Omni Blade

Mina tilted her head, her eyes staring at the deep black metal of the blade in her hand. The hilt still held the three gems, however the blade itself had a hollowed out section. It seemed important, yet Mina didn't understand why she was missing such a strange chunk of her blade.

[Name: Mina Riese

Race: Valkyrian

Level: -/- (Evolution requires great power.)

Spirit: 50000

Light: 150000

Dark: 150000

Fire: 75000

Str: 170

Int: 150

Spd: 80

Charm: Divine

Passive Skills-

-Weapon Proficiency

-True Body

-Valkyrie's Grace

-Magic Proficiency

-Astral Sense

Active Skills-


-Master Dark Magic

-Master Light Magic

-Master Fire Magic

-Wind Magic

-Water Magic

-Earth Magic

-Lightning Magic

-Magic Manipulation


-Goddess of Swords

-God of Spirits

-God of Forging

-Kat's Love


Fire Guard: 72.3%

Earth Guard: 5.4%

Wind Guard: 5.18%

Water Guard: 6.35%

Lightning Guard: 11.3%

Dark Guard: 100%

Light Guard: 100%


Fire Affinity: 67.3%

Earth Affinity: 12.5%

Wind Affinity: 17.8%

Water Affinity: 15%

Lightning Affinity: 23.4%

Light Affinity: 100%

Dark Affinity: 100%]

"My abilities have changed. Even my system has changed. I'm not just a Sword Spirit... I'm much greater now. Is Kat proud of me?"

Mina smiled to herself as she glanced at the info on her Sword Body.

[Name: Omni Blade

Level: -/- (Must be forged with greater materials.)

Atk: 120

Element Boost: +40, +20, -20 (Strong, neutral and weak respectively.)

Def: 75

Spd: 30

Passive Skills-

-Sword Sense

-Element Aura

Active Skills-


-Weapon Shift

-Element Shift


-Instant Warp

-Element Slash]

"Huh. What's that about?"

[Element Shift - The center of your Sword Body will hold an elemental charge. This can bring freely changed to give you the edge in battle, although the blade itself will continue to be Dark.

Element Slash - Current element held within your Sword Body may be sent forward in a beam arc. Upon using this ability, a short cooldown between Element Shift uses will begin.]

Mina stretched slightly, sweat falling from her brow as she had finally finished reforming her Sword Body. She wiped her forehead, quickly feeling her body fade out of the odd world she had entered many times. When she became aware again, Kat was standing before her. She smiled softly, though Mina could see a certain pain in her eyes.

"Kat? Why are you-"

Kat shook her head, leading Mina to the bed. Her silence left a strange lump in Mina's throat. They sat together, Kat laying her head in Mina's lap and sighing softly.

"I'm just tired, baby. That Font... it was hellish, honestly. I'm sorry if I worried you, just really tired."

Mina began to play with Kat's hair, her breathing easing as she looked up at Mina.

"So, your wings. You vanished in front of everyone, but why?"

"Well I don't know why I got them. They're not seriously strong or anything, just limited use. See? They're not on me right now. I can make them vanish."

Kat giggled softly, her hand reaching up and stroking Mina's cheak. She had the smallest smile as she watched her.

"You can leave after I fall asleep. You need to get to the Elven Kingdom."

"Will draining the magic from the other three Fonts hurt you?"

Kat could only look away, her eyes sad as she didn't want to answer.

"You're hurting yourself to save this world... then you can't take it. I'll absorb the magic."

Before Kat could react, Mina dropped her face to seal her lips. She kissed her softly, only pulling back when Kat could no longer retort.

"Sleep. I'll be back when I wanna see you... or you can come get me."

Her teasing grin left a small blush on Kat's face.

"Such a naughty brat. Keep playing with my hair."

Mina smiled, her fingers running through Kat's hair until she heard her breathing slow. Lowering Kat's head, she planted a soft kiss on her forehead before she faded from Kat's room.


"So do you think she really wouldn't come back? She... she keeps going off to that Goddess, but really. What are we to a Goddess?"

Mina instantly heard the voice of the, once missing, Lily in the next room.

'She was just in town then?'

Mina leaned against the doorway, listening to words of the nearby voices.

"Master isn't like that. Hush those words before I actually get pissed off again."

"Lady Mina is a strong and just being. She would not abandon her friends, nor those she has collared."

"My lady, you're a priestess. Why must you disdain the ways of another? You were taught better."

"So she has pulled you into her clutches then. I'm disappointed Mai. To think my most trusted bodyguard and friend would betray me for a group of monsters. Do you desire her face between your legs that much?!"

Mina clenched her teeth. Her fingers dug deep into her palms.

'Mina, she's strange. The darkness from Vex has been lifted. Unless she is also a second race, she should not be this way.'

'Hysteria, she might just be a bitch.'

Mina could hear Hysteria snicker softly. She opened the door slightly, her eye peeking through. Unable to see much, she placed her blade atop the railing and returned to her Sword Body. She could see down below, her companions all facing Lily. The Priestess seemed angry, her face red and her hair messy.

"If she really cared for you all, wouldn't she be here? Forget her. She is no hero. She's probably begging that false God to fuck her even no-"

Mina fell. Her Sword Body "fell" between the railing, sinking deep within the floorboards directly before Lily. She quickly formed in front of her, one palm snapping across her face.

"Leave. You question me, my morals and desires, then you question Kat. You don't belong here. Mai, you can go. You don't need to stay anymore."

Mai seemed hesitant, her face fully revealed as well as her demonkin horns. After a while, a sullen look crossed her face.

"I'd rather not, but I will. I'll return with her to Fennis, then I shall return here. I would like to speak with Lady Hysteria before I depart though."

'You serious?'

Mina stifled her laughter as her body changed once more. Hysteria now stood before Mai, her hip cocked to the side.

"I'm here. Whatcha need? Hehe. I find it cute, wishing to speak to me in front of your Master."

Mai turned a little pink, her eye alight with excitement.

"L-Lady Hysteria! Uh-uhm... forgive me for waking you so rudely."

"Spit it out. You're cute, not impossible to resist. If you were, hell, I'd have gone for a few rounds with you already. Hehe."

Mai had steam spill from her ears as she smiled bashfully. Her red face seemed to be slight arousal, giving Hysteria a devious smile.

"If you come back, I'll see about talking to you some more."

From there, Mai lead Lily away. The two of them vanished after a time, although no one knew then that Lily would never return.


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!