I like Cafe sweets and long walks on the-

You could tell September and finally started.

All the town got was strong winds. It was still sunny for the most part, but they did have their cloudy days. The winds were strong and caused a major chill. Some would believe it was way too early to be cold. However, this cold was merely artificial.

You knew when the real cold weather hit. It was much more intense. That doesn't mean that you continue to dress the way you had previously done in August.

Light layers were a necessity.

Bummie had brought Jae a few sweaters. That he could now see the mermaid wear. Along with the ripped jeans he had got him.

They were going out.

To a cafe this time. A little less excitement, Bummie had decided. Jae had tried many different foods, but not hot drinks or sweets for that matter. It was sort of ironic because sweets seem to suit Jae so well. It was something they would test out today.

The cafe was small and had a simple menu. That didn't stop Jae from being eccentric. Jae knew he was going to do something new with every new place they went. He was getting used to it, but still got hyper over small things. Bummie was glad he was entertained.

The two walked into the small cafe and directed to the line. Luckily, it wasn't busy. The inside was decorated with light brown. Swirls danced across the wall. Some were in the shapes of cups or muffins.

Jae stared with a smile.

The line went faster than Bummie had expected. Soon they were in the front. Jae hugged Bummie's side as he ordered their food. The cashier smiled sweetly at the two. They were so cute!

They received a receipt with a number on it. With the directions to wait until the number was called. The two found a booth by the window and sat.

Bummie noticed Jae gawking at the lights outside.

"We can walk around later if you want," Bummie suggested.

Jae's head snaps to look at him and the sea creature nods.

"Yeah!" Jae looked back

The two sat in comfortable silence. Jae thought about all the things Bummie showed him. Bummie thought about where to take Jae next.

Bummie got up as he heard their number being called.

"Be right back," Bummie announced as he left.

Jae nodded and went back to looking out of the window.

Not a minute later, Bummie came back with a tray of food. Two cups, a muffin, and two slices of cake. He placed one cup in front of him and one in front of Jae.

The treats went in the middle.

"I got you something called hot chocolate. They sell it when it gets cold." Bummie presented.

Jae immediately went to drink it.

"Oh, wait! It's hot, be careful." Bummie stopped Jae's hands.

Jae proceeded to slowly sip the drink, he hissed.

"My tongue," Jae whined.

"Are you ok?" Bummie's forehead formed creases.

He's going to get wrinkles.

"I'm fine, it just burns a bit." Jae gave a thumbs up.

Something he had learned from Bummie.

"Ok, well try the muffin. It's blueberry flavored." Bummie forked a piece and held it up to Jae's mouth.

Jae ate it happily, humming at the taste.

Bummie continued to feed Jae pieces of different treats. Jae gladly accepted them. Jae had been able to eat so much more on land. Bummie was always giving him so much. What about Bummie though?

Jae gulped down his food.

"Are you gonna have some?" Jae's face dropped a little.

"Yeah," Bummie fed himself the piece he had been holding out for Jae.

Jae smiled and continued to eat.

The two finished up in a few minutes. Bummie threw the trash away and led and energized Jae out the door. Now they were heading their way down the street.

Examining the pretty lights hung up all around the stores.

Bummie attempted to discreetly grab Jae's hand. While Jae just smiled at him and swung their hands. Was that a fail or a win?

Jae hummed the song a tune softly.

"Have you been enjoying life on land?" Bummie asks with a smile.

"Yes! I had tons of fun!" Jae exclaimed, walking a little faster.

"I'm glad, what was your favorite?" Bummie wanted to know what Jae liked.

"EVERYTHING! Hehe, but the games and food are things I liked a lot! Like when I first got here and we threw balls at those thingies!" Jae tries his best to describe the game.

"I think you're talking about the clowns. We have lots of different food on land and I'll try to show them all to you!" Bummie couldn't contain his smile.

"You've already shown me a lot tho!" Jae shook his head.

"There's so much more to see." Bummie's smile just got bigger and bigger.

Jae nodded.

"Anything else?" Bummie wanted to know every little thing.

"The fluffy teddy bears!" Jae's eyes grew big just at the thought of them.

Bummie laughed.

"Oh, and swimming!" Jae listed.

"Do you miss swimming a lot?" Bummie felt guilt seeping through.

Had he accidentally taken him from his home?

"Hmm, I miss the feeling of swimming. I liked swimming with you the best tho!" Jae leaned into Bummie's side.

Bummie got red.

"Thanks, I liked swimming with you too." Bummie could only pull off a basic response.

It was genuine, but he struggled with speaking at the moment.

Jae cheered and kissed Bummie's cheek.

"That makes me happy!" Jae pulled Bummie to the car, they had walked in a circle.

Bummie couldn't function properly at the moment. His heart was racing and he couldn't breathe. What in the world?

Was Jae trying to kill him?