be easy. But it would take a while so we might not be back for the feast where he will no doubt notice we are missing."

That's when Loki interjects, "I can create clones of the four of you in your place so he will have no idea you have left. He won't be able to tell the difference."

She smiles, "That will work and if we leave soon, you will have your daughter back by the end of the feast and you will both be free."

This makes me smile and Frigga then asks, "You said he was after some trinket? Did you discover what it was?"

I shake my head, "No but he found it this morning so he wants to leave after finishing deals with Odin. That's why I was eager to come here. It might be best to warn him as I have no idea what it is, it could be a weapon."

She nods, "I will and I will fill him in on everything. We can then increase security tonight just in case he tries anything."

I smile, "Thank you and in the meantime, we just need to keep up the charade so he won't suspect a thing…" I sign as I stand, "Speaking of, I should go. He is probably waiting for me outside."

Then I turn and about to leave when Loki gets to his feet and takes my hand, making me turn back to face him as he pulls me back into his arms.

"There is no way I am letting you go now. I just got you back." He whispers, holding me tightly, "I can't let you go."

I frown, "Loki I don't want to go either but I have to. I am still stuck under his thumb, his control but he won't harm me or her if I keep up this charade. He thinks I am his and it needs to stay that way." I put my hand on his cheek, "But you know I love you, I always have and the moment Sif saves our daughter, we will both be free and you will be stuck with me forever. We can be a family, just not yet."

He frowns but nods, "Alright but I don't like this."

I smile, "Neither do I. But no matter what I do, what I say, I love you and only you. We both just have to keep up appearances."

"I can do that." He leans closer, resting his head against mine, "But I promise you no matter what happens later, I will save you. I won't let him take you from me again."

"I know." I say with a smile, "I know you will save me. I love you."

He smiles, "I love you too."

Then I lean in and kiss him, both of us holding onto each other for dear life as we get lost in the love between us. It's intoxicating and full of intense desire to be with each other. But also fear and desperation as we are both worried about tonight. It will be dangerous and I don't want to go and he doesn't want to let me go. But we must protect our daughter and if this works like we have planned, we will both be free and I will be with him by the end of the day.

He pulls away, "Just be careful Katrina, I don't want you to get hurt." I nod, "But I will keep a close eye on you, just in case."

I smile, "Don't you always?"

We laugh before he kisses me again and we reluctantly pull apart. I smile at them all before turning away from them and storming towards the doors. Getting back into character as I pull them open abruptly, cursing their names as I storm out of her chambers.

I spot Kai by the wall, waiting for me and he sees I am distressed. I think about Tony to bring tears to my eyes as I run over to him and hug him. He is surprised but immediately hugs me back, comforting me. While I pretend to cry, I look down the corridor to see the clone of Loki sitting on a ledge by the window. He has a book in his hand and is looking at me. He smiles at me and winks. I smile as I wink back before he pretends to be annoyed again while I pretend I am calming down.

"What's wrong my darling?" Kai asks as we pull apart, "What happened in there?"

I wipe my fake tears away, "Oh Kai they were so rude to me. They gave me this potion and I told them after that it didn't work. That I couldn't remember and that I didn't love or want to be with Loki. Nor did I want to see him and they started insulting me. They were so rude and horrible and I had to get out of there."

He nods, "Shh you're ok. You still have me and I'm pleased you did what I said. I am just so sorry that they were rude to you."

"It's ok, it's not your fault." I say with a smile, "Do you mind if we go back to our chambers? I would like to have a nap before the feast."

He smiles, "Of course."

Then he puts his arm around me and we go down the corridor and I glare at the illusion of Loki as we go past him. The fake Loki looks in pain and looks away as we go past. But I see it vanish as we go around the corner and I'm so glad Kai doesn't suspect a thing. He has no idea what really just happened, that Loki knows as does Frigga and Sif. And that Sif is about to go with my friends to save our daughter and free us both. We are going to be free and the fact at the end of the day I will be with Loki and Hope, makes me smile. It's just the waiting game now.