Greed's Rage

Mina dropped to her knees, her eyes on the figure before her. Her green eyes gleamed with light as she stared down at Mina. Her blood, from the gaping wound in her side, fell onto Mina's face. A moment later, Kat wouldn't have been able to save Mina.

"Hmph. The bitch appeared. Glad you could make it, especially after abandoning us to that bastard."

Ignoring him, Kat placed her hand on Mina's face. She wiped the blood away, leaving a smear. The light in her eyes began to fade, though her smile remained strong as she fell from the blade. Mina caught her, immediately putting pressure on the wound.

"I'll give you five minutes. Mourn her, then I'll kill you too."

Mina continued to put pressure down, her hands covered in Kat's blood.

"No! Kat, look at me! You're a Goddess dammit!"

Mina felt her magic building up, light forming across Kat's wound. In an instant... the light was repelled.

"Baby, you can't heal me. Magic doesn't work on me... cough not in his domain."

Mina raised her head, her eyes falling on Wrath. He seemed bored, yet his hand clenched his blade tight.

'I can't lose her! Not again, not after we reunited! Anything! I'll do anythi-'

[Warning. Hysteria Mode is being altered. The alteration shall cause damage if the mode is sustained for longer than six minutes.

Hysteria Mode --> Hysteria Rage]


'Yes, Mina. I'll handle him. You've suffered enough.'

'No. Give me control.'

'Okay. You can deal with this scum.'

Mina let Kat lay down, motioning for Lent to hold pressure on her wound. She turned to stare at Wrath, her face becoming emotionless.

"So you're ready to die now? Good, good. It's troublesome to let you live. I'll make sure it's quick- guh."

A strange wisps began to form around Mina, coalescing into a dense stream of red smoke-like wisps around her body. The wisps sent a burst throughout her body, making her hair return to black, with added red tips. Her eyes turned red, though they seemed to be more vibrant and dangerous. Her armor faded as her simple dress turned black, but with similar red ends.

"You thought you could harm her in front me... and live?"

Mina held up her blade, the black steel suddenly exploding into countless shards. Still holding the hilt, Mina began to send the shards in multiple directions. Every last piece seemed to have undergone a slight alteration.

"Rage Steel. Perfect."

"Just because you called out to that dark power, you're not strong enough to win!"

Mina smiled, her lips charming yet terrifying.

"Core Corruption... heh. Hysteria fits so much more, as it feels like my mind shattered. Now you strike what's mine, making her bleed... rage just doesn't feel right. Do you know how fucking pissed off I am?"

Mina continued to smile, her Rage Steel suddenly becoming wings on her back. She lifted off of the ground, her hand directed at Wrath.

"Requiem of Rage Steel."

His eyes narrowed, opening back up in shock as countless shard of Rage Steel began to fall upon him. Evading and deflecting, Wrath continued to gain scratches along his body as he attempted to get free.

"Rhapsody of Rage Steel."

The shards that had already hit the ground, as well as the ones in the air, swirled around forming a sphere around Wrath. It slowly began to collapse on him, his body suffering larger gashes as he struggled in vain.

"You're not vanishing even after getting hit. This is the real you, isn't it?"

Mina descended, letting out a soft whisper.

"Solo of Rage Steel."

The sphere burst, sending the blade shards in countless directions, as Mina vanished from Wrath's sight. He spun around in time to see her reappear, a large shard of Rage Steel suddenly piercing his gut. He looked down, touching the place where the blade had pierced.

"Heh... you're strong, but remember. Core Corruption happened to me as well. Beast Form!"

The man before Mina began to transform, his features shifting from man to something akin to a lion.

"Fuck that. Void of Black Steel!"

Wrath's eyes went wide as the numerous shards were sent towards his body. In the middle of his shape-shifting, he attempted to stop it and evade.




Wrath coughed out a mouthful of blood, no longer capable of moving. Mina stepped closer, the hilt of her weapon holding one last shard.

"This is why people feared my emotions getting out of hand."

She shoved the shard into Wrath's forehead, the light in his eyes going out immediately.


Mina watched as his body became engulfed in flame, disintegrating into ash as the Rage Steel shards began to fall to the ground. They melted away, remerging into her blade as her features returned to normal. Her eyes remained on the spot where his ashes began to be blown away, turning and breaking into a sprint towards Kat.

"Hey, Baby. You okay?"

Mina instantly felt her light magic form in her hands once more, Asahi descending beside her. Mina gave a quick nod, the pair beginning to heal the grievous wound with their magic combination.

"Hehe! That tickles! The Lightning feels so weird!"

Asahi was quick to become exhausted, having taken the time to heal Xander when she wasn't spotted. Mina continued, her eyes locking on Kat's face. Kat began to blush softly.

"If you stare so hard, I won't be able to hold back."

Mina glared at her.

"Focus on healing! We can kiss, cuddle, hug or whatever you want later!"

"Your magic is really warm..."

The teasing look in Kat's eyes had faded, now the look of love spreading as she reached for Mina's hands.

"You're really something, Mina. I fell for that hardworking brat that couldn't fail at anything, just to fall even deeper when she gets worked up over me."

As the bleeding had stopped, Mina smiled at Kat.

"If you've fallen, then I see no reason not to jump after you."

Nearby, Chisana and Asahi watched intently.

"Mina is... glowing."

"Definitely. Asahi, you're taking notes, right?"


["Mina! Get back here as soon as you can! The Font is being weird!"]

Mina blinked quickly, helping Kat to her feet and practically carrying her as she explained.

"Suriza says the Font is acting up. You're getting your magic back, Kat."

Mina turned pink as she felt a soft kiss on her cheek.

"H-hey! Focus dammit!"

She glared, though the group seemed to be enjoying the couples awkwardness.


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!