Your world?

It was getting a bit cold.

The end of August was here and the beginning of September following close behind. Time was flying, to think summer would soon be over. Jae had been with Bummie for almost a month now, the sea creature had settled well. They did so many things over these past weeks. It was strange because Bummie had never gone out this actively before.

However, with Jae, it felt natural.

The beach hours are reducing of course. It's chilly in the morning and evening, but the afternoons are still relatively warm. By the middle of September, the beach will be fully closed down.

Bummie still worked at the beach all year. He did things like boat rides, paragliding, and generally assuring the safety of people in alarming situations. His life practically revolved around the ocean.

No wonder he found a mermaid in his backyard.

Speaking of the sea creature, Jae was acting pretty weird today. The fish had been looking out the window. Then turning to Bummie and staring intensely for a few minutes. Jae mumbled quietly to himself. Bummie had asked what was wrong, but Jae just shook his head.


Bummie decided that he'd wait for Jae to speak up on his own. Bummie lazily spread across the couch while scrolling through his phone. He felt a tug on his shirt.

Jae had finally decided to approach Bummie about what was bothering him, so of course, Bummie gave him his full attention.

"Uh, can we go swimming?" Jae was hesitant for some reason.

"Hmm, that's a really good idea. It'd be better to go while it's still warm." Bummie had kinda been taking a break from taking Jae out, but still wanted to bond with him so this was perfect.

Jae jumped up and squealed and Bummie just smiled.

"Well we better get ready, it's already noon." Bummie went up the stairs with a cute little Jae following close behind.


A year ago Bummie had brought a boat. Originally he had thought it was pointless, but right now he was so grateful. He would be using this boat all the time now.

Bummie was preparing the said boat for the two of them to go swimming. He had some diving gear as well. They had brought all the basic things like food, towels, and extra clothes.

"Ok, we're all ready!" Bummie announced as he got on the boat and took off.

Bummie had planned to pretty far with Jae, he knew some places that would be quite nice. He knew of a lagoon away from the public's eye. Bummie was making sure to be extra careful, he didn't want anyone finding out about Jae.

The ride was a bit over ten minutes long, Bummie could see Jae shaking out of the corner of his eye.

"We're here!" Bummie said as he docked at the edge of the lagoon.

There was a tiny piece of flat land just at the edge, perfect for them.

Bummie hooked the boat to a metal rod sticking up from out of the ground. Bummie had come here with his friends many times before. Jae was pretty still and quiet most of the ride. Bummie had guessed that he was excited.

"Go ahead, I'll be ready in a minute," Bummie said while getting ready on the patch of flat land.

"Yay!" Jae gave a bright smile and started removing his clothes.

As soon as Jae was down to his shorts he dove into the water. Bummie watched from the sidelines with a chuckle. Not a second late Jae surfaced with a laugh full of cheer.

Jae just stayed and watched Bummie get ready.

"You can go, you don't have to wait for me." Bummie gave a smile.

"Nope! I might be excited, but I can wait." Jae shook his head cutely.

"Ya know you don't have to be nervous when you ask to go out. Especially swimming, I get that you may miss your home and I'm not cruel enough to keep you away from it." Bummie explained.

"Nah, it wasn't that I missed the ocean, I just missed the feeling of swimming! Legs are so different from my tail and it was kinda hard to get used to, but I don't dislike it! I just feel a bunch more comfy with my tail!" Jae smiles.

Bummie nods and makes a mental note to remember that.

"I do love the ocean, but it's right outside the window! Kinda hard to miss." Jae giggles.

"I'll still make sure to take you out more often, but I'm ready!" Bummie lowered himself off the edge, dipping into the water slowly.

Bummine gave a thumbs up and then dove underwater while the cute sea creature followed closely behind.

Underwater with Jae was astonishing. First, Jae was stunning and his movements were so elegant. You could tell that he was native to the ocean. Second, he was so knowledgeable and led the way the majority of the time. Third, even the other sea animals loved him. Some practically flocked towards him.

Normally hostile sea animals turned docile to Jae's touch. Bummie had even got to touch some of them. Something that surely wouldn't have happened if Jae wasn't there.

Jae motioned Bummie to follow him to the bottom. Jae had shown him all different types of plant life and so much more. Bummie had never been so entranced in his life. He had no idea why he didn't do this more often. Although it was amazing, it wouldn't be as pretty without Jae.

Swimming with Jae was definitely an experience Bummie would never forget.