I'm sorry about last night, so lets go shopping!

Ok, it has been almost a week since Jae came to live with Bummie.

They had done a lot of things. Jae learned a lot of things. It was eventful and the two had gotten closer. Most importantly, Jae had gotten used to life on land. Which meant that he could finally introduce him to the rest of his friends.

The friends decided to meet at Jin's place after it closed. It was a Friday so they could stay as long as they pleased. Bummie was bringing the snacks and Yugy would bring the entertainment.

Now, this get-together wasn't just because Bummie wanted to see his friends. He did like to hang out, but that wasn't the point. Bummie wanted Jae to get familiar with other people.

He had kinda hogged the mermaid to himself this week.

Bummie has a car. He doesn't use it much since everything is so close to him, but he did have one. It was gifted to him by his aunt when he had graduated. Bummie's house was a gift from her wife coincidently. He cherished both of the gifts.

Jin's house was a few miles away. Seemingly quick, but pretty long on foot. This was the perfect time to let Jae experience riding in a moving vehicle.

Hopefully, he would be excited.

"You ready?" Bummie stood at the door that led into his garage.

"Yup!" Jae was curious about the sudden change of entrances.

"Ok, we're going to be riding in my car today." Bummie opened the door and stepped inside.

"Car?" Jae followed.

In the middle of the garage sat a dark grey car. It appeared relatively small, but it shined nicely. The car was very clean and almost looked untouched.

Bummie nodded and unlocked his car. Jae flinched at the noise as he walked inside. Bummie stood with the passenger side door open for Jae.

"Wow" Jae had seen a few of these!

Jae took a seat in the car. He looked around in amazement. Despite its looks, it was rather spacious. Jae laid back on the leather seat and a grin took over his face.


Bummie shut Jae's door and entered the car on the driver's side. He locked his car then started it. Jae's eyes traveled quickly at the sound of the engine and Bummie just laughed. Bummie reached for his remote and opened the garage door. At this point, Jae didn't know what to look at.

Although Jae was a bit confused, he was happy to see such interesting things.

Bummie put his car in gear then drove out of his garage.

"Alright, let's go!"

The car-ride seemed to have entertained Jae.

He was smiling and giggling the whole ride. He pointed and poked at things in awe. He asked questions that Bummie was glad to answer.

Overall, it was a good learning experience and Jae had fun.

When they arrived Bummie made sure to open Jae's door for him. Yugy's car was already in the parking lot. Which meant they were the last to arrive.

Probably because they stopped to get the snacks on the way.

Bummie carried the bags as he led Jae inside through the back door. Once they got in they went up a staircase. Jin conveniently lived above his restaurant.

There was a door at the top of the staircase. Which was cracked open to where a sliver of light came through. Bummie motioned for Jae to open the door.

A long couch and two chairs faced the flat screen tv hanging on the wall. A table settled in the middle of all the furniture. A random anime played on the tv with the volume up. Yugyeom and Sanha sat in the chairs. Jin was stretched out on the long couch.

They were greeted immediately.

"Hey, you're here!" Yugy stood up to steal the bags in Bummie's hands.

Bummie rolled his eyes at the thief.

"Hello, you must be Jae?" Jin stood up to greet him.

"Yes! Nice to meet you?" Jae stated unsurely.

Jin nodded and gave a quick smile. He led him to the couch and started to talk his ear off. Bummie placed the bags on the coffee table. He sat by Jae listening to the conversation, but not speaking. He decided to trust Jae with this one.

The group conversed happily with a calm mood flowing over them.



Bummie felt a nudge.

They came to him one after another. He groaned, not wanting to wake from his blissful nap. Nonetheless, he opened his eyes. It was dark and the tv was off. Bummie looked to the source of the nudging.

It was a very uncomfortable looking Jae.

The boy squirmed and whined. His eyes were begging for help. Bummie gasped as he realized it had been hours since they wet his legs.

He quickly looked around. As he thought everyone was asleep. Bummie tried to get up as quietly as he could. He picked up Jae and carried the whining one in his arms. Bummie practically ran to the bathroom.

When they got to the bathroom, Bummie placed Jae in the tub and turned on the water. Luckily, he was wearing shorts.

Jae automatically let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you ok?" That was close, too close for Bummie.

"Yeah, it feels a lot better now." Jae hummed.

"I'm really sorry- next time I'll set an alarm or something." Bummie was frustrated and baffled at his inconsistency.

"It's ok!" Jae shook his head and waved it off.

Bummie still felt bad. He'd make it up! For sure.

Besides, Jae deserved the best.


That takes them to where they are now, the mall.

Bummie had felt terrible, honestly so terrible after the incident. He knew that material things weren't the answer, but with Jae it was different. He hated seeing Jae making that face filled with pain.

It broke his heart, so they're going shopping.

Bummie isn't really focused on the shopping part. He just wants Jae to have a new and fun experience, but he will buy Jae whatever he wants. It was convenient because summer was ending soon and Jae needed some clothes of his own.

Bummie took a glance at Jae whose eyes were glued to the window, cutie.

Bummie was determined to make Jae happy 24/7. That little slip-up and Jin's place will be repaid ten times over. They were going to have the best time together!

They were going pull up at the mall shortly. Bummie took one last look at Jae before driving past the green light. He turned left up a hill and the mall came into their vision.

Bummie rode into the parking lot and quickly found a parking spot. There were quite a few cars, but the numbers decreased due to the drop in temperature. Bummie wondered if he should have waited a bit. The number of tourists had gone down, but there was still a lot. They were already here though, so he couldn't complain.

Bummie unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. After closing his door, he went to Jae's side to help the guppy get out. Bummie was just a gentleman like that.

Jae shook with excitement as they approached the entrance. Bummie just laughed. To be honest, Bummie was just as excited maybe even more.

Bummie had told Jae about malls previously, but Jae had never seen one of course. Bummie hadn't told him where they going just that they were going to a big building with a lot of shops that mainly sell clothes. As he described it, Jae seemed to have got the picture. Then again, Jae is always excited when they go to new places.

Jae's eyes seem to widen when he stepped into the mall.

"Woah!" Jae let out a light giggle.

"Cool right?" Bummie smiled, he seems to be doing that a lot lately.

"Super cool!" Jae exclaims happily.

"Which one do you want to go into first?" Bummie decided he'd just let Jae go wild.

"This one!" Jae dragged Bummie into an h&m.

That had officially kicked off the shopping trip.

They went into a cycle of Jae trying on clothes to see which one fit and looked good. In the end, Bummie had brought the majority of everything. Including, jeans, shirts, PJs, shoes, and a coat because it was getting cold.

Although Jae was really happy about the clothes, it was hard buying him things because he'd hardly asked for anything.

However, when they walked into stores like Build-A-Bear Jae went nuts. He got so excited, which was expected. It was mostly because Jae had found an interest in interesting-looking objects even when he lived in the sea.

When they had stepped into Claire's he didn't even speak. He just gasped and looked to Bummie as if to say, are you seeing this? Jae's reactions melted Bummie's heart.

The shopping trip was a success.