When he reached the Ghost Canyon, Ye Feng looked around, as expected, he couldn't see anything, he spread his Mental Power around and entered the Canyon, he hopped and with the help of his Mental Power, he was able to see holes carved in the cliffs, those holes were the dens of beasts living in the Ghost Canyon, the path was rather narrow so it was understandable they would make their den in the cliff, yet, he was surprised to find out that every den was empty.
The ground started shaking, the origin of this tremor was at first, quite far from Ye Feng but soon, it became closer and closer, Ye Feng gazed at the direction this tremor came from with slight apprehension and hid in a den, slowly, the tremors stopped, yet, Ye Feng knew that trouble was coming and set himself on fire.
The sound of a rock being crushed echoed in Ye Feng's mind, as it got closer, Ye Feng took in a deep breath and looked at the beast, it was a furry bull with 3 tails that emanated a ghostly aura, he rushed at Ye Feng and gave the impression to be an unstoppable force, with sweats oozing from his forehead, Ye Feng shaped his Mental Power into a Hammer and Needle while at the same time taking out the spear that was in his pouch and calculated in his mind and struck.
Ye Feng was propelled to a wall of the den, stunned and covered in blood, he thought, 'How?! I'm sure I hit it, yet it's like it was a ghost!", thoughts appeared in his mind and he became extremely focused, he suddenly noticed the bull charging at him again, yet, Ye Feng was in the air but the bull still became bigger and bigger... The bull was flying toward him!
Ye Feng ignored the bull and kept thinking as he noticed something with his Mental Power, at that location, there was nothing yet, Ye Feng was sure that when his Mental Power brushed over that area, something was found he directly shaped his Mental Power and struck that area.
He opened his eyes, Ye Feng found himself to be at the entrance of the Ghost Canyon, next to him, the body of an anaconda, with just a glance, Ye Feng was sure that this anaconda was dead, yet, it wasn't injured at all, he could only think of one thing, this anaconda dragged him into an illusion and when he struck that location, he somehow killed the one who had attacked him.
Although unscathed, Ye Feng was exhausted, his Mental took a toll, he tried spreading his Mental Power and couldn't even spread it to half of its normal range, Ye Feng dug a small den and cultivated his Mental Power, every hour, he'd spread his Mental Power and see if he was still injured.
It took him roughly 8 hours for him to recover, this encounter didn't result only in bad things, after his Mental Power recovered, he was stunned to find out his range had reached 600 Meters, and, he also realized the true force of Mental Power, it wasn't only to be used as an invisible weapon that could hurt even the most attentive enemy, it could also be used to directly crush someone's else Mental or simply put them in an illusion to then attack them, yet, he had no idea how to do that, the anaconda should have learned how to do that from the moment he was born, yet, what Ye Feng was used to was using Mental Power to attack one's body which should be the path every other Furbun took.
Ye Feng looked around with extreme vigilance and ran through the canyon, surprisingly, everything was the same as in the illusion, it seemed the anaconda purposely re-created everything to the smallest detail so that people would have a higher chance of falling for it.
Climbing up one of the cliffs, Ye Feng entered one of the many dens and looked around to see if he could find something, like before, the dens weren't occupied, but, this didn't mean they would necessarily be empty, unfortunately, they actually were empty, thus, Ye Feng wondered where did every beasts go, why were every den empty.
At some point, the path split into many others paths, Ye Feng remembered some books he had read before, since he was lucky for the time being, why not try it, he thought and took out the spear from his pouch, he threw it high up in the air and looked where the spearhead pointed to before heading that direction.
The path was even narrower than the path he took to come here, Ye Feng inspected the cliffs with his Mental Power and was stunned to find out that no matter how far he went into that path, he couldn't find any dens, at first, he thought that they just didn't want to make a den near the place where the paths split, but, it seemed that they just didn't want to make a den on this path...
After hopping for around a kilometer, Ye Feng suddenly stopped, he felt as if he was being observed, this thick mist barred anyone from seeing, yet, he was being observed? And, it probably wasn't Mental Power too since he would've felt it except if the person was overwhelmingly stronger than him.
He knew that this feeling wasn't wrong, after experiencing the illusion, his perception became stronger, thus, he was also sure that whatever was observing him wasn't necessarily bad, it was more like a kid curiously looking at something new.
When he stopped, the feeling of being observed became weaker, yet, after a few seconds, it appeared again, it seems that whatever was observing him, the moment he stopped, it hid, thinking that it was discovered, It looks more and more like a curious kid, Ye Feng thought.
Using that behavior, Ye Feng slowly turned on himself, and, the moment the feeling of being observed weakened, he knew he found the right direction, sadly, he was looking at a cliff, this meant that he was forced to climb up that immense cliff to find out what was observing him, yet, he wasn't sure, maybe he was being observed from the underground... This just a feeling he had but he wasn't sure how it could be like that.
He took out his spear again and threw it, surprisingly, it landed on the spearhead, thus, the spearhead was pointing at the ground... Ye Feng sighed, he knew that it would take a lot of work to find what was observing him.