
Bummie decided they should take a short time-out.

They had been shopping for an hour now. Bummie had brought Jae all the basic necessities. He figured they could take a break then go look for things Jae wanted instead of needed. Starting with teddy bears.

Now, was time for food.

Bummie had Jae sit down while he got food. They were looking for something simple and quick. The pizza place was Bummie's destination. Over time, he had learned that Jae likes cheese, sweet things, and ironically seafood. Bummie assumed that was because it was familiar.

It took Bummie ten minutes to get the four slices of pizza. He felt bad for leaving Jae for so long. Bummie hurried to where Jae was sitting.

Bummie placed the tray on the table, "Sorry did I keep you waiting?"

"Nope!" Jae shook his head.

Bummie handed a plate to Jae. Jae thanked him softly. Bummie smiled proudly, his little guppy was learning!

Bummie held the slice up and took a bite. Jae followed his example and started eating. Bummie's smile just got wider.

That's another thing they had gone over. When in doubt just copy the actions of others. Now, this couldn't be applied in every situation, but it was best for things like eating.

Jae had been adjusting nicely. With simple tips and observing, Jae was catching on fast. Jae even agreed that he felt more comfortable after a few weeks.

That's all that mattered to Bummie. As long as Jae was comfortable and safe Bummie didn't really care about anything else. The only reason he wanted Jae to adjust was for his benefit and to make sure no one got suspicious of him.

What if someone thought Bummie had kidnapped Jae and was a predator?

That wasn't likely because everyone knew Bummie, but still. To any other person, Jae might seem crazy or ill. When he's just a curious little guppy that knows nothing about life on land.

The next stop was build-a-bear.

Bummie had seen the way Jae had stared at the shop in awe. It was a little station in the walkway of the mall. The station was ten feet away from the food court.

Bummie thought it only natural to go after eating.

When Bummie walked in direction of the station he made sure to keep an eye on Jae's facial expressions. Jae's face lit up more and more as they got closer. Finally, Bummie stopped right in front of the selection of bears.

"Pick one," Bummie grinned at Jae.

"Really?" The visual of Jae's eyes expand.

Bummie nodded, "Yeah, go ahead!"

Jae eagerly began to feel the fabric of the teddy bear cases.

"You pick which bear you want and then fill it with stuffing. You add a heart inside. When you're done we can pick out some clothes." Bummie elaborates.

"Mhm," Jae surfs through the different teddy cases.

Bummie just chuckles.

After about fifteen minutes, Jae brings a teddy case up to Bummie. It was the pokemon eve. Bummie smiled and grasps Jae's hand in his. The lifeguard leads the mermaid to the stuffing station in the front. Jae stares at the stuffing machine, bewildered.

"Woah," Jae voices his surprise.

"Right?" Bummie agrees, it was an interesting site.

The person ahead of them finishes and the lady waves. She gives a few instructions to Jae and guides him to the stuffing machine. Jae kisses the heart cutely before putting eve on the mouth of the machine. The sea creature watches with a goofy grin as the teddy is filled.

The worker zips up the teddy and hands it to Jae, wishing them a good day. Bummie thanks the woman and takes Jae over to the clothing section. Bummie didn't really think the clothes were meant for the pokemon teddies, but he wanted to let Jae be creative with it.

Jae took five minutes to pick out a cute tutu for his eve teddy.

Bummie paid for the items and they were on their way! To buy stylish clothes and useless accessories. Bummie planned to spoil Jae rotten.

The sweet mermaid surely deserved it.