A Town's Fate

"Mina will be surprised, won't she?"

The dark haired vixen smiled happily, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Of course! Punishments not being administered is worth it if she smiles at all of this!"

Melody bounced around her office, counting the massive horde of rocks and gems.

"Inferna, you have that weird core still?"

"The one from that succubus? Still can't believe she actually had one, but yeah. Being able to wear clothes helps carry stuff at least."

Inferna dug into her pocket, pulling out a black monster core.

"Shaped like my mother's, but it's dark elemental. Mina can make use of it... maybe get some head pats or uh..."

"You want a kiss. I can tell."

Inferna turned scarlet as her tail began to flick wildly.

"I heard talk of kissing, do you girls have boyfriends or something?"

Lily peeked her head inside, her eyes mischievous.

"Hmm? Why would we have boyfriends? Mina has been truly good to us... and well... she's Master..."

Melody was a bit red, a soft smile on her face.

"I love Master. She's helped me a lot more than she knows."

"I feel the same. Mina was there for me when I lost my family, at this point... it's because of her that I'm alive. Even more so, she's the reason I'm like this. Plus, I'm apparently cute."

Lily's eyes narrowed.

"How could the two of you be so stupid? Mina has a Goddess at her side, what would the two of you be able to do for her? At least someone like Xander could be there for you. He's so dreamy-"

Her voice cut out as she saw the pair of women glaring at her. She backed out slowly, trembling under their gazes. She backed into Fubuki, quickly ducking behind her.

"H-hey! Tell these two that they need a man by their sides! Mina won't always be there for them."

Fubuki went rigid, her lips falling into a pout.

"Mina won't? But... didn't she promise? I-I know I'm only like... a big dog to her, maybe more, but I love her. sniff"

Fubuki had tears in her eyes, her tail drooping really low. Inferna and Melody now had a fire in their eyes, seeing Fubuki crying.

"Would you care to explain as to how you would know better about Mina than us? Yes, she has a Goddess that loves her. She also has an incredibly warm heart that makes us all feel at ease. Can we not love her for who she is?"

Lily backed away even further, vanishing as Fubuki stepped into the room.

"sniff, sniff Another group... sniff came back. They have more."

Inferna sighed heavily, hopping up a little to wipe Fubuki's eyes.

"Stop that. Mina cares for us all. She definitely wouldn't toss us aside or anything stupid. We're her friends."

Rin peeked inside now, her long ears twitching.

"Lily... is a bit of a bitch."

Rin entered the room fully, patting Fubuki's back.

"You're really soft for a defensive beast. Aww... don't cry sweetie."

Fubuki wiped her eyes and sat on the floor, reverting to her wolf form. Rin began to pet her, stroking her flank until Fubuki began to doze.

"After clearing that dungeon, I think Lady Mina woke something in there. So many respawns, it's almost as if the dungeon desires it's loot to be hers."

"Master would say ours, but yea... the majority is hers. Could probably get some gear out of it, but she would eat the best pieces. I'd prefer it, honestly. She's doing such dangerous things, yet she doesn't even blink about jumping forward. I'm shocked and in awe of Master."

Melody sat in her chair, leaning back.

"I just hope she gets back soon. I miss her."

Inferna nodded in agreement, her eyes closing slightly.

"I just hope she's safe. She can take as long as she wants, but her safety is always something I worry about. She almost died when she was first born, according to her and my mother."

"Well, let's just be glad we found that stash of slave collars in the basement of the prison. Lady Mina has droves of slaves at the moment, though these ones aren't as pleasing as Melody and myself. Not that she would take advantage of us."

The girls couldn't hold back their giggles as their day continued, gathering more bits and pieces of ores for Mina to partake in. Every last one desiring her praise, besides Lily.


Half carrying Kat, Mina wobbled to the Font. The liquid within was practically boiling, though it didn't stop Mina from bringing Kat directly up to it.


"I'll absorb this, though Baby... we could share?"

Kat gripped Mina's hand as they both placed their free hands into the liquid. Quickly, numerous bursts of heat were sent into their bodies. Both girls gripped tighter, the heat making them break out in a heavy sweat.

'I'm glad I didn't let you do this alone...'

Mina looked at Kat, her face suddenly turning red. Kat was panting softly, her hair falling into her face.


Looking up, Kat smiled wickedly.

"I look horrid, don't I?"

Mina shook her head, leaning closer to Kat's ear.

"You look really... really erotic. I'm uh... kinda turned on."

Kat blushed profusely, unable to keep herself from kissing Mina deeply. Breaking the kiss, the two girls realized they had finished absorbing the Font's power.

"Mina... my room. Now?"

Before Mina could respond, the two girls vanished in front of their group. All that was left in their place; Mina's Sword Body.


"K-Kat! Stop! I can undress myself!"

Mina giggled as Kat knocked her onto the bed. She pushed herself up onto her elbows, her eyes glued to Kat's naked body.

"I don't care if you can do it, you made me this way."

In that moment, Mina found herself diving head first into the pleasure and love she had with Kat.


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!