French Toast

Today was going to be fun.

Bummie had something planned, as always. He had to keep his little guppy entertained. Today, they were cooking.

Kinda funny, but it would be fun! Bummie had taught Jae basic human functions, but nothing like this. You might think cooking is a basic function that humans meant and you might be right. However, the standard of basic for Jae was incredibly low. Obviously because of, you guessed it, the fact that he lived in the sea for all of his life.

Bummie had brought Jae to the kitchen and began by reintroducing him all the utensils. Something simple, but important. Bummie then started to take out the ingredients.

"First, we have bread, you need this for almost everything. " Bummie took the loaf out of the refrigerator, showing it to Jae before putting it on the counter.

Jae nodded, he knows that fluffy food.

"Then we have milk, which is used for a lot of things." Bummie places the carton on the counter.

Jae's seen that before too, at least he thinks so.

"Last we have eggs, humans take a certain animal's eggs and eat them." Bummie takes out a few eggs.

Jae had eaten different types of eggs before but from sea creatures of course.

Bummie took out a bowl.

"For this meal, we're going to be making french toast." Bummie presented with a smile.

"French toast?" Jae hadn't heard that word yet.

"Yes, you take a piece of bread and dip it in a mixture of eggs, milk, and cinnamon," Bummie explains.

"Cinnamon?" Jae questions.

"Cinnamon is a seasoning that humans collect from plants, it gives a really good flavor." Bummie had almost forgotten to explain that part.

"Now we're going to mix all these ingredients like this." Bummie began.

Bummie poured a few cups of milk into the bowl. This was followed by cinnamon and then eggs. He turned to Jae.

"For eggs, you have to crack the shell to get to the yolk. That's the part we eat." Bummie cracks one of the eggs as an example.

Jae's eyes widen, he did things like that. When he was in the sea he ate lots of clams and muscles. They were some of his favorite treats.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Bummie hands an egg to Jae.

Jae takes the egg and examines it closely. He then smashes it against the table. The whole thing breaks and the shell collapses into the yolk.

Bummie laughed while Jae huffed and puffed.

"Try more gently this time." Bummie gets another egg after cleaning up the last one.

Jae looked at Bummie, then turned to stare at the egg intensely. Jae softly bangs the egg on the table. This time it didn't crack at all. Jae tries a bit harder. There we go, it cracked nicely.

"Good, now lift it over the bowl and pull on both sides," Bummie instructs.

Jae follows Bummie's words and successfully gets the egg into the bowl.

"Nice job, Now mix it with a fork." Bummie quickly whips the eggs into the milk before giving his fork to Jae and motioning him to do the same.

Jae takes the fork hesitantly. He sticks the fork into the mix and rotates it in a circular motion. Jae starts slow but goes faster as he gets more comfortable. Bummie nods at Jae, as if to confirm his efforts. Bummie then reaches into the cabinets below them to retrieve a pan.

Bummie places the pan down and heads to the stove.

"The stove is a bit dangerous so make sure to be extra careful." Bummie starts.

Jae looks to Bummie.

"You turn the knob to this little writing here and it makes this ticking noise you here." Bummie talks and he shows Jae.

Jae had jumped when he first heard the ticking, but continued to listen.

"Then when you see the fire come up that means it's good, so you turn the knob a bit more." Bummie tries his best to explain his gas stove.

Jae sucks up all the information quietly.

"To turn the heat down you turn the knob right and to turn the heat up you turn the knob left." Bummie turns the knobs as he speaks.

"Woah," Jae speaks.

Bummie had learned that a quiet Jae was a sign that he was paying close attention.

"To turn the fire off you turn the knob all the way left when you're done." Bummie turns the burner off.

Jae was a bit confused, but got it for the most part.

"Now for the french toast, we're going to cook it on medium heat so I'll turn the knob right to the center." Bummie turned the burner back on and placed the pan on top of it.

Jae put down his fork and went to get a closer look.

"When you cook things on a pan you always put either butter or oil on it first so it doesn't stick." Bummie takes a clump of butter and places it on the pan.

Bummie gets the loaf of bread and opens it. He takes out four pieces and shows them to Jae. Bummie gets two plates out and puts two pieces on each.

"When the butter sizzles you know it's ready. Now we just dip the bread like this on both sides and place it into the pan." Bummie quickly dips the bread and throws it onto the pan.

The bread sizzles and Jae jumps again.

"Now you try." Bummie finishes another piece then hands one to Jae.

Jae takes the piece and dips it quickly, following Bummie's action. The sea creature proceeds to throw it onto the pan. Bummie chuckles.

"Be careful." Bummie hands Jae another one.

Jae dips the piece and places it on the pan a bit slower this time. Bummie claps and cleans up the mess. He puts the bowl into the sink and wipes the counter.

"Now we wait a bit to flips them." Bummie then waited a few minutes before approaching the pan again.

Jae sat on the side and watched the bread cook.

"Now we flip the bread." Bummie takes the fork and flips the bread.

Bummie gives the fork to Jae. Jae takes the fork and carefully flips the bread. Half of it almost fell apart, but he managed to flip it.

"Good job, A few more minutes, and then it's done!" Bummie waited next to Jae.

Minutes passed quickly as the french toast was now done.

"Alright, now we just put these on the plates and turn the stove off." Bummie turns the burner off and places the pan in the sink.

He runs it under cold water only to see Jae jump once again from the sizzling sound.

Bummie laughs before giving Jae a small hug and kiss on the cheek.

"You did a really good job." Bummie smiled.

Jae just stared at Bummie.

Bummie panicked, shit. Oh shit, he just went for it. Now Jae is just looking at him like he's insane. Damnit, this is why he doesn't follow his gut. Did he fuck up their comfortable relationship?

Jae giggled.

"Thank you, I was nervous and trying to be quiet so I could listen to you. It was so different from anything I did before!" Jae smiled brightly.

Thank god he ignored it.

"Also, that was nice! Can you do it again?" Jae pokes out his cheek.

Shit, Bummie spoke too soon.

"Sure," Bummie nervously gave Jae another peck on the cheek.

Bummie ran away to prepare the plates. The duo sat at Bummie's table munching on the french toast happily. The french toast dish had become Jae's favorite meal and the kiss he received from Bummie became his favorite reward.